Sunday, January 30, 2022

Education .img Dump

College is an extension of High School.

Could not have said it better myself, Linus.

Pacific means 'peace' or 'peak' or 'peach'.

Oh, there are a lot of these educated dummies.

If everyone is a Doctor, it doesn't mean much.

The CP will party you into your grave.

They are all bossy bureaucrats, not teachers, because parents prefer to be workplace suckholes.

A narcissistic culture of blame, shame and complain. 

... so many stupid people...

They give A's and B's like M&M's.

Do you have a 401(k)?  Cash it out, give it away and then you can complain.

Could not have it said better myself.

Research = More Government/Intelligence Agency Money

Why would you send your child through these halls?  It's more important they get in the right sorority or fraternity.

Our children are Dumb Shits.

A cuckoo clock is smarter than a college graduate.

She will make some decent, stupid guy miserable.

Misspelling isn't a crime.  Being publicly stupid is.

... as long as parents are not involved.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

2020 Scribbles Collection*

New Years Referrals

Social Solution...003*


Leftists... *


Super Bowl*

SOTU BS 2020*

Let's Put The O Back In Cuntry*

Beisball 2020*

Dear Bernie*

Busy Wanking*

The Slaughter of Cities*

Took 'Em Out*

Investment Advice*

Just A Day At Work*

Adolph, My Man!*

Don't Touch Your Hands!*

Silly People Distancing*

An Appeal To Men*

Checking Out*

48 Hours*

Spineless Christians*

Bff Reports... 001 Escape*


Not Mass Hysteria. No.*

Bff Reports... 002 Silence*

Sac Rally for Freedom*

Bff Reports ...003 Rest Stop*


Bff Reports ... 004 Hand Shake*


The Real Thing*

Real Thoughts*

YOU and ME

Statements Heard Too Often*

House Rules*


Ticks Lives Matter*


Bff Reports... 005: The Cure*

Bff Reports... 006: Earnest Tubb Lives!!!*

Bff Reports... 007: The Wall*

Let's Eat the Bitch*

Bff Reports... 08: Sick and Tired*

I See Stuff*


Bff Report ...09: Resigned*

I'm baaaaackkkk...



Road Reflections*

Earl Howard

Common Sense Award*

Personal Standards*

American Logic*

Layers of Masks*

Death By The lb*

Shitshow... 2020*

Cowards Are Not My Friends*

Looking Forward* ...


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Colin Flaherty Remembered*

Colin Flaherty, a journalist for the ages

“We thought this would last forever.”

Colin Flaherty was speaking about our lives as young boys growing up in working-class Wilmington, Delaware in the sixties and early seventies.

We were members of a club, some would call it a street gang, called The Yard, named for the Catholic schoolyard that anchored the neighborhood. There were hundreds of kids in the area and they all had Irish names.

The cultural glue that gave us our identity was not crime or untoward activities. It was baseball and basketball; it was popular music – Rock, Soul, and top 40 radio from the 50,000-watt blowtorches in Philly, WFIL, and WIBG. Our heroes were disc jockeys like Jerry Blavat and Hy Lit. Baseball stars Dick Allen and Johnny Callison were giants in our world.

Yes, there was underage drinking. But with Irish kids, this pastime was not a crime, it was more like a sport.

The homes in Wilmington’s Ninth Ward were solid, two- and three-story brick homes with massive front porches. We played made-up games with made-up names -- Stick Ball, Wall Ball, Wire Ball. Anything that could be hit with a thrown or batted ball, could score points. We were poor kids, but we were rich in so many ways.

On summer nights we would congregate at a nearby railroad bridge to polish off a sixpack and practice singing a cappella. A favorite tune was “People Get Ready.” It was a black protest song with a distinct gospel flair. Although we didn’t sound half bad at times, The Impressions were never really threatened by us.

Recently on a visit to the old bridge, I found a vintage can of Ballantine Ale in some tall grass. I remember thinking that I may have been the person that discarded that empty where it now lies.

