Thursday, December 29, 2022

2022 Year End Review

I'm afraid the Super Duper Booster People are in big trouble.

Last Day On Earth*

A Society Of Morons

I Didn't Know


A constant stream from every direction.

JFK 59*

Jack Ass In Pics*

Could It Be?

Crisis Actors


(Much contemplation and renewal)

Like A Rug*

Gossip by Hanson*

Commie No More




One can't make a point without generalization. There is woman company for me that nurtures and creates, builds. Laughs and Loves. Somewhere.

Spring is coming.

Int. Women's Day 2022*



FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022
Chicago 2022

Urban Animals



Stupor Bowl 2022


and I'm wishing a Happy Government Interference Free New Year to all... - Wes


Just Scribbling 2021 EWS



Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 salute to Mr. A. Bierce  

TEMPERANCE - cool resolve without aid

BI-PARTISIANSHIP - two lions munching on a lamb; the endless borrowing of money

CUI BONO - Chicago-ese, translated as "Where's mine?"

BUDGET - synonym of 'whimsy'

MONEY - an imaginary creation of indiscriminate value only brought to existence by thought-form will and unspoken agreement.

KING - Alpha baboon

POPE - Alpha gay baboon

BEAUTY - whatever man-made ugly thing you make of it


SEX - the innate ability to really get to know someone. Ruined with the presence of a cell phone or a cat.



Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Instant Response


Choose one:

1) No, there isn't.

2) Where'd ya read that?

3) How do you know?

4) Are you sure?

5) Are you sure? I'm just double-checking.

6) I'm asking Alexa.

7) How do you come up with this stuff?

8) You read too many books.

9) What's a turd among friends?

10) I like punch.





Wes says... 073

1) I can't wait to read the Ashly Babbit chapter in the Jan6 Commission Report from Ms. Cheney and Wrecking Crew. Or was it all a dream on my part? Gal gets shot in the neck with a .45 caliber standard issue Capital Police gun (not a man) from 20 ft away. Bullet manages to miss the spine, cartoid artery and two jugular veins. Ms. Babbit is last seen being carried down the Senate marble staircase by two unknown males each with a leg and an arm, head still attached bobbing to and fro. No great blood spill. A new Magic Bullet?

2) In the new 9 month spending bill, Congress approved 700 billion dollars "discretionary". Is that enough? Need more? One thing Blue and Red have in common is the love of borrowing money and calling it "leadership".

3) The gay, Jewish actor president of Ukraine said 48 billion wasn't enough. He left with 100 billion. Damn nice of our representatives to give him such a nice gift on our behalf. Chutzpah pays. Merry Christmas.

4) Within two weeks of the new legislative session, the freshmen representative and Senators will be blackmailed, cloned or androids reprogrammed.

5) Payrolls public and private cleaned house the last two years. Shook off the disobedient wage slaves with little or no repercussions.

The airlines lost a sizable percentage of their labor the last two years, now cry they can't find anyone to work so they have to charge higher fares to cover overtime. An overworked airline crew in return for my overpriced ticket doesn't sound like a safe proposition to me.

It is always a labor story going back to Cain and Abel.

6) The news media has to feed the howl, so they uncover a story about vote stealing and election tampering in Maircopa Co Arizona, throw the outraged a bone by having an ex-media gal easy on the eyes sell it, and fill the headlines. They don't go to Chicago, Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee, etc.... to get the story. Pssst... try Dane Co./Madison WI.

7) Meanwhile. the Communist Party is kicking COVID ass in China. Can you imagine being locked in your apartment for weeks at a time? People sure have tolerance and adaptation skills. The disobedient slaves have shown themselves. They will be handled indelicately.

Coming soon to a township near you.

8) Our future Surgeon General, that ageless Dr. Jill Biden character is on the back burner. Joe's got a lot more pep these days, as if, one were to suspect an actor replacement for Ice Cream Joe from two years ago - the guy who won the election campaigning from his basement? Nah...,

(not a man)

9) Why is there a Department of Education? Is that the Government's job? The Return of Arne Duncan!!! Nnnnooooo! The Hyde Park Wacko Quaker Anti-Christ!!! NOOOooooo!

