Monday, February 5, 2024

Bill 2


By any measure, Bill was an attractive man. Trim, youthful, full of life was his most endearing quality. He planned to live to be 130 years old. He was 73 at the time.

After every yoga class I heard and saw lithesome beautiful women young and old kiss his ass and willing to kiss more. He always seemed to deflect any attention. I grew to know Bill a little more in a down-to-earth personal issue between us. It should have broken our friendship, but it didn't. I seemed to enjoy Bill later, as a person, seeing a more human level and came to forgive him quickly. I'm saying this because, as far as I know and I don't have a need to know more, he was loyal to his wife of 50 years, Sandy.

There was a Mexican restaurant nearby and Tuesday I'd go and get tacos. This night Bill was seated at the bar and we got to talking. I asked him, "Bill, how do you deal with all these women flirting with you all the time? I would succumb easily." ( I can't remember the exact words) His answer: "I have moved out of my second chakra."

I'm have dwelt on that concept a long time. Living without the charms of women is OK, if it's voluntary. Having it taken away hurts.




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