Monday, October 30, 2023

The Johnson


The most powerful politician in the United States government after BidClone and Kamal Toe, is Mike Johnson, a representative from Louisiana. Makes me wish the Confederacy had won. He believes the Bible unequivocally. He is the opposition leader to the Commie Madness. 

 May I make a few assumptions?

1) He is a lackey for the God's Chosen Ones.

2) The Federal Reserve will not be questioned and more borrowing is on the way.

3) A bi-partisan forced vaccination program will be a reality.

4) He was cloned and replaced (born again) a long time ago.

5) He will ensure his Holy (Script)ure's prophesies come true.

6) Is, or will be, heavily invested in War Stocks. Pelosi Group Financial Advisors may help. God would want it that way.

7) Follows the Donald, the Jewish messiach. Johnson may be his future hatchet man.

8) A "nice guy" persona covers up his irrational beliefs and evil intentions.

9) In Louisiana, he is not in the majority. He's a high school graduate.

10) Mike Pence can now exit the stage.



Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wesley says... 083


1) Where are my shoes?

2) Is up, down?

3) What happened to personality?

4) Why does ancient barbaric desert fantasy cult mindset rule today?

5) Bring back the eunuch. Seems helpful.

6) How does water stick to a spinning ball?

7) Are humans being tuned to a frequency? Are they being played like a radio?

8) How can anyone NOT see Whoopi Goldberg is a man, the new Moms Mabley?

9) Politicians run on being different, call for unity when elected. This system works?

10) WE are getting into a metal spaceship and going to....... MARS!!!




If you are working at a company involved in a labor strike, you are in a dying industry. It's in death throes, never to recover. It's time to seriously think about a change of direction in your life. It doesn't matter what side of the issue you are on. It's stark, the employer wants your body, the union wants your mind. Add a little spirit and keep both for yourself.

There are show campaigns with no expectation to succeed, Starbuck's baristas, for instance. The point is to discourage organization. Labor unions are only 'allowed' by business and government (B + G does not = F).  They need L to make F complete. 

  There are no free, democratic trade unions in Cuba, a Communist country. In the early 90's it was saved from mass starvation by Monsanto and genetic modified crops. A 'soviet' is a trade union. With Wall Street backing, the Bolsheviks insisted on piece work to revitalize the economy after the Revolution. (G + B + L = F).  Hitler, on the Night of The Long Knives, assassinated the dissenters within local unions. That act petrified the membership and left the leadership intact to work with the Reich. The Berlin Strasse and public buildings are one example of a G-run jobs program. (G + B + L = F)
Mussolini edited a Socialist newspaper with Syndicalist tendencies.  His support came from the dopolovra, the Social Athletic Clubs affiliated with local unions. His government was  defined as a merging of corporation and government. He made the trains run on time.  So did Joe Biden when he jammed  a contract on the Railway Workers on behalf of the railroad owners last year. (G + B = L = F)

"We Don't Complain" the working-class slogan of the day, the same as today. The radicals bleat, "Give Us Bigger Crumbs" is met with "Just thank God you have a job" your labor leader informs the membership. He's a lackey for your employer, not a representative, but you pay his salary. 'Business Agent' says it all.

In construction there are Project Labor Agreements (PLA), sometimes a 50 yr contract, as in the Deep Tunnel, O'Hare Airport or public works projects around Chicago. Once they released you from employment, the employer doesn't need a reason to hire you back. Construction jobs are temporary, if these jobs are the only game in town, a worker beefing about job conditions doesn't stand a chance. The blacklist union-made is formed. The farm animals go to work. (G + B + L = F)

Fascism is the end result of these scenarios. Labor doesn't care who pays or what it creates, Government must borrow money, and Business exploits. These are mere marionettes to the puppet masters pulling the strings, all mingling together in a technology spider web.






Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Real Self

The Hidden Antidote For Depression

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 25-Oct-2023 09:10:49

By Nanice Ellis

It is no secret that depression is a worldwide epidemic, but did you know that a hidden cause of depression is the fear of self-expression? If you often sacrifice self-expression in exchange for acceptance, appreciation or approval — or to avoid negative consequences like rejection or conflict — you may become depressed.

