Monday, November 27, 2023

Too Hot To Handle*


It's pre-dawn and the wood stove has reignited chasing away the cold night air. As every morning these days, I sit with coffee and stare at it for some time. Life saving heat fills the room, delivers comfort from it's iron box. I try to burn oak. It's hard to find in these parts, soft wood is generally available. Pine is more work and creosotes the chimney.

Oak costs. I can shave off that expense by replacing my depleted cord with Bibles I can buy bulk from Goodwill, bookstores or garage sales I come across. They are glad to move them off their shelves. Mission 2024.

If I happen to get a motel room this upcoming year I'll steal the Gideon one in the nightstand. I bet that will burn good. If I go out West, I may pick up a Book of Mormon. They burn good, too. I'll burn any Abrahamic Moses-ist , Aaronite, Cabalistic,  or Muhammed flying on his mule, ancient bunch of gibberish, any stripe, size, color, mis-translated, bastardized, hard cover, trade or pamphlet or catechism version . Korans are kindling.

I'll bet Catholic schools have janitor closets with boxes of big thick books never opened. Those Catholic ones burn with sparkles. They don't last as long as the hard King Jimmy the Queer's version. If I put a Talmud in there, it would burn for days. A Zohar could be like Fukushima. I don't care, I'll burn it. They will finally do some good for humanity, namely, keeping me warm next winter. If I could only get a hold of some of that Burning Bush wood, I wouldn't have to tighten my budget this way.

The Hindus, it seems, have the sense to present their legends as fables. I enjoy a good story. Bagger Vance comes to mind. Did elephant- headed people really exist? Last mid -winter, the Iliad and the Odyssey were my close companion Greek classics. Got me through dark times. Jason and the Argonauts was the all-time greatest on-screen SausageFest*. I never thought for a moment Hera once existed physically or lived in the aft-head of a ship.

Don't bullshit me. These tomes have to go. I'm just doing my one small part to save humanity from choking on their own nonsense. I'm freeing the human mind with every burnt book and ash pile. And trying to save a few bucks. Those tiny wood grain fibers holding the ink in place are dying to return to Mother Earth likely fertilizing a new sprout. The ink, the lies, will disappear.


* The only thing that movie needed was a guest appearance by Randolph Scott.

Greek Baloney

Burn the Bible

Idiot's Revelation

Islam... 02 Ibn Warraq* II



Wesley says... 084

1) One for WW II historians - On the record, did Nazi Germany Luftwaffe ever deliberately bomb a hospital? The V-2's were an act of desperation, similar to a Palestinian Roman candle attack.

2) The Oath to Israel supersedes the Oath of Office.

3) Stunted development is the norm. I would prefer the company of Pete Rose than the mean girls at the high school lunch table on The View.

4) Voting above the county level is useless. Animal control, an Andy of Mayberry Sheriff, and the snow plowed is the only reason for government. In Chicago, animal control and the police are the same department. Plow your own damned snow.

5) Self-driving cars: People too lazy to drive a car should die in that car. Where is my flying car?

6) A Confederate flag flying from a lonely farmhouse doesn't upset me as much as Urban Animal ganstas presented in popular culture as human and prison culture as admired. Emancipated, for what?

7) Getting people to line up and volunteer to take the poison - now that's clever. From quack Salk, evil Ochsner, swine flu, to Guyana to your hometown.

8) The Packers won. On the last play of the game, the Chargers receiver dropped a routine pass, wide open, for a sure touchdown that would have won it for LA. Not too suspicious.

9) San Francisco once had a homeless problem. It seems so long ago.

10) The negotiations for the 'hostages' is done by passing notes into and out of a hole in the ground, leading to the extensive tunnel work done previously by Hamas. It is where the 'Hamas leader' resides. Do you choose to believe that?



Wednesday, November 22, 2023

JFK 60*

photo taken by EWS, Dallas, Texas Elm St 2010

JFK 60

I feel compelled to add to the JFK Compilation on the 60th year of remembrance. 'Anniversary' sounds as crass as the 'X' painted on Elm St marking the spot of dum-dum entry. I don't wish to repeat myself from the other JFK entries or overuse the same memes. I recently read about a new rabbit hole to run down, a book about a woman that may have been LHO's getaway pilot. I thought David Ferrie was, ah, does it make a big difference? Ten years from now I'll buy the book at a garage sale for a quarter and add it to the collection.*

My favorite, Is it real or Memorex?

