Sunday, March 7, 2021

Cockwomble No.2? II

This meme got me thinking: What the world needs now is a Cockwomble Society with the appropriate titles, traditions, awards, medals and ribbons. 

Therefore; I shall hold the exalted office of Highest Degree Superior Cockwomble One, Exalted cut the crap,  until a quorum can assemble and can drag me off to a lime lined shallow grave to bury me with my shoe in my mouth.

 As Tradition No.1. shall decree.

I propose for the Founders of the Cockwomble Brotherhood (and dickless Brothers), CB&dB's,  some suggestions that the Convention would take:

1) We meet thrice during the years that end in 3 and 7. Once ending in one.

2) While a Cockwomble is never violent, cursed language may lead to bleeding, but no one knows how.

3) The assembling of by-laws and a Constitution could take centuries, so be in for the long haul.

4) The Mission Statement to be: Hey, Listen to ME. You don't know what your are talking about!

5) A yearly SGITR (Smartest GRRL/GUY In The Room) Award to the ONLY recognized SGITR.

6) Alcohol only enhances a Cockwomble's cockwombliness.

7) Our secret hand signal will be an index finger pointed away with emphasis. (Right hand,vjoking, Left hand, deadly serious.)

8) We make Rep. Fartwell (D, CA) or standard bearer to bring a Resolution to Congress making Cockwomble Day where every smart guy/grrl gets compliments like "Hey, thanks for thinking." I could say, "Sure, kid. Pull my finger."

9) Respect has to be held in the highest regard as a Cockwomble should know. Shredding an argument is nothing personal.

10) Don't act like a Cockwomble! Don't dress like a Cockwomble! BE a Cockwomble!

Any Cockwombles out there?



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