Monday, November 27, 2023

Wesley says... 084

1) One for WW II historians - On the record, did Nazi Germany Luftwaffe ever deliberately bomb a hospital? The V-2's were an act of desperation, similar to a Palestinian Roman candle attack.

2) The Oath to Israel supersedes the Oath of Office.

3) Stunted development is the norm. I would prefer the company of Pete Rose than the mean girls at the high school lunch table on The View.

4) Voting above the county level is useless. Animal control, an Andy of Mayberry Sheriff, and the snow plowed is the only reason for government. In Chicago, animal control and the police are the same department. Plow your own damned snow.

5) Self-driving cars: People too lazy to drive a car should die in that car. Where is my flying car?

6) A Confederate flag flying from a lonely farmhouse doesn't upset me as much as Urban Animal ganstas presented in popular culture as human and prison culture as admired. Emancipated, for what?

7) Getting people to line up and volunteer to take the poison - now that's clever. From quack Salk, evil Ochsner, swine flu, to Guyana to your hometown.

8) The Packers won. On the last play of the game, the Chargers receiver dropped a routine pass, wide open, for a sure touchdown that would have won it for LA. Not too suspicious.

9) San Francisco once had a homeless problem. It seems so long ago.

10) The negotiations for the 'hostages' is done by passing notes into and out of a hole in the ground, leading to the extensive tunnel work done previously by Hamas. It is where the 'Hamas leader' resides. Do you choose to believe that?



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