I don't have too much more to add. I moved into the Miles Mathis explanation camp as making the most sense. At least, the bad, made-for-tv production event itself. The plot holes the story held after that are all managed with crisis actors from the beginning. The special effects were cheap. Two FBI agents get a bucket and mop and washed out the scene of the crime at the hospital? Removing fake movie blood, maybe? Watch the Oswald 'killing' again. I worked cable access TV and we could have down a better job setting the scene. Honest Abe Z sure had a steady camera hand, just missed the shot of the century by turning 90 degrees and capturing the Grassy Knoll shooter on film. The Dallas Star news photographer that got the money shot of Ruby's blank gut shot stated when they lifted Lee Henry Oswald into the ambulance there was no blood stain on the concrete. I always found that interesting. Jackson, his name, was over 80 years old and dying of cancer, as I recall. There are death bed confessions. Many stayed tight lipped to their grave. Many with loose lips were given an early grave.

Should have got an Academy Award/Short film 

As I have written in JFK 55, I was 7 years old at the time. My father was a Chicago Police detective familiar with Jack Ruby's gangster past. The national drama was gripping. There was nothing else on TV!!! The event certainly began a curiosity in Who, What , Where, Why and How thinking as the Dominican nuns at St. Elephants' drove the Sr. Mary Jo Trivium Method onto our impressionable minds. Multiple shooter scenarios were rampant from the beginning. Mark Lane was the assigned guardian of disinformation. It all became a giant soap opera of Hollywood proportions, including Peter Lawford?, which the whole Camelot sham was. For a long while I was in Mark Fuhrman's camp. How could they not find the killer in a downtown metropolitan area, shooting someone on the street in the middle of the day in front of 100's of witnesses?

Secret Service Agents were partying the night before in Jack's club? Seriously?

So I'll list my life as an observer of popular culture since my First Holy Communion: JFK, the 19 Beatles and British Invasion, Walt Disney introducing Werhner Von Braun to Americans, NASA, chimps in space, satellites, RFK dining with Frankenheimer and Sharon Tate the night before his visit to the kitchen, E Howard Hunt in Bremer's Milwaukee apartment 20 minutes after his Wallace assassination attempt in Maryland, Bill and Bernie Weathermen Trust Fund Babies, Summer of Love occult hippie actors, the Chicago 7 (or 8 if you count the black guy) Conspiracy show trial, MLK and an escaped Federal convict traveling with sponsorship internationally after his One Lone Gunman handiwork, Walter Ruether was an actual assassination, Muskie dosed, Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo cartoon-fest, Moon landing filmed in an Arizona junkyard, Manson Family dealing high grade LSD/MDA they didn't produce, Vietnam and the Lizard King Jim Morrison's father commanding the Turner Joy in the Gulf of Tonkin, no music stars/'revolutionaries' are drafted, Richard Nixon taking a phone call from the Moon! the astrofakes were between the 9th and 10th holes, the Real George Bush being the Ethiopian in every woodpile, casting the deciding vote putting Red China on the UN Security Council, one of the Jim Jones's in the jungle with pure weight of more mind-controlling drugs than 900 dead, rotting corpses (and a Bible), The Hinckley Hilton and the shooter from the Bushy Knoll, Sleepy Ronnie Reagan and his witchy wife saying 'No, Thank You' to drugs while the CIA is importing cocaine into California, Gary Webb did not shoot himself in the head twice with a .38, Columbine and 60 lbs. of military explosives in the cafeteria, Iran-Contra, Singlaub, Secord and Ollie and Mena, Arkansas airport, the first World Trade Center bombing and a blind cleric that pulled it off with the help of the FBI. Koresh, Waco and Janet Reno of Broward/Dade County, FL, lately the jurisdiction of Sheriff David Israel, the military developed program system called the Internet introduced into society with the first Apple computer selling for $666.66, Oklahoma City tree stump bombing wiping out the records of the Gulf War Syndrome victims, O.J. Goldberg and Megan Kelly, the village idiot/Armand Hammer's godson hanging chads 5-4 cancelling 120 million votes, no questions surrounding 911, move along, go shopping, Kennedy family photo archives in the basement, of WTC,.8 years of Iraq invasion the politicians and AFL-CIO pukes just couldn't do anything about, Sandy Hook, Boston bombing and every hokey bad made-for-tv production that follows, Obama birth certificate and anything else about him and Big Mike, the televised killing of Osama bin Laden and his burial at sea next to the Kennedy limousine. Trump and his fast track serums. 7 trillion dollar bi-partisan robbery, Remind me, why does the FDA exist? DJT is another soap opera of Hollywood proportions, rabbit holes, titillations, show trials all around. He may return to finish the killing. .. and that's off the top of my head.

