Yuval Noah Harari in some internet circles is considered Mephistopheles, Vulcan and Beelzebub wrapped into one. He runs with Klaus Rothschild Schwab, The Overlord, and his crowd. He's a futurist writer not unlike Alvin Toffler from years back. I wonder how many of Alvin's predictions came true? In the spirit of Bellamy, Huxley and Kurzweil, I took it on.
This 2014 book intrigued me enough to buy his most recent proclamations if they were priced at 4 dollars at Goodwill, like this one was.
You will have to buy into tectonic shift theory, Darwinism and Neil Armstrong on the moon before you take this tome seriously. The moon thing is a done deal in my brain, the other two concepts are under scrutiny in my world view. I refuse to believe such a highly educated man (Oxford and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, respectively) can base his assumptions on such bullshit. If he wants to tell me about footprints on the moon, he is not the smartest guy in the room. He is cynically lying, selling you a pre-planned agenda of New World Empire, as you would expect from the UN, EU, USA, WEF, WHO, WTO, NGO, IMF, NAFTA, GATT, NAU, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, AFL, CIO, and any number of agencies selling exactly the same message.
Nomads from Siberia wandered to Tierra del Fuego - no makee sensee to me. I don't buy it. They left Acapulco. Why?
Having some discriminate reading, he does have a perspective of the past he describes as the Cognitive, Agricultural, Scientific Revolutions. Many interesting stories of empire making, economics and gold, and of course, slaughter, slavery, and conquest. Private armies of joint-stock companies have caused a vast majority of modern mayhem in this world.
His discourse on modern philosophies hit spot on for me. I lived through them all.
1) Liberal Humanism - every life is sacred (except abortion and war), a spark of God in each one of us (including mass murderers, pedophiles and psychopaths), people just need more information to make better choices (have a Smart phone, dumb as a rock).
The disillusionment of organized religion took the community enforced boundaries off the Do As Thou Wilt folks. It really is a half sentence, Isn't it? Let's change it to Do As Thou Wilt Without Harm to Others. Can I do that, Aleister? The fact is Liberal Humanism without a demand for personal responsibility will fail. The State steps in to enforce or punish. Or not, as is the will today in America as it spirals down into perdition.
2) Socialist Humanism - the collective spirit will bring paradise on earth (after we kill our enemies), the Central Committee has our best interests at heart (and you will go along with it), it's Democracy without the playacting of voting.
There is no fan club for Pol Pot. A good Commie like that and no recognition. Sad. One can't be an individual of personal achievements, I guess.
3) Evolutionary Humanist - and here Mr. Harari does the slightest endorsement of Nazism, just touching the iceberg. Don't see that everyday. They love humanity as much as the others, they just want to eliminate the lesser, inferior (by their standard) ones. O-Kay.
This is the solution subliminally being sent through media today. It addresses the preventable chaos now swirling around us. You know it's "Them". I know you do.
Being called a 'Nazi' does not appeal to me, I don't want to kill anyone. I don't admire them, but their ideology lives in the genetic scientists, politicians and social engineers running their game through current medical tyranny. The people volunteer even with pain, lifetime sickness and death a possibility of their actions, turning the other cheek to those who have poisoned them. People are sleepwalking. Many are awake, but still in their pajamas. There is little resistance.
The blitzkrieg on Gaza is a brutal example of sub-human population elimination. The propaganda tells me they are crazy violent, dirty, unhinged, and live in the ground like vermin. From every media outlet, that message resounds.
Are you a sheep or a goat? Because it's coming your way. They are following a script.
Mr. Harari's crocodile tears about the psychological harm done to farm animals in an industrial farm setting rang hollow. Reading between the lines, it seems industrial farming, only with homo sapiens, is the blueprint for the New World Order he's selling. The humans, Klaus, Yuval and gang, will captain Noah's Ark, you will be the galley slaves.*
First they came for the old, the sick, the infirmed. "Ah, Ma, she was old." Then they came for the children. "Not my kid." , the suggestable "they're nuts", the intelligentsia "never saw it coming", you, and then the criminals.
Mr. Harari and his gang was telling you just that 10 years ago. They want the world to themselves.
Highlighted sentences from Sapiens:
pg. 28 There are no gods in the universe, no nations, no money, no human rights, no laws and no justice outside the common imagination of human beings.
pg. 24 You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
... the vast majority of human communication ... is gossip...
* pg. 74 Among all the world's large creatures, the only survivors of the human flood will be humans themselves, and the farmyard animals that serve as galley slaves in Noah's ark.
pg. 83 This is the essence of the Agricultural Revolution: the ability to keep more people alive under worse conditions.
pg. 118 When we break down our prison walls and run towards freedom, we are in fact running into the more spacious exercise yard of a bigger prison.
pg. 221 So, monotheism explains order, but is mystified by evil. Dualism explains evil, but is puzzled by order. There is one logical way of solving the riddle: to argue that there is one omnipotent God who created the entire universe - and He's evil. But nobody in history has had the stomach for such a belief.
pg. 236 Scientist studying the inner workings of the human organism have found no soul there.
pg. 240 A predictable revolution never erupts.
pg. 242 ... cultures are mental parasites that emerge accidently, and thereafter take advantage of all people infected by them.
pg. 252 Modern-day science is a unique tradition of knowledge, inasmuch as it openly admits collective ignorance regarding the most important questions.
pg. 254 Modern culture has nevertheless been willing to embrace ignorance to a much greater degree than has any previous culture.
pg. 265 - Franklin's empirical observation's, coupled with his knowledge about the qualities of electrical energy, enabled him to invent the lightning rod and disarm the gods.
pg. 271 The only modern ideology that still awards death a central role is nationalism.
pg. 325 As Marx and other social critics quipped, Western governments were becoming a capitalist trade union.
pg. 347 Consumerism... encourages people to treat themselves, spoil themselves, and even kill themselves slowly by overconsumption.
pg. 386 People are made happy by one thing and one thing only - pleasant sensations in their bodies.
pg. 391 Hence any meaning that people ascribe to their lives is just a delusion.
pg. 405 Sapiens, too, are being turned into cyborgs.
pg. 411 Yet the real potential of future technologies is to change Homo Sapiens itself...
Idiot's Revelation*
Bunny Hutch
Last Day On Earth*