10) You can purchase a Donald J Trump action figure with various costumes, like astronaut, cowboy, jedi warrior. The Donald is selling these personally. Goin' fast.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Me and Flo

 I want people to listen to me, so I play music, sing songs in an echo chamber.  I want people to know what I'm thinking, so I write a blog few read.  I co-produced television for 20 years and nobody watched that show.  I have no problem using the microphone at a public meeting for my two cents worth, never goes anywhere, decision has been made.  It's humbling because no one wants my bigmouthism.  I'll keep charging on fearlessly, Invisible Old Man Syndrome (IOMS) or not.

They call me a name, that's all they do.

IOMS descends upon a man sometime and not always later in life as one might suspect.  Nobody gives a shit about what you have to say and it is vocalized quite early in life.  After 30 years in the workplace and being told, "You are here to work, not to think." and your home life is whatever the wife has planned for you, it's easy to put the toggle switch to your brain into OFF.  Be a mule, it's easier. 

If 1 in 5 people work in some type of management position, as I have read, do you live with one of those bossy people?  Nobody turns their work life on and off when you go home to home life, except Sam Giancana or a killer drone pilot in Arizona bombing Afghanistan.

MCMAMM, I call them. Middle class, middle aged, middle managers. Do you realize this country has bossed themselves to the end of their collective rope? Not the Bosses de tuti capo Bosses, of course, but we did it to ourselves. Working under two insane bosses every moment of your day makes one into a mule.  Many men, at a young age, lock down for the long term Mule Ride of marriage, an example of early onset IOMS.

So one gets released from the wage-slave system with a small pension of decent existence, always valued at what The Banksters say it is.  Inflation is just a dial and there are no safe harbors.  Gold turns back into money.  The skills you once offered for a high price now no one wants to use or consult.  Quiet desperation ensues, as if walking in a fog.  The check out lady waits on the guy behind you. At the Big Box store, no one makes eye contact or says a simple hello. It's hard not to take it personal.  There is no chatting up women.  In no uncertain way do they want anything to do with this Old Man.  I'm scary and hairy, probably smell.  Small children recoil. It's IOMS.

I'm no one's mule.  I once received an applaw - one single clap - for a song I did.  I was honored.  Never forget the words of Florence Foster Jenkins;

" People say I can't sing... but don't ever say I didn't sing."



122222 Wasn't this the number from Lost?

RegReads, thanks.  I'm honored.  Hello Sweden!!!  (they love me there)

I sure hope the Sun comes back.  Enjoy humanity this holiday season, not your cell phone, big screen TV and digital music.  Escape the Machine (not trying to be bossy, or anything). Take a long walk into the woods. Take a black ram and sacrifice it to honor Apollo. That'll get the Sun back.

 - w/ Best Wishes, -Wes  Townsend, WI  USA 45 degrees N latitude



Wednesday, December 21, 2022



 salute to Mr. A. Bierce

ARROGANCE - the last behavior before an overwhelming foe.

BIGMOUTHISM - chronic disease of blowhards; leads to bossy expertaholicism and lonliness.

POLITICAL SCIENCE - the intense study of false hope.

PRAGMATIST - a) active: a cold, cunning oppurtunist who will look you in the eye and stab you in the heart, ex; Jon Snow, Game of Thrones   b) passive: a good Geman soldier.

LOVE - a spirit hard to hold onto: dissipates with fear.

TODAY - something for which you are grateful when forever goes away.

SATANIST - an ass kisser from another Realm.

VAGINA - the hairy end of her guts.

STUPIDITY - a useful survival mechanism for those who seek it.



Monday, December 19, 2022

Commie No More

I grew old fast.  

The world entered a time/realm warp of epic silliness and I barely survived.  It seemed in a two month period in 2020 people gave up what ever gave them joy for an inoculation of genetic changing properties.  Mass hysteria and management directives out of control, the G handing out money that isn't theirs for the destruction of the middle class makes two classes of people. I will assume if reading this you are not in the Rich class.  You are in the Poor class and getting poorer. There used to be a segment in society called "artists" that would push the envelope and get people thinking, but no more. They now peddle State or Satanic propaganda, or both.  All economic sectors were attacked or bought off led by AMA Medical tyrants and a CDC think tank of cynical experts who simply guess.  The daily contrived media situations and bad actors selling emotional porn was turned to 11. 

