I heard an NPR radio report that Florida and its wannabe Antichrist, Governor Ron DeSantis, eliminated, decertified, legislated out of existence the 43,000 strong public sector workers unions. It had an interview with the President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (me, being a Electricus Emeritus, quite proud) and he said, and I quote; "There's nothing we can do." That will go in the drawer along with "My hands are tied", "That's just the way it is.", "Just thank God you got a job.", and the old evergreen, "I'll get back to you." Union leadership finally speaks publicly.
Many people have figured out, Staughton Lynd for example, that “workers" have more rights organizing as a 501(c)(3) social club than being in a AFL-CIO affiliated union. This is a unique opportunity for radical labor activists within the locals to quit kissing ass to the existing bureaucracy and form a group that improves their jobsite. The Club has nothing to do with your job, regardless of the fact 99% of the membership also work together in their "free" time. You are free to associate voluntarily, and yes, cry me a river, you are going to have to pay your dues personally. The group isn’t bogged down by bi-partisan Taft/Hartley and Landrum/Griffin regulation. Imagine telling your membership to vote forever-the-hell they want to vote for.
State workers are the Aristocracy of Fabor (false labor). I'm not the only one resentful of these people never missing a paycheck during the entire COVID hysteria. There was nothing to do, there was no paper to shuffle. A skeleton crew could have kept things going for three years and the scissorbills cashed every check while their neighbors’ lives were economically destroyed by The State. State workers are paid prevailing wage, and they collect while the private economy works to eliminate union jobs. They don't deserve that wage 52 weeks a year, in so many ways. Greedy bastards without backbone or heart, nothing new.
In decaying, decrepit Cuba Libre, there is no private economy. You are a slave for the State. That's your Union. The Polish Communists said, "If they pretend to pay us, we'll pretend to work."
I did an interesting interview with a founding member of the United Farm Workers (UFW) and later involved with the forming of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) for public workers in the State of California when Reagan was Governor. He claimed the politicians were all for collective bargaining. They saw it as way to shed over-ambitious administrative assistants, lawyers, left-brain managerial type people (lefties?) they didn't have jobs for anymore or wanted removed from staff without hard feeling. Ensuring the current politician’s political fiefdom, dispensing jobs and favors was their motivation. SEIU was an extension of management from the start. SEIU in California is The State.
Parents, be good teachers. If your child needs a good teacher outside the home, my bet is that teacher won't belong to an AFL-CIO affiliated union.
"There is nothing we can do." A Truth on NPR, how unusual.