It's been a long slog of disbelief to get to this point. A few years ago an epiphany clarifying it all came to me. I reached a state of maturity when I realized everything is bullshit. If it comes off a movie screen, television, monitor or cell phone, more than likely, it's a lie. OR a shade, OR a spin, OR a white lie, OR an untruth, OR plain old propaganda. It's done for a purpose - to capture your attention. You hurt your happiness if you are not grounded in the truth with your full attention. Meaning, to the best of your rational ability have the common sense to smell bullshit. And call BULLSHIT on the entire information overload you suck in every day. BULLSHIT, a word to use often. Return to terra firma... hate to break your heart, but we ain't getting into a metal racketship and going to Mars. They can't seem to leave California. They just need more funding.

Honestly, I can't even tell you Mars exists at all. Can't tell you where we stand is round, flat or square. I can't tell you anything is true since Guttenberg and his wicked replication machine. I do read they cloned the first goat in 1848. I think the science on that is behind the curtain, Mr Wizard. There are the soulless among us. The Orcs will emerge controlled by cell tower frequincies. It won't be a good time.

2+2=4. What a pleasant thought.


Bunk (n (1900): BUNKUM, NONSENSE a.k.a.'Bullshit')

Sometimes the truth does leak out.


* I give Miles Mathis credit for his keen eye concerning historical photo analysis, the Kennedy family photos, for example. It is astounding to think of how much photo trickery was accepted by me since November 22, 1963 without question... and you know I wasn't alone. It isn't so obvious in the digital age. Jack White analysis off 11/22/63 is excellent, specifically to point . News outlets are still using stills from the 1977 actual JFK reenactment bad made-for-tv movie in their reporting of the King/Kill 33 Masonic ceremony. So it was Lee in the doorway, so what? Didn't we agree along time ago Lee didn't do it? He was an intelligence agent and never spoke a word of truth in his life.

Today, in a Vincent dePaul store I found a book of Mathew Brady Civil War photos, edited by a man named Barry Pritzker, no less. Leafing through the pages, it appeared so very apparent because of Mathis' instruction, every picture is a collage, a montage, a jam up. Photography was the new magical/technical way of communicating. They used it to sell a colossal lie. La dee da.

I'm glad I recovered the Brady book before it hit Fahrenheit 451. While there, I also bought 10 Bibles to use in my wood stove on Christmas Eve. Just doing my part for truth.

Gosh, I sure hope the Sun comes back this year.



I can feel his pain...


JFK 55* II

JFK 58*

Earl Warren*

Crisis Actors

Realms II


Monday, November 20, 2023

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Int. Men's Day Yeah! Penis!



1) No women allowed. They are impossible to work with. 

2) Respectful, strong willed, responsible men only. If you can't say "NO" to a woman, do not apply.

3) No gay men allowed.  Go sit with the girls.

4) Women are responsible for their own actions. Say no more.

5) Meetings will be Robert's Rules of Order with proper discussion and procedure without drama.

6) When accumulated the proper funds, THE MEN'S PARTY, will purchase CASH, the strongest building in every village, town and city and arm it to the teeth - cannons, anti-aircraft, 24 hr sniper detail whatever the members deem necessary.

7) We will be respectful of all women when in our presence, but mercilessly ridicule them when not. We will treat them as visitors from another planet.

8) Each MEN'S PARTY meeting space shall have a steam bath, sauna, gymnasium, a kitchen and a shooting range, as well as a fully stocked bar. Maintenance of facilities workload is shared.

9) Dues will be high for some time. The intention is to bring them down ASAP.

10) THE MEN'S PARTY strives to be self sufficient and grow healthier, smarter and spiritual all by individual choice. The organization is only as good as it's member.