Boys grow up and seek their fortunes. The Marine Corps called me and I answered. After a few later odd jobs, I spent 25 years as an air traffic controller. Colin Flaherty spent 35 years in San Diego, honing his considerable journalism skills. We would reunite later on a local radio program.

I was smoking a cigar and talking with Colin Flaherty on his back porch when he made the remark about the old days. I knew he was dying and he knew it, too. It struck me that of all the famous people he has known and could talk to at any time, he was content to talk to me about the old neighborhood. I never felt more honored in my life.

Congratulations to Colin Flaherty on a successful life and a reputation for the truth. His credibility can never be questioned. This motto appears on the seal of his high school alma mater:

Tenui Nec Dimittam: I have taken hold and will never let go.


I found Colin Flaherty to be most inspiring.  He told the truth and he spoke it well with just a tad of spite needed to make the obvious more obvious.  His reporting was always with confidence because he had everyday easily accessible evidence to back his case.  His charisma carrying a banner of political incorrectness for so long with so much humor was incredible. His visits at the 'spa' didn't slow him down or deter his message. A honest reporter and journalist, bar none.  They are far and few between.

 A long bout with cancer only ends in grateful death.  I only wish his friends and family he loved so dear were with him at the end.  I know I'll miss his reports.  I would like to tell Mr. Shields above, I too, thought he was a pal from the old neighborhood though I never met the man. 

I wrote a review of E.Michael Jones' book The Slaughter of Cities - because I am a fellow member of the Great Irish Diaspora within America after WW II.  The Church further corrupted, the parish communities destroyed and family maliciously fragmented all planned and carried through.  In Chicago's case, the University of Chicago 'social engineers', the lying sack of shit Quakers, and I repeat, the corrupt Church all orchestrated the destruction of growing, thriving ethnic communities, Irish in mine and Flaherty's lives.  What we have now in present day shit hole metropolises of America is the end result of their work.

I have loved ones in these urban jungles today.  The decision to live there is theirs.  My worry can only go so far and I remind myself how blessed I am today to live without the violent mentally ill predator type in my life.

May EWS suggest a donation to - - in Colin Flaherty's name as appropriate?


Articles & Blog Posts by Colin Flaherty


Video Channel: Undeniable Truth


TRT 7.56


Monday, January 24, 2022

A Long Life Ahead For Me

Did over 100,000 people older than 124 years vote in Wisconsin?

If you’ve been wondering about the extent of voter fraud in America, we may be seeing a staggering amount of either fraud or grotesque negligence in Wisconsin voter rolls. A review of the state’s voter roles showed that 569,277 voters registered on January 1, 1918. Of that number, 20% of these people, all of whom must be at least 124 years old, voted last November. Biden “won” in Wisconsin by 20,682 votes....

For regular American Thinker readers, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Roughly two weeks ago, Jay Valentine wrote about the extent of fraud he and his team have discovered as they’ve uploaded voter rolls (which often had corrupted data that seemed deliberately intended to keep information opaque) into Valentine’s system. Once the information for any given state was loaded and sorted, it invariably revealed rather surprising information in both red and blue states. Among other things, in one red state, there were “4,300 people over 100 years old on their rolls. Some were 121. Those were the kids. The really old ones were almost 2,000 years old, and there were a bunch of them – and they voted.”

(For those wondering, my understanding is that Valentine did not identify specific states because it’s important for the volunteer canvassers to have complete anonymity. Naming states could make the officials who are being exposed as corrupt or inept start looking for canvassers.)

The revelations out of Wisconsin (and I have no idea whether Jay Valentine has been part of the Wisconsin analysis) are staggering. It turns out that at least one out of every 14 voters in Wisconsin is at least 124 years old. Thus, to register in 1918, a person would have had to have been 21 or older. That means that one out of every 14 Wisconsin residents is older than 124 years. Even more amazing, 115,252 of those ancient people made the effort to vote in November. It’s certain that some of them provided the votes that gave Biden that 20,682-vote lead.

Wisconsin has tried to explain away the problem by saying that smaller precincts had technical problems when they tried to merge their data into the state’s system. The system responded to those problems by giving the people on those lists a default registration date of January 1, 1918.

