Friday, September 16, 2022




Upon introduction women start belittling me.  These people are such a drag to be around.  Asking questions to collect information for the gossip grapevine is their only reason to talk to me.  They don't want to know me and I don't care about rude dried up hags.

I haven't met or seen a woman in the last 30 months that has any intention to be free.  The Stepford Wife is everywhere with thier insincere "Have a nice day" to their ever willingness to please in the workplace, at the the same time stressed, shallow and mean.  Women are insecure, have no sense of 'self' and they are being used to destroy this society.  Browbeating their men in submission is one way and being constantly helpless is another. 

There are two looks, young or old, that women give me a) contempt and scorn, even before a word is spoken or b) sheer fright and terror, with no reason.  Their brains filled with the Lies of the Realms, cell phone, internet or TV, swirling in the damaged cognitive center of their brains, assuming I'm a predator and intend to rape them, I assume.  I can't find a kind one.  Dismissive beyond belief, cunts rule the day.

I understand clearly now why Shiva, the Hindu goddess, is both the Birth Mother and Destroyer.  Society wants to kiss ass on all the mothers of the country by recognizing Mothers' Day, yet allow them to kill the fetus or even their living baby, as in NY State.  A loving mother is to be celebrated, a shrill, bitchin' lousy mother should be despised - and there are too many of them.  She had a baby, big deal, so what?, nothing special just like Women.  They start demeaning the young boy immediately upon life. There are a plenty of messed up young men because of their passive-aggressive angry, bossy mothers.  It seems in these days, women are trying to kill any attempt at creating beauty or encouraging free thought.  They are destroyers, dutifully taking orders  from anyone presenting themselves as authority no matter how ridiculous and acting like appointed Boss , i.e., wearing masks.  

Well, men, staple your balls back on and put your woman back in her place. Try saying "No", just for the fun of it, or "Do it yourself", that's a good one especially if you are her Bitch Boy.  Ask her, "Why don't you ever say anything funny?"  or ""Why can't you say anything nice about anyone?"  Tell the bitch to shut up now and then, just because you can.  Giving your life, freedom, or personal autonomy to a woman is the worst thing a man can do.  Find a backbone, boys. You act and talk like them, too, you know.

I feel as if I'm living at the lunch table of an all-girls high school.  The blaming, shaming and complaining has to stop. "She bitches when she breathes", as one member of the firm said, everywhere.  Once more, women are a drag to be a round.



Bully Woman*

Holiday Hints II*


An Assessment*

I'm Baaaack II



November 6, 2022
Leftist policies have driven women mad


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