Saturday, December 3, 2022

Red's Not Dead

 To: Workingclass USA

In Solidarity,

I must hand it to my old friends at Railroad Workers United (RWU).  It took them a few years but they sure caused a kerfluffle.  Enough so that the United States Senate enforced a "union" contract (as the reporters say) on the rail workers.  I wouldn't be surprised if many of RWU supporters thought they were negotiating with their employers.  The government does the contract negotiations while the private corporations get the massive profits?  There is a word for that and it begins with Fuck You. Benito... Benito... Benito Mussolini - Lalalalala  Lalalalalalala... made the trains run on time!

It's not Left vs. Right - It's the State vs. You, as it says on the back of my truck.  Do you think these workers, or any worker for that matter, get it now? Do they know who the enemy is?

Oh, they got it all right, the un-sanded not finished 4x4 right up the keyster. The US House of Commons graciously granted 7 paid sick days a year to the wage slaves, only for those days to be gutted out of the Senate (meaning the Railroad owners) version. They were given, maybe, an inflation adjusted raise.

I attended the first RWU Convention and worked with them in their baby steps.  Their issue then was driverless trains and the oil spill wreck in Quebec as a direct result. And, of course, their predictions of massive labor adjustments came true. 30% of the workforce isn't there today.  How can people not be workplace stressed? On top of on-call, always irregular hours  which was an issue so many years ago.  It doesn't convince me the railroad is a safe place to work or be around.

Railroad Workers 1/3 United  the long time bickering 12 different unions - craft, industrial, company - into a somewhat solidified block.  Now the 4 unions holding out will be identified as troublemakers and slowly disappeared out of the jobsite.  Stooges will take over, deplete their treasuries, collapse due to internal strife and be amalgamated into a more 'partner' union.  The take-what-we-can-get scissorbills will rule the day, at least for now.

Until we take my bumper sticker above seriously.


All Hail, Joe Biden!!!

(you must know sarcasm when you hear it)




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