In the video below (, you can see an expert, Wisconsin Assembly Attorney Dean O’Donnell, an expert on the election integrity team, explaining to the Wisconsin Elections Commission how unlikely that explanation is. That one out of fourteen people had a grossly inaccurate date of registration would wreak havoc with the integrity of the voter rolls, making it highly unlikely that a Secretary of State would allow such a technical error to stand.

Ultimately, there are three ways to account for the fact that 20% of people who registered to vote on January 1, 1918, showed up to vote in November 2020, none of which is good for election integrity:

1. All these registrations are fraudulent and exist for the purpose of adding votes to one candidate or another. (And yes, I’m assuming they were votes added to Biden’s column.)

2. All these registrations are computer glitches and the Secretary of State’s office is either too inept or corrupt to have corrected them. Even if they appeared accidentally on the rolls, they became the perfect vehicle for voter fraud.

3. Wisconsin is such a healthy place to live that over 500,000 residents are 124 years or older and, of that number, 20% are still so spry and engaged with the world that they filled out ballots (and, I’m sure, mostly voted for Biden).

As a point of interest, last week, Thelma Sutcliffe of Omaha, Nebraska, died. Her death was noteworthy because she was 115 ¾ years old, making her the oldest woman in America. Apparently, though, large numbers of Wisconsites have put her record to shame.

The Constitution is a legal document, for it is a contract between the federal government and the American people. In the context of a contract, if one party commits fraud, everything flowing from that fraud is reversed. Or as the law states, “fraud vitiates everything.” In this case, if fraud is proven in the key states, their certifications of the votes are undone. And if enough states had this fraud, the Senate’s certification of the Biden victory should be undone too.

This undoing won’t happen with Congress under Democrat control but there’s no reason it cannot happen if conservative voters turn out in such numbers in November 2022 and 2024 that no amount of fraud can defeat the red wave headed for Congress.



Common Sense Award*


Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Last Day On Earth*

Tomorrow, January 19, 2022 or 119 they are going Show Time flicking the big switch and releasing the 5G microwave system.  Those with graphene oxide in their blood will a) have their head explode right off their shoulders b) have internal organs resemble an over cooked chicken pot pie or c) be picked up by a front end loader and deposited in the dumpster heading to the mass grave right outside of town.

The dead will be burying the dead, more than likely.  This is the greatest I Told You So in my life and I'm not helping, only being prodded by a shotgun will make me do it.  

You didn't see this one coming?  Well, it's too late now.

Those that are smarter than the average bear, eschewing the misnamed 'vaccine' and calling "Bullshit" on the whole affair will survive only to be tortured and tormented by the Sky Net system.  Culled in a cruder fashion the non-essentials will be rounded up, put in camps, liquefied and poured in the river.

Microwaves in the atmosphere will eventually cook all flora and fauna.  

Have a nice day.






Domino Effect: Weather Warfare, Wasted Forests and Worldwide Collapse Of Ecosystems
TRT 22.24


Saturday, January 8, 2022

Listen Up. Listen Good.

Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?

Commercials take up 27% of commercial television screen time and are the main source of income for TV and radio stations. In most cases, advertisements on all channels appear simultaneously, so don't try to change the channel, there will be commercials elsewhere, too. Nowadays they have also taken over the Internet. For a financial support, websites have to run ads on their pages, the largest share supplied and controlled by Google. Ads pry into your eyes, unceremoniously interfere with text, and on YouTube, in the most inappropriate places they cut into the action of films, lectures and concerts, tearing apart musical performances. There's no escaping commercials, we've grown accustomed to them, and they become almost as much a part of our lives as food, toilets, and sleep.

In the United States today, the White population (not including Hispanics) is 57.8%. In real life Caucasians are still in the majority, but now on TV and the Internet they are swept under the rug like trash. Blacks compose 14% of the U.S. population but appear in 50% of commercials. White actors now appear for promotion of health insurance, gold, loans and some medicines. Moreover, if a White person appears in a commercial, he/she is usually old, sick, a freak, or at the very least, an appendage to a Black partner. If there's a doctor on the screen, he's usually Black, while the patient is usually White. Caucasian young men appear in only 4% of the commercials! If some aliens began to study the population of Planet Earth through our TV commercials they would have a somewhat distorted picture of Americans, to put it mildly.

