Friday, February 7, 2020

Let's Put The O Back In Cuntry*

So Nancy Pelosi had planned out her toddler-like rip stunt all along

She planned the little rip and tear stunt well before the speech was even made.


Pelosi's hissy-fit and the advances of feminism

Radical feminism has given birth to the era of the Political Harridan — the bitter, brittle battleaxe, with skin so prickly that a mildly disapproving look, or even an unwelcome approving glance, is grounds for vixenish tyrannizing and shrewish tantrums. The latter were on full display in Nancy Pelosi's hissy-fit following President Trump's State of the Union address, when she unconstitutionally tore up his speech.

... It's radical feminists who have vulgarized womanhood — the one part of society capable of demonstrating a majestic, gentle tenderness. No number of face-lifts or Botox injections could disguise the uncultured, tawdry display we saw in Nancy Pelosi. She was the clown show after the main event, with enough lipstick plastered on to drown a pig.


SOTU 2019

The Boorish Women of the Democratic Party
Written by Laurie Higgins


These articles above cite the work of real bad actresses, possibly agent provocateur from another nation sent to cause disturbance.  The supposedly Muslim ones exist only because of American's inability or desire to learn anything about Islam - its' bloody nature of ideology, slavery, no woman is a leader IN ANY WAY.  The goat gets treated better in a Muslim household.

Pelosi, I can't say.  She seems like an automaton, no?  Remember that weird Schumer/Pelosi response, might have been to the first SOTU. Both like robots, very creepy.

Bad actresses, muddled emotional thinkers, idealists soon to crash, race opportunists and poverty pimps adopt the white robes of their fore bearers, the party of George Wallace, LBJ,  Strom Thurmund.  They sure don't understand it was the Islamic people that profited by slave trade of the 17th and 18th century.  It was the Christians who stopped slavery in this nation.  Hundreds of thousands of free Christian men, many Catholic, died in horrendous battlefield conditions, 19 for every freed African male slave, (brought to America by Islamic slave traders, again), sacrifice basically written out of Marxist economic history. Reparations? back of the line, homey. My Sligo City, Eire lineage died in that war. In great Chicago fashion -

Where's Mine?

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