Saturday, May 6, 2023


I have had a long time friend who has avoided me since I mentioned the earth seems to be flat. I didn't declare it. I pointed out that driving 27 miles across Lake Pontchatrain in Louisiana should put one, fractally, 200 feet lower from beginning or end. The roadbed is a dozen feet above the water and extends straight across the lake. Forty years ago I crossed it in a Tule fog so thick it was the most frightening drive in my life. I recently viewed a homemade video using this example of flat earth and I was relating my impressions to him. Haven't heard hide nor hair from him since. It made him upset. I'll bet the designers never took curvature of the earth into their plans. Airplane pilots don't when they fly.

I like internet gadfly Max Igan. Maybe he's a hologram, not even human. Viewing or hearing anything on the digital internet is suspect to being 'real', but he is thought provoking. He was making the point of the interjection of this theme destroyed the 'truther' movement. 911 and its anomalies caused plenty of cognitive dissonance in minds everywhere. Flat earth/Globe earth immediately divided any coherent group thought processes, as the dealing with my 'friend' can attest. We agree on most things in the public sphere, but this one turned him off from me and he wasn't willing to discuss any part of it.

Mr Igan puts forth the the idea that maybe the earth is not round or flat. Just stating that in a conversation of these sorts stymies most people to continue. I wish for people in my life that can handle such thinking wherever these discussion may lead. There aren't many. It pretty much shuts people up. They only argue what is given to them, never coloring outside the lines. Most common response is "Square"?

This line of reasoning draws one into New Age woo-woo which is always a kettle of fish waiting to deceive. Our consciousness is examined and answers are not forthcoming easily unless you take that 'great leap of faith', most times to the bottom of the cliff. There are radical changes to perception for those willing to entertain them. Most walk under the banner "Ignorance is Strength" and that is the world I live in. Internet holograms are my only friends.




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