Monday, January 15, 2024

ToTo Saves The Day

I am much more gnostic than I am a Hermetic, but a heretic and pagan am I.

The Catholic Church is soul imprisonment. You are in prison and the Warden is Jehovah. Magic or making something out of nothing, does not work in prison. You are closely watched. You are not allowed to use your natural senses to the best of your potential abilities. As if, you are in the feudal slave plantation of the Dalai Lama, or present day self-policing Facebook.... convincing yourself daily you are glad to be there, but honestly you just want to avoid life. You aren't the heathens and that's a comfort. You are on the right team.

The Protestants - fought back gamely but turned out to be sniveling connivers. Luther cutting the deal to allow up to 5% usury, breaking the one redeeming fact of the Catholic Church Middle Ages. The RCC knew who the enemy was then. Interest payments, making something out of nothing, were not allowed in the Catholic household, hence, another economy was being run in the Kingdom and the banksters weren't making a profit. No can do, even today. Bitch Boy Luther steered institutional religion into the economy and the Christian Businessmen like Rockefeller could conduct Darwinian Capitalism for the next century. Handed Religion, Inc to the State and it's partners.

One needs a state certified divinity degree to preach, preferably from a Bible College. The ones without are ignored or dismissed or eliminated, hung on a cross so to speak.

"Some people without brains can do an awful lot of talking."

Mormons and the beehive as an emblem, what more vivid imagery could be used to describe a prison of workers on behalf of the one Queen ( Isis, perhaps)??? Followers of Aaron, not Moses. To impress the Pharaoh, Aaron threw his staff on the ground and it turned into an asp. A magician of excellence, obviously. With magic underwear on. And when Moses was up on the mountain doing the dirty work of chiseling the Twenty, Ooops, Ten Commandments, Aaron had his minions praising the Golden Calf. His own brother? How has it become that this special brand of wack-a-doodle ideological bullshit can grow so powerful so quickly deems a longer treatise.

I learned plenty from my years in yoga - challenging thought processes, manipulation of bio-energy, the re-discovery of being the most interesting, I believe. We were assembled for the celebration of health. To share space and support each other. People left with a clearer head and lungs, a stronger body structure and a sense of human togetherness. No elephant-headed people involved. If an Eastern type of daily discipline can add to your overall happiness practicing can be a huge asset in your life. Being around interesting people that eat right, think carefully, and strive for health with each breath, even for an hour, is sadly missed these dark winter days.

Meditation is over-rated and mostly mental masturbation, sitting waiting to die. Giving up and avoiding responsibilities, an energy suck to the waking realm. There is that time upon starting your awake realm, the in-between, when settling in and reviewing is especially good for your brain. Also, the time before sleep does well. Moving meditations are much more powerful than sitting on your ass during your waking hours.

There is a God of Light and a God of Dark. It's a battle. Grab a weapon and know how to use it.

A lone anarchist may proclaim, "We Are All Gods unto Ourselves" and that may be true, but first we must all be Kings, it seems to me.



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