Saturday, February 26, 2022

Gossip by Hanson*

"Gossip is a nasty social disease made up of socially diseased people." - Shane Hanson

TRT 85 minutes

No one seems to be able to 'practice the principles of minding their own business', Mr. Hanson talks wisely with black humor of the self-help journey.  His main target of rage are AA/NA meetings and what harm to society the gossip mill has spun out of these institutions (think, mental).  Always know there is no confidentiality or privacy in this day and age.  


You are surrounded in life by info-lizards that turn any bit of personal info and use it against you.  They never listen, they only collect evidence.  It is why they insist on talking, then typing on their phones.  You were convenient in their lives, nothing more than a charcoal, a chunk of soul, in their ever consuming tawdry furnace.  If it goes out, they, the info-lizards, will die having no life of their own to fall back on. They live vicariously through your lives' misfortune and they react with glee.  Always to your own personal detriment, they must take a clip... and then there are the genuinely malicious.

'Dogs that wag their tale at everyone' Hanson describes gossips.  Do you know anyone like that? Aren't they everywhere?  I once laid on my back on cold linoleum floor and listened to Michael Tsarion's 3 hr lecture on Energy Vampires.  It cleared my head of whom I was involved with for so long and why cutting ties were so liberating.  Because you want to know everything you want the right to comment with a big fat opinion on everything is not the way it works with me in life. Emotional bullyism is never far behind. Both Tsarion and Hanson describe similar social degradation, two sides of the same coin.

He seems to be speaking at an AA type meeting, I could be wrong, but he delivers many stunning blows, in boxing terminology, to the body of AA/NA, Inc.  Having spent 1000's of hours of meetings in this cult, he lays out exactly what is wrong with this mindset, many times State funded court ordered.  Gossip runs it and Gossip rules.  The hive mind appears to save, the individual thinker struggles, many find their way through life.  AA/NA, Inc need to take the "spell" off the words 'alcoholic' and 'alcoholism'. It is a sedative and a hypnotic drug.  You are a 'drug addict'.  Don't drink and get on with your life if you are predisposed to this drug.  It's in your structure, it's not your fault.  A tobacco addict doesn't suffer from nicotineism or the tranquilizer abuser isn't a tranquilic?  Alcoholism is another drug to be avoided if it affects one negatively, is as I read some of Mr. Hanson's presentation. 

Gossips cannot be trusted.  Gossip destroys.  Gossip is everywhere.

Gossip is an addiction.

********************************** different than Facebook...



Weekend with the Wrights*



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