Monday, October 3, 2022




It is so refreshing to be with genuine human beings.  It's been quite a while.

There was a BeerFest in a town about an hour drive away.  It was held in the exhibit hall and several hundred people attended.  You paid your admission fee, got a 7oz glass, walked in and the fun begins.

People were grouping up in circles talking and laughing, esp. laughing.  It made for a joyous feel in the hall.  Lots of pretty girls dressed in celebratory costumes eyeing around the room, searching for that special someone.  Everyone was approachable.  Not a mask in sight or a Trump t-shirt or any other political BS.  It was an event of joining community together, did I say laughter? The robust belly kind, not the derisive sneering type directed at someone's mistake or shortcomings.  I hear that one a lot.

Nary a cell phone in sight, mostly in the eating area, people checking their messages, but in the party, very little of that constant picture taking and posing that girls love to do.  My only hope in that regard is the SmartPhone becomes more a tool and less of a toy.  Please stop looking into your phone and look into another's' eyes is my general request.

I talked to everyone, the pourers, the distributors, a brewer or two. Everyone was free, easy to talk to and accessible.  The young girls don't have much interest in an old coot  like me but I complimented them every chance I got.  They were refreshing to be around and reenergized me.  Live music, couples were dancing, and the bratwurst were delish.  The local policeman walked thru the hall and was welcomed without any threat because people were well behaved and without problem, even with a bottomless glass of beer.

It was an afternoon event and a good dinner was needed.  We found a pizza place with a Celtic band - how could a better day be had?  German beer, Italian food and Irish music -what a great country! 

Rested up and headed home.



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