Wednesday, September 13, 2023



I don't call people on their birthday, I don't suppose anyone will call me.

67. Knock on wood, release the good fairies, still fairly healthy.

I am not a contented old man. Tired of wading waist deep through the stupid, it's only rising. Invisible Old Man Syndrome (IOMS) makes my public appearances difficult. I've joined the bachelors in the woods. We all, respectfully, live alone, but will help in a heartbeat. Straightforward, direct and honest, I don't have to like them. I only need to know they are good neighbors. This lifestyle has seemed to grow on me.

Growing social anxiety has only pussed out in recent years. If you are dying of related consequences due to COVID "vaccination" in the "Pandemic" delivered by the greatest medical system in the world, don't bother calling me. You know, those people that believed Donald Trump.  If it is news of someone I used to know, spare me. The accepted stupid knows no end. I'm avoiding stupid that's why I live alone.

Stupid is falling like hard rain 2023.

Pandering to the stupid is intolerable. Tax money for clean rooms so street drug addicts can shoot up? Public school systems teach stupid and have little positive effect on society. After 12 years one 'graduates' and can read and write at at 4th grade level, what's the point? He should have been taken out of school in the 5th grade and given a shovel sent to the hinterlands to build a road. Let's release the downtrodden oppressed convicted felons, better yet, let's let them vote!!! When the 'news' is blubbering over the baby in the bombed building in Ukraine. remember that that baby wouldn't have been there if it had been aborted. Hooray abortion! The entire population is addicted to stage acted reality. The stupid, like rust, never sleeps.

Much of my writing is misogynist, I can't deny it. I prefer 'masculinist'. I can say the stupid that is being forced down my throat every day is being led, promoted, voiced and enforced by womyn (and their agents, simp men). There are two women I hold in the highest esteem, the rest I have a hard time breathing the same air. When they are human, they really shine. Maybe it's age on my part, I contend the Other party refuses to grow or take a risk. They are afraid of their shoes. Conversation is like dragging a cinder block around. Always been hard to work with, now, impossible. Never make me laugh. I don't see feminists being kind to men. Silence in their presence as a strategy seems to be working for me. I don't engage beyond Hello and Goodbye. I recommend it. They never do you any good. Everything you say will be used against you.

Regrets, I have a few. If I had this 67 year old brain in my 18 year old body, I coulda been a contender. I have led an interesting life and intend to continue, regardless of my disappointment in my fellow bi-peds. Living amongst nature I see the tenacity of life. Plants, bugs, birds, animals, and me do not wish to die and leave this beautiful Realm.

Happy Berfday To Me!



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