Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Pitch y Catchee 2021... 02*

Frankie and I were Sox fans.  In the confines of Kennedy Park, if you were with a group of Condors (yes that is what we called ourselves), anyone could call out “Sox/Cub Fight” and all would have to explode on each other with a fist to the ribs, depending on your affiliation. Always weary, just maybe the few Cub fans would bait you into a trap; call “Cub/Sox Fight”.

“Leave the baseball bat, take the quart of Blatz.”…

… But above all we were baseball fans, as I repeat myself, Sox fans not Cub fans.

Frankie’s family, uncles and aunts, and my parents' family were intertwined on so many levels.  My dad took his mother to the Senior Prom.  My mother was best friends’ with his aunt.  My uncle and his uncle were Business Agents in the union together.  Why didn’t I marry Colleen, Frankie’s cousin, that day as 14 yr. olds romping in the sands and climbing the rocks on Calumet Beach, I’ll never know.  Ahhh… Later, she helped me out in many ways. The whole family has been helpful in my life.

Part 3... soon



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