Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Talking To You

Why I don't get along with people:

1) SKEWERED JUDGEMENT: One-fifth of the population is on 5 prescription drugs (or more).

a) METH HEADS, CRACK HEADS, 80 million practicing ALCOHOLICS

b) OPIOIDS, synthetic, prescription, or otherwise

Some people with c) All of the above

2) SURVEILLANCE: in casual conversation people look for evidence. They talk like Perry Mason and you sit and answer. They search for a soundbite to hold over you. No trust can be had.

a) FACEBOOK - self-policing gossip wire full of mentally ill people with big mouths

b) TEXT - communication by avoidance, leaving a written record, so impersonal

3) STUNTED DEVELOPMENT: A great amount of people never read a book after high school. They may have married their HS sweetheart. They may have never left the county except by television.

a) INSECURITIES: whipped puppies afraid of their shoes. Clinginess is not attractive.

b) DADDY ISSUES: they always have someone to blame

c) MOMMY ISSUES: fixated on the holes in their bodies.

d) ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM - being smart by being proud of their boring lives

4) COOL KIDS - the high school lunch room with delineated tables is the model for modern society. I'm a Bear fan in Cheeseland, how lonely.

a) Kiss ass to belong with your talent resented or abused

5) FOUNDATIONS OF CLAY - everyone holds bat-shit crazy, illogical beliefs and values and would take a bullet in the neck defending them. It's hard to have a conversation after a short time. Agree or go away.... Go Pack.

6) SMARTYPANTS - experts everywhere, accessible and 100% correct in all diagnoses and advice. Scarecrows from the Ivory Tower, mostly, or YouTube University. Medical world, accepted distributors of poison.

a) DOROTHY: How can you talk if I haven't got a brain?

SCARECROW: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking.

b) PHSYCHIATRY/PSYCHOLOGIST PLAY ACTORS - insidious cutting language meant to devalue other people. Common put-downs in fancy talk, sounding pseudo-smart. A bit guilty here, I admit.

c) BACK AT YA - Who is 'they'?

7) LIVING TOMBSTONES - trying to figure out how to smoke a cigarette around their oxygen tank. Triple vaccinated, barely surviving. I don't have a lot of help in me these days.

8) BOSSISM - the workplace relationship is the most duplicated. One person becomes the giver of orders and the other takes and does them unquestioningly. I'm not that person and I don't want to be Boss, either.

a) RALPH: I'm the Boss and your nuttin'.

NORTON: Then you're the Boss of nuttin'.

b) MAMA BEARS - reminding me to wear my mittens when it's cold out

9) HUH? WHAT? - I always seem to interrupt their cyber conversation. That's the real one, the one that counts. IOMS strikes again!

a) PANDEMIC - Immediate dismissal upon hearing that word. No more died than the year before. Don't you know? Spreading fear is your job? or RU stupid?

10) AGE - I've out lasted all the interesting ones. People are dull.



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