Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I, Bio-Robot


Robots don't have personalities. They show up on time for work. 24/7/365.25 They don't need health care. Disability is a trip to the junkyard. They work without question until they break. Perfect slaves.

In your normal daily life, how many autistic/spectrum people are at the cash registers making your transactions? Who is working in the remaining factory assembly lines? There are labor pimps that sell these people hourly.

The bio-robot has been slipped into public affairs. You can expect many more. Sure, they have personalities, just enough in their stunted development. A visionary humanist labor organizer would start to organize this workforce. They would be the perfect local union membership, also, even if they don't understand surplus value. A trip to the junkyard is now their only future.

Widespread autism was planned by the social Overlords. They have always known it was mercury and other ingredients in the serums shot into newborns . Newborns that have not developed an immune system. It's not all a bundle of mistakes and coincidences that befall burdened parents. It's planned, as all the injections in recent years killing, disabling and injuring people stupid enough to let them do it. Same program, different day. The difference is people volunteered, the baby didn't have a choice or advocate.

Typed communication (like this) falls short on the emotional depth of human speech inflection in it's message. Nostalgic pictures and video promoting fantasy has replaced reading. The listening instinct has been dampened by digital 'music' noise. People automatically do what a computerized voice tells them what to do. Relationships founded on text messaging is doomed. Two people acting like computerized robots cannot bring forth love, only personal amusement.

Bio-robots is what they want, bio-robots is what they get.





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