Thursday, November 16, 2023
























Reprint from May 30 2018



Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I, Bio-Robot


Robots don't have personalities. They show up on time for work. 24/7/365.25 They don't need health care. Disability is a trip to the junkyard. They work without question until they break. Perfect slaves.

In your normal daily life, how many autistic/spectrum people are at the cash registers making your transactions? Who is working in the remaining factory assembly lines? There are labor pimps that sell these people hourly.

The bio-robot has been slipped into public affairs. You can expect many more. Sure, they have personalities, just enough in their stunted development. A visionary humanist labor organizer would start to organize this workforce. They would be the perfect local union membership, also, even if they don't understand surplus value. A trip to the junkyard is now their only future.

Widespread autism was planned by the social Overlords. They have always known it was mercury and other ingredients in the serums shot into newborns . Newborns that have not developed an immune system. It's not all a bundle of mistakes and coincidences that befall burdened parents. It's planned, as all the injections in recent years killing, disabling and injuring people stupid enough to let them do it. Same program, different day. The difference is people volunteered, the baby didn't have a choice or advocate.

Typed communication (like this) falls short on the emotional depth of human speech inflection in it's message. Nostalgic pictures and video promoting fantasy has replaced reading. The listening instinct has been dampened by digital 'music' noise. People automatically do what a computerized voice tells them what to do. Relationships founded on text messaging is doomed. Two people acting like computerized robots cannot bring forth love, only personal amusement.

Bio-robots is what they want, bio-robots is what they get.





Heard on the Job

Heard on the Job

People who don't do anything don't make mistakes.

Hurry up every chance you can.

You are here to do, not to think.

Turning and burning - an industrial term using rigid conduit and gas axe/welder

"I am here to help" - first words said arriving from union hall dispatch.

Hang a Mailbox - a man taking too long on his assignment

Slow Walking 40 - Federal, State and Institutional jobs designed to be done the hardest, most difficult way possible

Goat Head - radio signal to proceed

The Wire Monster - Captured ballon-busting Willy Reed, South Wilmington IL, when he went to get wire and got stranded.

A Worm is someone willing to work in the rain

The 4 inch conduit ended in a large junction box above the General Foreman's desk. A deep resonating voice proclaims, "Arnie, this is God speaking." Arnie responds, "Shut up, God, and get back to work."

A Bitch Boy is the man partnered up with the trailblazing woman in the trade. His job was to carry and cover for her. Most partners last a week at most.

The transformer hums because it doesn't know the words.

"I broke one, I lost one and I took one home with me. Got three more?" You must know the joke.

"18 years. I sent her a Court ordered check every month. Today is the last one. I made every check out to Margaret "Bumfuck" Svenson. She cashed them all."

China is investing heavily in 6ft ladder factories. At some time in the future everyone will have a 6ft ladder. At an appointed time a billion Chinese will jump off their 6ft ladder, sending a seismic vibration through the earth, destroying America.

COUPLING - come to me, go from you CONNECTOR - goes into

Pie Are Round Cornbread Square

I don't work in local unions whose numbers add up to 8.

The only good thing that come outta Texas is an empty bus.

Ike Reece, "This ain't no Joe Neckbone local."

One honest established contractor, "If I don't make 40%, I won't bid it."

Two wire hook up. Three wire fuck up. Four wire drag up.

I'm Broke Every Wednesday

I show up four days a weeK. I can't live on three.

I got up too late to get here early.



Monday, November 13, 2023

Burn the Bible

Doomed, I say

Israelites are 'feeding the moon'. The Star of Saturn is their banner.

Sending a high-grade missile into a hospital because the guy they wanted dead was in a tunnel underneath, selling that story on American media, is cynical genius. I love the reports of the humanitarian, kind IDF opening undrivable roads so people can walk away from the bombing, but then those roads get bombed, again. Wonderful neighbors, the Israelis.

It's obvious the Palestinian cause was always lost. Street demonstrations don't change a thing. That's all orchestrated showboat. World opinion is to let them die. Some outrage, but the killing continues, and no one is going to stop them. The Jewish Egyptian president, the House of Fraud, and the crazy, self-flagellating Masonic Brotherhood Shi'ites don't see, hear or do a thing on their behalf. The Federal Reserve creates all the money the Israeli war machine needs times 100. Our southern border goes unprotected. An invasion is in progress with little defense of the Nation. Treason is everywhere.

