Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Labor Day 2022



The town down the road is having it's annual Labor Day parade.  How quaint.

The parades' slogan is "Labor Salutes Our Veterans."  How diminished this national holiday has become to now be another military celebration.  Organized Slavery in the armed forces does not represent Labor, in fact, it is most often used to break strikes, vicious crowd control and kidnap and murder union leaders, esp Central and South America. 

Organized Labor in the USA is dead.  Dead.  Dead.

Does anyone remember Richard Trumka, former head of the AFL-CIO, getting his COVID shot, having a press conference declaring all American workers should get the shots, then going home and dying two days later?  That is what he wanted  you to do - die.  I called him The Invisible Man, one useless 'labor leader', a term I equate with useless.  His replacement is a woman which means more exponential status quo.  She will take orders and kiss ass.  That is what women do in leadership positions. Labor is a function of management, never the other way around, nothing new expected.

When I started this blog my issue was workplace stress.  It melted me down in 2008. I declared it a epidemic problem. I wasn't alone I found. No one is going to want to go to work soon.  Well, my premonition was correct.  There isn't a labor pool, not around here anyway.  We have an economy of non-productive walking dead  retired population and mentally ill young people.  In between we have the drunks, drug abusers, ne'er-do-wells and inactive helpless on some kind of Disability Insurance.  Does my community sound like yours?

If you do pick up a service job you will be guaranteed a low wage.  Not only that, if you are at all competent, you will be doing two jobs because you will be hired to take the place of a stressed and burnt out person who wants to quit, and will as soon as you show up.  Work doesn't pay - going on the dole is  slavery.  Living your life fully, honestly, and working hard for yourself and neighbors without government interference does have its rewards.  Jump.  The world will catch you.

People don't have pride in their work, in their appearance, in their loved ones, and, no matter how high you hold the flag and slobber over veterans, people don't have pride in this country.

Old people are taking out 10 times the amount of Social Security than they ever put in.  They have no shame or concern for those that follow.  They 'deserve' it.  So, maybe, the next time you run into an underpaid service cashier clerk, thank them for donating their pittance to SS, money they will never receive in kind.  Tell them you are a greedy old coot and it's tough, but that is just the way it is.   Make sure you tell them, "I got mine."

Happy Labor Day.  Let's not work.  Great idea.  Now what?



Labor Day, Who Knew?

Labor Day*



I Want My Cigarettes. Now.*



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