Friday, September 15, 2023

Shut UP

Blubbering females have not gotten their way with me. I've grown cold. You know where you can stick that emotional bat. It's funny, I'm the one pushing away it is said. I say I'm being pushed away by goofy, over-emotional manipulators. I've never put up with it well. Toughen up, Sally. Now I am in the Age of Shut UP.

Yes, the stars have aligned, and Mars is in my Jupiter House, and it's time to tell stupid people to Shut UP. Go read a book. Know what you are talking about, who you are talking about and have a thought of your own you can defend. Or Shut UP.

Listening to several conversations at once, as in a coffeehouse situation, people spend an inordinate amount of wasted time fixing, re-tracing, arguing about the number used, defining, redfining, double/triple checking any info presented, and it seems, it is presented incorrectly often. I once had a terrific girlfriend. Constantly, "Are you sure?" It through me off balance for a while. The inability to have a conversation with her was the reason I had to go. Annoying, I started to think Shut UP. Now I will say it easily. Hurt feelings? Do you know how it is to be constantly doubted? It's emotional abuse.

Avoidance is one reason why this society seems to be in the depressive hole it is in. The Stupid with their stupid ideas are Reigning Supreme and nobody says shit. I go places, I don't hear people talk about anything important, just what they bought recently, how much it costs, and how the other person could have gotten it cheaper. Federal debt, Ukraine war, heavens, the DNA reassemble shot, very seldom. Football. Weather. Road closures. Lazy State workers.

People have been self-policing using shame, blame and guilt beating each other down for too long. It's an extension of the "you are a particle in a piece of dust on a rock spinning in a solar system in one of endless galaxies" school of bullshit thinking. Wake up to your own brainwashing.

You are not insignificant. Stand up for your human self. People are turning into robot machines, thoughtless slaves right in front of my eyes.

It's time to Shut UP stupid people and let the intelligent people talk. Your feelings don't matter. Control them or they are weapons. And with that, your weapons are met with mine.



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