Christian Zionists will apologize for the slaughter because it is "As It Is Written", justifying it with some cryptic pretzel logic interpreted ancient desert cult gibberish taken out of context. Just exactly who wrote it, Rev. Smiley? The same people who wrote the counterfeit deed to the land. It's time to start a Burn the Bible campaign. I'd like to see every brand of Bible piled high, vellum manuscripts on top, in every town square and set ablaze. So much pain those scribbles have caused. So much non-sense.

Polls are bullshit, so here goes... 70% of Americans want a cease fire. 4% of Congress does. Who is the tail wagging the dog? The last Republican candidate forum had a group of ticks, the poly type, sucking Israeli ass. Disgusting. The only Palestinian serving in Congress is censored. Exactly like the medical COVID tyranny, not a peep on behalf of the American people (small p). Why do I need a representative? Especially a group working diametrically opposed to my interests. It seems they want Palestinians dead and the tax cattle, you and me, dead or suffering. It inflates their profit margins. Feeding the moon pays off.

Stock tip: choose Pelosi Family Financial Management. An established firm devoted to war stocks and growth. High fees (your soul on a contract signed with your own blood), but favorable returns. Morningstar rating: 666 stars.





Friday, November 10, 2023

Vets or Pets

It's time to stop pandering to the Vets. It's time to tell them who they are.
Veterans everywhere,

Society seems to be structured on a pyramidal model. Soldiers, you are at the very bottom under the tip. Mules are more important to the military than you. You are to do as you are told, up to and including killing someone. You don't deserve to be considered human. Certainly not a good neighbor upon release.

The most stupid, idiotic, criminal and anti-social minds go into the military. Boot camp is designed for the suggestable. The youth's will will be manipulated and their mind controlled. A small percentage of entrants are psychopaths/sociopaths. They are identified, monitored and mentored into leadership positions. A graduate from West Point is to be detested. A shell of his recruit self, a conscious-free killing machine should not be celebrated. He is a trained overseer and manager of slaughter, the more creative the more rewarded. Non-human, always a functioning cog in a genocidal machine. His life is in creating Death.

If you deeply sincerely believe this country needs to be defended, you are paranoid and heartless. All the money, 100 times more military than might be needed, psychopaths with their hands on the levers, really really really, do you think they are creating a killing machine for your benefit? If this group considers themselves a nation, the first act of creation is to control the borders. Our beloved military is all over the world defending freedom, liberty and democracy and, sure as hell, is not defending us. This military/intelligence/media complex from 1946 on has not served the people, and if you are a Vet, you served it. The Enemy. Come clean, recognize your role, decry militarism, shallow patriotism, and jingoism. Maybe you will be my friend.

I hear radio ads for job training geared to the homeless Vet. Didn't they learn a fucking thing during their service? Didn't pick up any other skill but 'do as you are told', PFC Buck Dumshit? Otherwise, sleep under the viaduct and panhandle on the off ramp? My tax-paying opinion says forget these deadbeats. I'm not responsible. Who has a 'job' for four years and gets free health care for the rest of their lives? (Not that I would use it). The VA is an enabling drug dispensary with plenty of willing lab rats. Those that want National Health Care, expect funny man/butcher Hawkeye Pierce to be your surgeon. It's not homelessness, it's drug addiction.

I once tested for an institutional job. Beforehand, I was told I had to get a 100 because the Vets get 5 extra points breathing the same oxygen I do. They can test 105 out of 100. Mathematically impossible, I just had to eat it. I got a 96. The man that got the job got a 93, but a Vet. Obviously, they want robot people trained to do as they are told. Better for all, I wouldn't have worked out.

The Coast Guard seems to help more than hurt. Traditionally, the National Guard is a well-received rescue force, now the supply chain killing arm of the DOD. Space Force? What the hell is that bullshit? The Army, Navy, and Air Force are all deeply evil. The dopes, mopes and common troops feed its endless need for captured souls through death or being bio half-dead dunderheads. Cluster bombs make IED a necessity. Established evil from demons is met with makeshift evil from good people leading to more death, more evil. It won't stop until soldiers stop being soldiers. Everywhere.

I respect the enlightened ex-soldier, draft evader, and the CO. The rest, like this Veterans' Day, are just sad.

