Monday, September 11, 2023

Wesley says... 079

No one is working in Hollywood. Cry me a river.

Stop texting. It's un-human. You are part of the machine. You are a walking talking Coke machine.

I've met a few 62 yr old virgins recently. Widowed. They act like juniors in high school. I'm supposed to play act along and say silly things. They are in the field with the Girlfriend Handbook, Girl Scout Troop 54175, allowing me to chase them around the block before reckless surrender. As she is in the midst of Chapter 2, The Inquisition, this is what I am thinking : "Take out your false teeth and gnaw on this knob."

A software voice couldn't be programmed to say 'actually': that would be lying.

"Stay stupid. We'll do it for you" IS racism.

If you listen to Alex Jones everyday, you will take on AJ's world-view and not have one of your own. He's a very good propagandist, second to Dr. Michael Savage (born Weiner), IMO. Like a goat, fun every once in a while. Glenn Beck, very underrated. I believe in Rush Lindbaugh.

How could any sane rational man walk amongst Mormans? Muslims? Catholics? A barbaric desert religious cult that you swing a chicken over your head and blow the chauffeur every year (strange tradition, who has a chauffeur?) When will the last priest die?

The more we are connected, the more we must suffer the news of each others' death. Every old rock star that rusts out , young athletes that keels over for no reason, you hear the poet that wrote the only poem you ever read just died and the sadness piles upon the heart. Tom Hanks died. Just kidding.

There is no doubt in my mind people are turning into robots, mentally in The Cloud. If you took 9 triple vaccinated surviving people and 1 pure blood in a line up, and have a short conversation with each, I could pick out that 1 PB. Easy. And they know it, too.

Is it possible all the electric music bands ever formed, as a hive mind, wanted to reincarnate as a jukebox?


As I see it, the sooner society lives without government, money, organized religion, processed food, the internet, cell phones, radio and television, the better off we will be as human beings, with more clarinet music, of course.


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