So why do advertisers ignore the long-standing rules of marketing, and to the detriment of their own financial interests, fill the media space with content that displaces and degrades its biggest market segment? The answer is simple. At the heart of this nonsense is political correctness in a form even an Orwell could not have foreseen. Business executives go out of their way to publicly show their conformity with the universal “diversity” and "critical racial theory" (CRT), demanding that the White man be blamed for all the sins one can imagine. Replacing ancient, long-vanished oppression of Blacks with real oppression of Whites, overcompensating and planting racism-in-reverse.

Why does the White population, which is still in the majority in the U.S., accept the banishing and belittling obediently and silently? Why is there no public criticism, much less resistance to the idiocy? Why don’t people don’t tell political correctness to go to hell? After all, the U.S. is not Stalin's USSR, and anyone who disagrees with the party is not yet sent to a camp or shot. Why is there such stifling conformity among the American people, formerly known for their independence and freedom of speech? The answer is simple and sad: the reason is fear, albeit on a more vegetarian level than it was under the Soviet rule.

Ordinary people keep their mouths shut for fear of losing their jobs, not getting a holiday bonus, not getting promoted, or being socially ostracized This is understandable, and I wouldn't blame them, although I wouldn't respect them either. But what are people of higher position afraid of — the heads and owners of businesses? What is threatening them? Indeed, nobody is going to drive them out of their positions or take their business, though fear of boycotts can be realistic. They are afraid of various inconveniences: negative articles in the leftist press, social shunning, frivolous lawsuits, loss of state and federal licenses, government contracts, unexpected audits by the IRS, fines for alleged violations of minorities’ rights, and the like small and large troubles.

People think that if they keep quiet, then the pendulum will swing back and everything will sort itself out. But comfort kills the will to resist and produces conformism, that inevitably leads to stagnation, degradation of society, reduction of living standards and, finally, to loss of that very comfort.

So what we to do? I am not calling anyone to the barricades, but only ask: Don't live by lies. The least any of us can do today is not participate in lies of the CRT and other political correctness: not watch their movies, not read their newspapers, not vote for the conformist candidates, not support them financially, and certainly never buy anything that in a politically correct manner is singing and dancing on a TV or computer screen.




TRT 4.14



Thursday, January 6, 2022

Insurrection 2021* II


1) The one Trump supporter from Burning Man becomes the symbol of Trump "ordered" "insurrection".

2) It is disturbing to see this horned figure standing at the rostrum.

3) Has anyone asked why a 14 year Air Force veteran would risk her military pension?

4) Shot in the neck? Wouldn't there be blood spurting everywhere? ... (a question asked to this day, never in any media alt or otherwise... 03/29/2021, 04/04/2021

5) Did you see the image where the "insurrectionists" stayed between the velvet ropes. They were waiting for the next available docent. 

6) There was no need to climb a rope. Right around the corner was a staircase, and an usher from the Capitol Police to show you the way in.

7) Now there seems to be suddenly available miles and miles of unscalable fencing, so Nancy is going to ring the Capitol for protection from undesirables protected by men with guns.

8) Nancy Pelosi, by office, is the head of the Capitol Police. The Capitol Police opened the gates and let them in at the exact time debate was to begin and evidence of vote fraud to be entered into the record. Why would Trump supporters want to stop that? It was a 'Stop the Steal' rally after all.

9) Isn't it amazing how news media not mention a crowd over a million people gathering peacefully without fire.

10) Several high level organizers of BLM were at the scene of the "insurrection".  Recognized Antifa thugs were there, working with CNN, too. A NY Supreme Court Judges' son was there wearing animal skins, along with the horned guy and a shofer blowing character on the scene makes a Orthodox drama fulfilling some prophesy, part of the play acting. And some dumb as sheep Trump supporters, appearing as unpaid extras.

published January 11, 2021
