Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Wes says... 073

1) I can't wait to read the Ashly Babbit chapter in the Jan6 Commission Report from Ms. Cheney and Wrecking Crew. Or was it all a dream on my part? Gal gets shot in the neck with a .45 caliber standard issue Capital Police gun (not a man) from 20 ft away. Bullet manages to miss the spine, cartoid artery and two jugular veins. Ms. Babbit is last seen being carried down the Senate marble staircase by two unknown males each with a leg and an arm, head still attached bobbing to and fro. No great blood spill. A new Magic Bullet?

2) In the new 9 month spending bill, Congress approved 700 billion dollars "discretionary". Is that enough? Need more? One thing Blue and Red have in common is the love of borrowing money and calling it "leadership".

3) The gay, Jewish actor president of Ukraine said 48 billion wasn't enough. He left with 100 billion. Damn nice of our representatives to give him such a nice gift on our behalf. Chutzpah pays. Merry Christmas.

4) Within two weeks of the new legislative session, the freshmen representative and Senators will be blackmailed, cloned or androids reprogrammed.

5) Payrolls public and private cleaned house the last two years. Shook off the disobedient wage slaves with little or no repercussions.

The airlines lost a sizable percentage of their labor the last two years, now cry they can't find anyone to work so they have to charge higher fares to cover overtime. An overworked airline crew in return for my overpriced ticket doesn't sound like a safe proposition to me.

It is always a labor story going back to Cain and Abel.

6) The news media has to feed the howl, so they uncover a story about vote stealing and election tampering in Maircopa Co Arizona, throw the outraged a bone by having an ex-media gal easy on the eyes sell it, and fill the headlines. They don't go to Chicago, Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee, etc.... to get the story. Pssst... try Dane Co./Madison WI.

7) Meanwhile. the Communist Party is kicking COVID ass in China. Can you imagine being locked in your apartment for weeks at a time? People sure have tolerance and adaptation skills. The disobedient slaves have shown themselves. They will be handled indelicately.

Coming soon to a township near you.

8) Our future Surgeon General, that ageless Dr. Jill Biden character is on the back burner. Joe's got a lot more pep these days, as if, one were to suspect an actor replacement for Ice Cream Joe from two years ago - the guy who won the election campaigning from his basement? Nah...,

(not a man)

9) Why is there a Department of Education? Is that the Government's job? The Return of Arne Duncan!!! Nnnnooooo! The Hyde Park Wacko Quaker Anti-Christ!!! NOOOooooo!

10) You can purchase a Donald J Trump action figure with various costumes, like astronaut, cowboy, jedi warrior. The Donald is selling these personally. Goin' fast.


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