Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Fat Land


The major problem with people is that they are bored. They have achieved the hierarchy of needs - sex, food, clothes, and shelter. People seem unmotivated and don't create, strive to improve, or solve a problem. It's pretty easy in Fat Land.

This society is Ready Man or Girl Friday. Slaves on call, but they show up late, hung over. Don't do their job very well. Can't wait to get back to the SmartPhone, the window to the ghastly world they live in.

Always, Big Daddy Government to save the day with the free money, nothing to ask for in return. They are good that way until you can't buy groceries because you don't have Ze Rite Papers, slave mask or correct silly hat on and all your neighbors don't back you; they are on G money and wouldn't want to risk losing that pork. The grocery store gets Relief money to impose these rules working on the State's behalf. Capitalism no more. SOL.

50% or more of California is on a G or State check. How many of the drug addicts, er, homeless want homes? Ms. Bass, new Communist mayor of Los Angeles, might ask. How many want drugs and a Government check? She will give them both and enslave them, keeping terror alive. Or dispose of the lumpenproleteriat. That's what Communists do.

No, the American public isn't going to work their way out of this dilemma. There are too many fat, sick, lazy and addicted to something individuals. No organization with sane thought here, no direction, they are existing to consume. Hunkered down, taking few risks, waiting for the sun. Watching television with maybe just a half a bag of potato chips.

Someone is going to take care of them, they know that. Oh, they will be taken care of, if the injections aren't enough the semi-reality they inhabit will cause them to walk out in traffic looking at their phone. Or the voice in their head from the cell tower tells them to jump off the Tallahatchie Bridge and they will dutifully obey like Billy Joe MacAllister. Jonestown may have been an experiment of mass mind control. They then rounded up the ones that didn't comply and eliminated the witnesses.

The essence of human togetherness for mutual protection is getting sparse.



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