And a deadpan stare when I explained to people Oxygen kills virus. If anything is intent on coming out of your body on its own DO NOT try to put it back in. No one has ever seen a corona virus, and point out to the best of my ability the goofiness of it all, my spirit took a hit.  I stand defeated.  The vast majority just do as they are told, if you are not a criminal. They get a pass.  I better get used to it.

As we hear the war drums in the distance, now we hear the Germ Drums. The perfect storm of nano-speck microscopic BadGuys that, for some reason, cannot penetrate Plasterers' masks and seem to be especially frightened by knitted wool.  Mutating and mutating just again and again, these silent killers are EVERYWHERE!  More overflowing hospitals rumors, crying TV nurses, more stay inside and be very afraid chatter will be heard endlessly.  And as when hearing the war drums there will be a war. 

The Germ Drums will have people getting their inoculation in a drive-up and drive away situation, just like last time but even more efficient like dosing the drinking water supply - for your health, you know, like fluoride.  The hystericals will be crying for mandatory injections, quarantines,  lockdowns and getting them from Governor Dictator, Red or Blue.  It will be better managed this time now media has  gotten the kinks out of the narrative. I have little faith in my fellow citizens. They will repeat themselves on a grander scale dying for the shots and calling for more State military interference in your life. Likely, heretical Pure Bloods will be fewer in the future and possibly targeted for elimination.

I have great faith in my still-to-be-as-far-as-I-know natural immune system.  When it doesn't protect me, then I'm supposed to die.   I intend to breath in as much life-force Oxygen as  I possibly can until then.  Let my Death Certificate read Cause: Lack of Breath. 

Now some may read Cause of Death: Voluntarily Refused Oxygen In Order To Save The Human Race or Cause: Volunteered for experimental serum trial.  Died to better the Human Race.  or Cause: Gunshot to head. Trying to impose the rules to Save the Human Race. Hero.

I'm old.  I'm afraid I won't be allowed a natural death.  Medical Tyranny will inject me while I'm knocked out. Tainted Trump blood will be given without my permission.  Others stupider than a second coat of paint will be deciding my future, with more brain-eating pills, of course.  There is a definite motivating factor in striving towards better health and that is to stay as far away from medical practice as shown in recent times.  Do No Harm, they never heard of it.

It's Medical Tyranny and your neighbors love it.

All Hail Joe Biden !



48 Hours*

Don't Touch Your Hands!*

Bff Reports ... 004 Hand Shake*







no love, no hate, just indifferent

when there is death - indifferent

hearing of sickness - indifferent

a warm touch - indifferent

gruesome sights - indifferent

any smell - indifferent

sky talk - indifferent

Ding! Frozen pizza is done.

Happiness has arrived.




Saturday, December 17, 2022

d) All of the above

I load 16 tons, what do I get?  Another day older and deeper in debt.  St. Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go.  I owe my soul to the company store. - Sixteen Tons written by M. Travis. 


1) The State, call it the G. overnment.. Both Commie or Capitalist demand slave labor.  They don't care for you, rather see you dead, actually.

2) The Legal System (ABA) - where casting 'spells' thru word trickery and deceit is legitimized. 'Magistrate' and 'Magician' have the same root.

Refer to: STRAWMAN - by an artifice sometimes called clint richardson.

Man can never lose his birthright if he has never had it.

3) Technology  - Think Amish.

                a) Media - writing, rewriting history, rewiring brains 24/7 with useless distraction, propaganda or advertising.

                b) Medical (AMA) tyranny and Pharmacia, i.e. the walking dead in any zombified community.

                c) Artificial Intelligence (AI) - the future is out of our hands, folks.

                d) The Matrix - Soon your body will be used as a battery, integrated into the Internet of Things.  Any questions ???

4) King Juan Carlos of Spain - Herbert W. Armstrong thought so.

5) Church Lady says, " SAY  - TON".

6) Department of Defense - They are, afterall, centered in the Pentagon. They could be called Dept. of Witchiness and Death.

7) Homo Pope Frank - right now the odds-on betting favorite.

8) Hollywood - hedonistic make believe on a mass scale drawing out blood loving demons from another realm.

9) Post-menopausal women.  I'm not kidding.  What's a post without misogynic demagoguery?

10) DaJooze - Low hanging fruit.  I'll quit picking on them.  Promise.



Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Fat Land


The major problem with people is that they are bored. They have achieved the hierarchy of needs - sex, food, clothes, and shelter. People seem unmotivated and don't create, strive to improve, or solve a problem. It's pretty easy in Fat Land.

This society is Ready Man or Girl Friday. Slaves on call, but they show up late, hung over. Don't do their job very well. Can't wait to get back to the SmartPhone, the window to the ghastly world they live in.

Always, Big Daddy Government to save the day with the free money, nothing to ask for in return. They are good that way until you can't buy groceries because you don't have Ze Rite Papers, slave mask or correct silly hat on and all your neighbors don't back you; they are on G money and wouldn't want to risk losing that pork. The grocery store gets Relief money to impose these rules working on the State's behalf. Capitalism no more. SOL.

50% or more of California is on a G or State check. How many of the drug addicts, er, homeless want homes? Ms. Bass, new Communist mayor of Los Angeles, might ask. How many want drugs and a Government check? She will give them both and enslave them, keeping terror alive. Or dispose of the lumpenproleteriat. That's what Communists do.

No, the American public isn't going to work their way out of this dilemma. There are too many fat, sick, lazy and addicted to something individuals. No organization with sane thought here, no direction, they are existing to consume. Hunkered down, taking few risks, waiting for the sun. Watching television with maybe just a half a bag of potato chips.

Someone is going to take care of them, they know that. Oh, they will be taken care of, if the injections aren't enough the semi-reality they inhabit will cause them to walk out in traffic looking at their phone. Or the voice in their head from the cell tower tells them to jump off the Tallahatchie Bridge and they will dutifully obey like Billy Joe MacAllister. Jonestown may have been an experiment of mass mind control. They then rounded up the ones that didn't comply and eliminated the witnesses.

The essence of human togetherness for mutual protection is getting sparse.



Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Good Ole Lunchbucket

When I do get out with the grown-ups, new future friends and acquaintances, and the conversation lulls or a good belly laugh dissipates, I turn to them and say,

"All Hail, Joe Biden".

Instantly, their faces tell me where they stand on the political spectrum. Remember, I'm in Trump Country. It isn't hard to provoke a harsh opinion. The majority fail to see the sarcasm. Then I say,

"You folks don't know the proper response? It's 'All Hail, Joe Biden'. If I don't get the proper response, I'll have to report you to Homeland. I pick up a few bucks on the side spying for them. Now,

"All Hail, Joe Biden"

Sometimes, the dam doesn't break at that point. They believe me.

I like doing things like that. I think it's funny. Not making too many friends.



Monday, December 12, 2022


NWO Slavery Depends on the Smartphone

"A smartphone is not a smartphone; it's a Slavephone and only slaves are available 24/7. Life without a smartphone is not only possible and much easier than many people think. It is the most effective way to free our minds again and bring down the NWO."

by JS

Almost every aspect of the satanic NWO agenda depends on the smartphone and our voluntary use of it.

Be it the planned Certificate Of Vaccination ID (COVID) (for restricted mobility), central bank digital currencies (to abolish anonymous cash payments), social credit score (for behavioural monitoring), carbon footprint or personal data like driving license, fingerprints, travel documents, digital ID, all the control data is and will be centralized and saved on the smartphone.

The smartphone spies on us by continuously collecting data about current and past location, shopping habits, social habits, the kind of news we consume, political attitude, personal interests, contact tracing, and so much more and sends it to the big tech companies, above all the provider of the smartphones operating system which is either google (android) or apple and which save and file every information for a future particular purpose which will not be benevolent.

It manipulates us and shapes our perception by the constant stream of fake push news, it distracts us from the real world with oh so funny little games and needless info from (anti)social networks, it isolates us from each other and it destroys basic human communication as it is so much easier to send some stupid text messages than to talk face to face or voice to voice.

With every app we download and use we give up more of our freedom and personal liberty and dehumanize ourselves. We voluntarily put a digital chain around our necks and pull it tighter and tighter.

The smartphone is THE lynchpin of the erection of the satanic nwo (and lynch they will us if we don't resist). It's the most important and most powerful tool to enslave us as it collects perpetually all of our through phone number personalized data and thoughts to give it to those that want to turn us into remote controlled zombots.

Without everybody carrying around a smartphone, the NWO would be dead by tomorrow and they know that. That's why they want to chip us all as it's hard to get rid of a device inside the body while it's easy to just throw away a smartphone.