Every time you shut down self-expression in order to get your emotional needs met by others, you are actually rejecting your Real Self — cutting yourself off from your intrinsic source of energy and power, and thereby diminishing your natural state of peace, joy and love. The result is often what we refer to as depression.

But, why would we ever do this to ourselves?

When you make a commitment to being your Real Self, you access the power to naturally transmute depression through the power of self-expression.

From birth we are taught to believe that in order to be accepted, appreciated, or to get any emotional needs met, it is necessary to follow a set of rules, regulations and limiting beliefs that were handed down to us from parents, teachers, religion, culture and society. If we fear that others will withhold love and approval if we don’t conform, we are likely to restrict our self-expression whenever it contradicts with the pre-existing ideals of those around us. We may even feel as if our survival is at risk — making us believe that self-suppression is a better choice than self-expression. Unfortunately, when you constantly repress your Real Self, there is a huge unseen price to pay.

Depression is the unavoidable by-product of not being who you really are and a direct result of repressing your Real Self.

When The Need For Peace Turns into Depression

Yes, it can be wonderful to choose peace over adversity, but if you are habitually choosing peace in order to avoid conflict, you may be sacrificing your Real Self. Negating yourself or your preferences, in order to avoid conflict with others, may sound evolved and selfless on the surface, but when we look deeper, we see that continuously closing yourself down in order to avoid conflict causes chronic depression.

Self-expression is a sign of spiritual evolution. Self-expression allows the Divine to shine through you like a priceless work of art. Choosing peace over expression just might mean repressing Divinity.


Jerry Lee from Memphis, Tennessee


Remember Crop Circles?


Monday, October 23, 2023

Daddy Issues*

Encroaching death heightens my gratefulness for life and exasperates me as I watch and listen to my fellow bi-peds. Who doesn't waste their life? It's a question of non-thinking existence and personal joy. It's all about ME and my ffeeeelllinnngsssss. Whispered question 25 years too late, "Do you believe in chemtrails?", "Are you sure the forest is dying", "Of course we went to the moon. I saw it on tv. It makes me proud to be an American." Cancel culture ensures only happy talk. Fukishima, urban animals, lead joints in the water pipes, fluoride, unneeded vaccinations and war are not subjects for polite company. They have to think and it doesn't make them feel good. They are in the mental swamp.

What path of life doesn't lead to loneliness? No one is in my fishbowl. Everyone's stupid thinking disqualifies them from my company. I could be considered a whiny pompous jackass, but I don't want a baboon relationship of bickering and diminishment. Get an argument. It seems if I let a toe hold into my psyche, the grips and cutting remarks only get worse. I don't share much of my personal adventures anymore. It tends to go through the gossip mill and bite me on the ass. I'm looking for love in all the right places, finding the wrong people.

I am willing to learn. Tell me something new. Tell me something I could use today. I know it's cold out and to put my mittens on. How about a flattering compliment? I'll give you one, no, two. All you got is to comment on my clothes? Go away. Does anyone have a memory of more than two minutes ago? Never let facts get in the way of a good story, if you can remember the key players and plot.

Sometimes it seems like people don't even see me while in the same room, like I'm shimmering Peter in Fringe, from a parallel universe. They are all about avoidance, everything, at all costs. They have to get back into their brains, my presence is too much. They act scared. It bothers me. I'm not a threat to anyone and I'm insulted. The people of this country have big time Daddy Issues, Oppositional Defiant Disorder. They must say 'black' when I say 'white'. They are beat down with the passive-aggressive tendencies that comes. Again, I'm not the authority, only in their minds am I Daddy authority figure. I'm trying to go through the check out lane like you. Crones are the worst. There are some real man-haters out there. I don't deserve it.



Friday, October 20, 2023

EWS Songs

I'm no one's mule.  I once received an applaw - one single clap - for a song I did.  I was honored.  Never forget the words of The Northwoods Nightingale, Florence Foster Jenkins;

" People say I can't sing... but don't ever say I didn't sing."






Ship of fools on the Mediocre Sea

Bobbing and kneeling and kneeling and bobbing

Praying to any god to be saved

From their self-induced hell

A fatted calf to Zeus!

