Saturday, April 4, 2020

An Appeal To Men*

Silly People Distancing*

Thanks, Henry

Makow Comment- What do you do if you're married to someone who believes the mass media? You don't get far calling them stupid. Your answers: 

Will post anonymously. 


This Is the World That You Want; This Is the World That You Get 

I think ‘stupid’ is the perfect word. Are you afraid of your wife, Henry? I’m not afraid of mine. My wife is stupid and I tell her every day. As soon as my jailer lets me free, I’m getting away. I want to be far away from Jezebel and these energy vampires. I really do detest their stupid thinking and Feeeeelings.

I’m appealing to any male living in a relationship with a female, married or partner, to practice social distancing from her. It is the Hysterical Female Attitude that has made them the trustees of a prison, working for the Governor for free. They have locked us down, maybe they think they will have more ‘together time’ with their schmoozy, I don’t know. 

If they want to think the psychological mind-fuck that is social distancing is normal – give it to them. Don’t touch them; don’t eat their food, just stay away from their infected thinking. Right now my personal distancing from an Hysterical Female is about forty feet. That way they have to yell their idiotic argument about how this is such a great idea and maybe, just maybe, they will hear how stupid they sound. It’s just a sliver of hope. 

They will eventually start gabbing on FB with their girlfriends and find out all of them are living with miserable, freedom loving flaccid penises and realize – I know I’m reaching here – what the hell they are agreeing to is not ‘normal’. I envision hoards of distressed (more than usual) angry cunts marching on the Governors Mansion: 


Then I’m sure one long tall brave gyno with flowing robes and hair will lead the stupid men out to the desert. After all, that is where the boxcars are. 


In What Sense Do You Think We Are Free?

Here’s a sensible question. If the mayor of the most notable metropolis in the country can openly suggest that the government has the right to permanently shutter the doors of a church if it refuses to comply with “social distancing” guidelines, or any other edict the government finds necessary in a given moment, then what can’t the government do?

... Consider this. A junkie can wake up on a brisk morning in the streets of San Francisco, defecate on the sidewalk in plain view of onlookers, and insert a used needle into his arm to inject illegal narcotics into his veins. The cops will make no effort to stop him, for, you see, that might be a violation of his supposed “rights.” That’s much the same as it was before the coronavirus pandemic, so I should probably add that this junkie’s sleeping and social arrangements may very well be in violation of “social distancing” guidelines, also.

... To put it mildly, the social fabric is being torn apart. And for what?

Don't Touch Your Hands!*

Let's Eat the Bitch*

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