Monday, September 11, 2023

Democracy USA 2023

Democracy USA 2023

The circus parade took its 100 day furlough and is now starting seriously to pick up clowns, jugglers, sword swallowers, bearded ladies and Showmen, esp. Showmen! It's election season! Get your popcorn.

The first debate of everything that doesn't matter was held in Milwaukee recently. I heard plenty of 'news' coverage, only once can I recall it was mentioned the event was being held in the Pfizer Center arena. COVID and the Vaccination of Death wasn't brought up in the rising verbal sewage put forth from the participants. Nothing to see here, move along. Democracy in action.

No one seemed to notice Joe Biden and the US government elbowed the private owners of the railroads from the negotiating table and jammed a contract on the soon-to-be striking workers. Do you know what Benito Mussolini would call that move? Fascism... and 'making the trains run on time'.

Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy decide on how much money to borrow from the bankers. Not you.

Woodrow Wilson won reelection by promising to 'keep us out of the war'. Then did exactly as he wanted. The same platform of Big Jim Thompson of days past, the old queer, running for Governor of Illinois, "No New Taxes" - Day Two in office reveals his tax raising plan. Same for The Real George Bush (the Ethiopian in the woodpile of every major event in the second half of 20th century), 1992 he said "Read My Lips" - they do exactly what they want and no one has ever held them responsible for blatant lying. Not an elected official, ever, has stopped a bullet, missal, bomb, or warship from being produced and used in aggression against a chosen enemy of the decade. That's the beginning of a long list of what Congress has not, ever, accomplished for the benefit of its citizens. But in great bi-partisanship they can borrow money from the bankers, and pay super-duper-extravagant printing costs on our behalf. That alone should tell you who is in charge.

If everyone voted with a penny, we could just "weigh the vote" and have a result. I don't want to vote in the Pool of Fools that think hitting their Enter button is a vote and accounted. These people and their vote live in 'The Cloud'. Honey, could I just mail-in my part in our weekly love making? I'll send you a card.

The Stalinist Evers administration in WI is prosecuting those people who had the audacity to question the results of the 2020 Trump/Bidclone show. They produced a detailed report, quite damning and a good start, but is it that hard to disprove that 88% of registered voters was recorded? The previous high was 66% for Nixon/Humphrey 1968. On the face of it, do you think 88% of Wisconsin voted? 88%? If I say that's ridiculous, it seems I could be heading to the gulag.

Three years ago I traversed Michigan from the UP to New Buffalo, far SW,, along the beautiful Midwest Riviera. I went to the middle of the state and visited Midland where a dam had recently broke and spread devastation for miles around. I visited a friend in Bay City, NE part, back across the Mackinac Bridge home. It was a 10 day road trip and there wasn't a person I met that didn't say "Gretchen Whitmer" and not spit. Every establishment, the people of Midland, getting gas - I never heard an office holder so despised. I thought Gov. Billionaire Fatass in Illinois ate the cake, yet this women, the Lockdown Queen, gets reelected. Anecdotal, I know. Then again, the people in Michigan can't count past 20. Then they put their shoes back on.

Evers in WI was so close to the Brass Ring of Total Power. He must have been so jealous of Whitmer, Pritzker, and the Minnesota moron - one Republican Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice (elected in WI) would not renew his Emergency Powers. Well, the Stalinist fixed that problem and had a woman "voted" in to replace his vacancy. Women are good at taking orders and that is why they are put into positions of power. Many kings, there is only one Queen.

In the Presidential 2000 Village Idiot/Armand Hammer's godson race, the United States Supreme Court told you in no uncertain way your vote doesn't count, theirs does, and the whole spectacular drama played out in the preceding year was a complete waste of time. I listened.

Show trials. Thought police. Lockdowns. Surveillance. Military culture. You voted for it.





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