I still don't know and never will

As long as there is football on tv

What? Huh? What jew say?

They are coming to take you to the camp.

No, they are not.

Your usefulness is over.

You farmed it out to the machines.

We have to put your carbon back into the earth.

It's the only way to save humanity.

We must feed the moon.





Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Playing Around* 5

I thought we sounded pretty good last night. We each got a pie for our efforts.

I'm fairly sure people don't want, need, or enjoy live music. I would guess they would all be rather watching television bombarded by their digital sound bar. Once more, we could not get anyone to dance. They slack-jaw gawk instead.

I play music for myself. If you happen to be in the room with me, listen, I want to move you in your heart somehow. If you want to stare at me, that's OK, I'm getting used to it. I'm not making a connection or your heart is unmovable. I can't do much about that personal situation. I'll keep playing, it's fun. I'm very much enjoying my bandmates.

I received an apple pie in vanilla/maple syrup glaze. Currently, typing and enjoying the sugar rush with hot coffee and a smoke. I am grateful. It stands to be a glorious day.




Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Wesley says... 082 SpEd

SPECIAL EDITION - things I have recently learned (or re-learned)

1) I will be the only doddering old man in my house.

2) People who say, "I want to be creative" will never be creative.

3) Most people over-sell. Smart people don't over-buy.

4) Life is worth living. Existence sucks the energy out of the room.

5) The amount of bullshit in this world is oceanic. Be a bullshit surfer on the 100ft wave.

6) Refuse nutritional advice from an overweight person.

7) The concept of 'freedom' does not exist in people's minds. They must be told what to do.

8) Bossy people are also the biggest ass-kissers.

9) If you can live with contradictions, you are a fool.

10) Everyone's best friend is their cell phone.




Monday, October 16, 2023

My Eulogy*

MY EULOGY - if your mind is wracking thinking about what to say over my dead body, these themes may help.)

"He had a big heart, a foolish one to boot"

"He'd say Fuck You to Christ."

"Sucked in sports but tried hard."

""Grew to not put up with stupid. Never a truce."

"Under-estimated greed in his fellow man."

"Liked making music, he wished he would have seriously taken it up earlier."

"Like salamanders, flowers and buffalo, he was fertile."

"Just couldn't tell him what to do."

" 'Show up on time and be ready to work' is a key to a happier life. Work is joy or you are a fat ass, he'd say."

"His HOUSE RULES should be displayed in every home."

... and if you are reading this over my dead body , you are an unimaginative dumb ass.




40 Year Love



She watches

Looking for something to comment on

Thinking it will draw him closer

Words, like silly string

Will tie him up

Keep him in sight

She wants to consume

A spider with its prey in a web

He half-listens

With his deflector shield up Force 4

Heard the words before

Starting nice enough

Ending diminishing

Peace of mind is important these days

Belonging is not

(I can't believe what JimBob said about JimmieJoe. You know, he's married to Bobbie Jo and have 2 sons named Jimmie Joe Jim Bob and Bobby Joe. Also, a foster kind named Robbie. He's kinda weird. Anyway, JimmieJoe said something to Bobbie Jo, so Jim Bob thinks JimmieJoe is horning in. Bobbie Jo wouldn't cheat on JimBob, taking care of Jimmie Joe Jim Bob, Bobby Joe and Robbie and all. JimmieJoe being godfather, too. JimBob and Bobbie Jo are good, I think... Hmmm, I remember one time...)

He checked out a while ago



Saturday, October 14, 2023

Remember Him?


Wesley says... 081

… People aspire to be devoted disciples. No wonder they are abused.

... Looking for love in all the right places, only the wrong people are there.

… I don't want negotiation, excuses or compromise. I want stupid people to smarten up.

… Meditation is making a spiritual portal sucking available energy to another darker realm.

… You've got to give the devil his due, but you don't give him everything.

… the common folk, the salt of the earth, the morons.

… Future guests: are you coming to work? No? Then don't bother.

… Are you alive? or existing?

… I like the Amish because they are not mediocre. Society embraces mediocrity.

… no one is as clever as they think. Is "broken thumbs" a teachable moment, Fast Eddie?

