Thursday, August 20, 2020

Let's Eat the Bitch*


Cancel Culture has been around for a long time.  It’s called “being a bitch”.  The BITCH application goes for more than majority Men in the accusation, if I hazarded a guess, the same ratio as boys raised in single mothers’ environment.  In my present age group many long time married men talk just like their wives.  Same patter, same breathless gossip, same inane statements or he becomes part of the Mean Girls at the High School lunch room table crowd.  He may even watch Ellen.  There a plenty of them.

Now I go in the grocery store without a mask, of course.  I can sense the stare.  An old woman, short, masked up to the eyeballs, hasn’t had a drop of estrogen in her system for years intently sending by telepathy angry thoughts in my direction.  Too chicken shit to approach me and try to talk to me, it wouldn’t matter anyway.  I don’t talk to people in masks.  I don’t respect their self-loathing and being ashamed to show their beautiful God-given smile.  I’m showing my mug everywhere I go.   I’m glad to be alive, grateful to the Creator.  So be it.

Everyone talks “bitch”.  No one respects labor done, nor do they want to work.  They want to sit their fat asses in front of Facebook – being Bitch Central.  If you have an account, however self-justified, you are a Facebook Bitch.  Don’t want to miss anything, I just want to laugh someone’s’ misfortune, or call someone a name.  Just so interested in everyone else’s life, you don’t have one of your own. Shallow, no personality, in capable of having a discussion on anything like that affects them directly in daily life, the television tells them that part.  No solutions offered, the life stories come off like a litany of complaints – and it don’t quit. Chase the shiny thing, bitch.

I was in Sacramento for the Women’s March against Trump soon after the election (how’s that working out, girls?), the one with all the Pink Pussy devil horn hats.  It was a very angry event. Many women wore t-shirts or signs promoting Proud to be a Bitch, Bitch Goddess, and Don’t Mess with Me I’m A Bitch themes.   Sprinkle into the stage managed crowd throw in the man-hating Lesbian Avenging Warriors and shall I approach the subject of black women Bitchiness? There is a reason black men don’t stick around, does anyone but them realize living with a bitch is impossible?

As the wolf pack crosses the snowy plain, winter winds blow, nothing to prey upon, the internal signal within turns the wolves into a ferocious attack, all dive in and eat the Old Bitch, an unproductive member, a useless over eater, a drain of resources from the whole. 

Let’s Eat the Bitch.


Much thanks to the Henry Makow Twitter feed.


This project  (MGTOW, ews) was pretty easy to compose, because unlike serial killers, it is based on a growing truth. The projects of the past 50 years—all under the Project Chaos umbrella—have succeeded in making both men and women into assholes. I think we can all admit that. A growing segment of the population is intolerable, especially among the youth. That could be reversed, but the governors don't want to reverse it. They want to accelerate it. They don't want anyone polite, well mannered, thoughtful, educated, or stable. They want everyone needy, dopey, thoughtless, fat, lazy, and selfish. So now when the times comes for creating division, it is very easy for them. People have become so unappealing, no one can stand to be around them except their dogs—and even their dogs would prefer to be somewhere else. 

... This is why conversation has died out. It has been targeted on purpose. Yes, people still yap, but for the most part they are just repeating ideas that have been placed in their heads by the media. They are parroting movies or TV shows or government websites. If they argue, they parrot the arguments they have been fed. I dine out (cheaply) almost everyday, and I often listen to the conversations at tables around me. There is very little of it. Most people just sit there, semi-catatonic. The people that do talk have nothing to say. I can't remember the last time I eavesdropped on a serious conversation, or heard anyone say anything worth hearing. I catch people eavesdropping on my conversations all the time, which tells me they are desperate for content. They aren't happy with the way things are, and would welcome something else. 


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