Saturday, September 2, 2023

Labor Day 2023

Labor Day 2023

A recent comment accused me of being indifferent about my "fellow workers". I stand guilty. They don't stand up for themselves, I'm not sticking my head out of the foxhole in class warfare. These people I'm supposedly "fighting" for are happy slaves and have no interest or reason in following my indoctrinated, brainwashed brain. I don't blame them. Stay in the middle of the road dressed in camouflage with your mask on will have you survive another day. Putting yourself out there, "fighting" the good fight, is social suicide. I'm a living example.

"Come, join The Movement and we can get beaten and go to jail together!"

In 2000, the Communist Party met in Durban, South Africa in conclave. The decision was made to change direction in the endless seeking of division, agitation, and created tension. The Reds decided to abandon its core policy of trade unions being the vanguard of the revolution. I guess they figured out the West’s ‘happy wage slave' union philosophy was indominable. People just don't like unions, and some have good reasons why, but generally unions have raised the standard of living for one generation, mine. The next be damned.

They decided, or were told, that the destruction of capitalist society was to be achieved by promoting sexual dyspepsia. Endless strife has occurred in every Western institution by aggressive homosexual promotion, transvestitism, and most awful, genital mutilation, abortion and blood drinking to achieve happiness. Influence genders/s bitterly fighting. These planned social actions, along with narcotic drug importation, would implant severe mental illness and confusion in the body politic. 23 years later, one can see the plan is working.

Totalitarian countries don't allow any of this type of behavior. In Cuba, internal drug dealers go to prison and never return. The Vlad, Putin, denounces the decadent West weekly, while actively leading and funding the destruction. Spoken like a true, lying Commie. In Islam, being gay will get your head chopped off. They love doing that sort of thing. In China, the firing squad is your end. In America, the media implies our happiness is met by sucking each other’s cocks and getting fucked up. The rest of the world values a good honest days' work.

Capitalism and Communism have one thing in common: They both love slave labor.

Government is a trap. Any attachment to your local union, association, or social club taints your existence, makes you a part of and junior partner to your oppressor. You are embracing your 'civil rights', meaning you are allowing someone outside your conclave to dictate policy in your organization. Even the term 'Independent Trade Union' is suspect. Just exactly to whom are they in dependence? A larger organization? And they are in dependence to someone, too?

It is interesting to watch American society organically enact a General Strike. Nobody wants to work for a wage in 2023 because; a) it's easier to go on the dole or disability and live without the stress b) the 'unions' gave my contemporaries pension plans, so now we sit on our fat asses and watch television for a living, if the stock market bubble doesn't burst. c) the younger generation can't add/subtract three-digit numerals, can't read cursive, or tell what time it is without their cell phones. d) workplaces across the land are gossipy, little hellholes. The strike is not because of the inaction of AFL-CIO, a non-government quasi-government agency, like CDC.

One must love what they are doing at productive work, or it's painful drudgery. The overall unproductive, draining, segment of society is the majority. More than 50% of the population of California is receiving a government check, and drugging and fucking BTW, along with the entire West Coast. The government solves all social problems by borrowing more money from yet a larger, and obviously, a more powerful organization.

Totally un- sustainable, to use a NWO term. They have plans for us serfs, and it ain't good.

In Hawaii, 100's of my fellow workers are still in vaporized solidarity. How, why? - where is the outrage? People are indifferent. What's the crime?




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