Wednesday, February 5, 2020

SOTU BS 2020*


I tuned in just a little late, and didn’t get see the POTUS snub to the Speaker of the House in the world Of US political Wrestlemania. Unapologetic DJT, red tie gleaming, reading the teleprompter as well as any listing in IMDb. Melania, leading the charge for early childhood education (by the State, I would assume), looking ever so proudly upon her mostly absent husband. I’m sure she is as trannie as Michaele. The gallery was full off actors tonight. The guy playing Rush didn’t quite pull it off. Rush has been an AI voice since his “drug treatment” years. He never returned, but his voice did. His stage exit was timed exquisitely, Rushbo getting the highest civilian honor, The Presidential Medal of Freedom, with the lovely M traipsing it over his head. Nancy and all the Miserables dressed in KKK white, were puking. Dagger piercing political theater, if I must say. 

Taking credit for a Blue Collar Boom, numbers of improvement in every economic performance, calling it the way it is on crime, making America “the place where the action is.” Talking a great game, those Republican seats were hot tonight; they just couldn’t stay in them. Lapping it up with two spoons, and BTW, we are going to… Mars! Trump delivered some great lines, including “I keep my promises” and a soon to be an underground country hit “Long Tall Powerful Wall”. 

Declaring that there will never be socialism in American health care, he called out the 132 or so representative calling for Bernie Care. I used to be one of those, now I know allowing bad behavior will only make it worse. Americans will become even fatter, and sicker under AMA/USG/ Big Pharma medicine, guaranteed. Sometimes one has to be a little Malthusian. 

Nancy and the Donald could agree on regime change in Venezuela, it seems. What I think of as quite instigating, Trump verbally disses on President Maduro and brings the quisling upstart, Guaido, to get his ass kissed by the entire American Congress, Supreme Court and Military. 2.2 Trillion more to military, an ultimatum to Iran, this guy, the bio-robot clone entity called the POTUS is going to war, somewhere soon, and with guns ablazing. The new, “very important” Space Force will apply, I assume. 

Another elbow to Nancy’s choppers was calling out from the gallery the 100 year old, last remaining Tuskegee Airman, Charles McGhee. Earlier in the day the Commander in Chief make him a Brigadier General in the Air Force. Trump elicited at least four salutes from the General over thunderous applause, and, shockingly, a finger pistol in his direction. Wonderful erosion of Democrat base shown with this well acted production. 

Last week when Trump appeared on stage at the Right to Life DC demonstration, it was apparent to me there is no stopping his reelection. His denouncement tonight of late term abortion was very clear and, I believe, matches the sentiment of the country. Bringing God into the discussion doesn’t bother me; removing God from the miracle of birth does bother me. 

More empty rhetoric that hits home: 1) Vocational training in high schools 2) School choice to foster the ability to remove your child from"failing government schools". 3) Always protect Social Security and Medicare 4) Acceptance of pre-existing  medical conditions in health care 5)  The idiotic health care for illegal aliens, sanctuary cities, and stopping crime on Americans from that group. 6) The pandering  of ending the "AIDS epidemic".

I missed Petulant Nancy ripping up the speech.  I think that may have been (m)ad lib.

These exhibits are theater productions with actors, bit players and a refined script to tug at your emotions. It is done to pre-program (you are watching a television program, aren’t you?) the masses into a predictable behavior. Buzzwords to be conveyed, chauvinistic chanting, unity above all, that is, when we get rid of our enemies. Those enemies are out there and in here, very close. We may have some dirty work to do first.  Be ready when called.

And… we are going to… Mars!

Please Keep Your Feet On The Ground


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