A smartphone is not a smartphone it's a Slavephone and only slaves are available 24/7. Life without a smartphone is not only possible and much easier than many people think it is the most effective way to free our minds again and bring down the NWO.

It might be objected that the smartphone has so many features and functions that it has become indispensable by now but what exactly is it indispensable for?

Personally, I know of no function that would be indispensable and I never heard about a feature or function that would be essential for survival.

The most common apps are nothing but fun and games and distraction which makes us weak dumb brain-dead and paralyzed. Smartphones for the masses exist for a mere 15 years now, the first iphone was released 2007. How did we get along all the time without a smartphone?

No, smartphones are not indispensible at all. Perhaps they were even released for the sole purpose of connecting us to the worldwide hostile AI grid and they got us and made us addicted with all those gratis apps which are in effect certainly not without charge at all.
With the usage of our smartphones we ourselves provide the hardware infrastructure and the personalized datastream that tptb need to impose their desired NWO on us. Every smartphone is a tentacle of the mind gobbling AI beast that lures us into the trap of enslavement.

Smash it crash it drop it dump it. Your smartphone is not your friend and it's not there to serve you; it's here to enslave you. It's a killer with a pretty face. Nobody actually needs that crap it's made to make us sell our freedom and our souls for a handful of gaudy glass beads.



CELL PHONE II (w/feeling)


Flunking 101


In your early days of formal education, 2nd or 3rd grade, more than likely you were given the Marshmallow Test or a variation of this evaluation.

Taken into a room with a table and a chair. On the table were two marshmallows. You were told you can have one marshmallow. If you waited the assigned time, perhaps 90 seconds, you could eat the second marshmallow and receive a third marshmallow reward. If you ate the second marshmallow before the 90 seconds was up you forfeited the reward. You are being watched.

The ones that wait calmly for their reward are 'tracked'. Special. Guaranteed to be with the smart ones. A learner. High EQ - emotional quotient.

It's winter. Who wants to be in a quiet room alone sitting by the wood stove? Well, I do. I'm coming to appreciate silence inside and listening to the wind outside. The day can be spent with little outside noise, always a little A432 guitar, of course. The artificial noise of civilization are let into my ears and senses by my discretion. I don't have to be subjected to noise music or media lies if I don't want to hear it. I don't crave being connected. I like to know the weather forecast and that is still a guess.

I'm not getting my marshmallow reward for this type of life. I ate all the marshmallows. The modern bat shit crazy world is something to get far away from or a place to get deeply medicated to cope. Here, my squirrel friends entertain me, people walk on water and a chemtrail is unusual. 

 Unwanted noise causes stress. Marshmallows get you fat.


(A man can dream)


They Live!

Eliphas Levi, in Histoire de la Magie, (p. 116) gives

the following explanation of the supposed origin of

" elementals " known by spiritists as " dwellers on

the threshold. "

He states that; " according to the best authorities,

these spirits (larves) possess an ethereal body formed

of the vapour of blood. That is why they seek blood

and why they were supposed, formerly, to feed on the

smoke of sacrifices.

" They are the Incubi and Succubi, the monstrous

children of impure dreams.

" When sufficiently condensed to be visible, they

are only a vapour coloured by the reflection of a picture

and, having no independent life, they imitate the life

of him who evokes them as the shadow does the body.

" They generally manifest around the persons of

idiots and beings devoid of morality whose isolation

has led them to develop irregular habits.

" Owing to the feeble cohesion of the parts of their

fantastic bodies, they fear the open air, fire, and above

all, the point of swords, and as they live only by the

life of those who have created or evoked them, they

become the vaporous appendices of the real body of

their parents. So it can happen that an injury inflicted

on them might actually react upon the parent body,

as the unborn child is really wounded or disfigured

by an impression made upon its mother.

" These elementals draw the vital heat from persons

in good health and quickly exhaust those who are


" They are the source of the stories of vampires,

stories only too true and periodically recurrent, as

everyone knows.

" That is why one feels a chill of the atmosphere

when approaching mediums who are persons obsessed

by these spirits that never manifest in the presence of

anyone able to unveil the mystery of their monstrous

birth. They are children of an exalted imagination or

unbalanced mentality... "

- Occult Theocracy - Lady Queenborough

