Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Just A Day At Work* II


I worked over twenty years on many construction jobsites. I used a portable plastic shithouse every day, several times a day, sharing it with, sometimes, 100’s of men. Always disgusting, at the refineries some were neglected for months it seemed. This was through the AIDS/HIV epidemic, several Hepatitas B and C alerts, and, of course, flu season every winter. No one thought anything was unusual otherwise conditions would have changed. 

Early in one project I was given the assignment to install the emergency lights about 15 feet above the “Siamese” water connection. In every commercial building this exists on the ground floor by a parking lot or alley, very accessible. The fire engine is needed, the firemen connects the hoses to the “Siamese” connection. The blinking lights I was installing was to call to the incoming fire truck and promote efficiency delivering the water onto the fire. Hmmm, I said. 

“You mean we have water in this building?” 

“Sure, it’s the first thing installed. The Fire Department and insurance company wouldn’t allow us to work here without it. It wouldn’t be safe.” 

“We could build a place with porcelain toilets and sinks with running water to wash our hands?” 

“That isn’t in the General Contractor’s bid.” 

“With plumbers, carpenters, electricians and laborers on sight, we have to use the portable plastic shithouses through the entirety of this project?”

“Yeah. You know how it is.”

Until someone tells me otherwise, that is the condition today.


You know who is going to make out on this phony pandemic? Plumbers. The current joke is how much they cost for their services. Now you want them to come in your house and replace your broken toilet or clean your drain or sewer pipe? They are going to charge you up the ying/yang. You go Brothers, take advantage of the fearful. Don’t begrudge you a bit. Shear them sheep.


I'm currently reading a book on Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Coast 2005.  The storm just happened, and the Coast Guard and volunteer rescue and recovery missions are being sent into New Orleans.  There isn't a mention of worry about the germ safety to the first responders.  Wading titty deep in sewer water, unknown chemicals, sludge, mud, it seems the human body is pretty resilient.  Typhoid, dysentery, cholera are all known pathogens, the people in a REAL life catastrophe acted with bravery, endurance and compassion, not worrying a scant.

The Federal Government fell flat on their faces.  Disorganized, a week or more of time to respond.  FEMA's  response was pathetic.

Now the G seems to be totally on top of the situation fighting an invisible bugaboo.

Perhaps there is a Malthusian aspect and the flu is supposed to take away our sick, elderly and weak. The flu kills thousands of unhealthy people every year.

Why would anyone think the G cares?  Have they ever told you the Truth?

first published March 30, 2020


Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests 
by Jon Rappoport

In this article, I’ll present quotes from official sources about their own diagnostic test for the coronavirus. I’m talking about fatal flaws in the test.

Because case numbers are based on those tests (or no tests at all), the whole “pandemic effect” has been created out of fake science.

In a moment of truth, a propaganda pro might murmur to a colleague, “You know, we’ve got a great diagnostic test for the virus. The test turns out all sorts of results that say this person is diseased and that person is diseased. Millions of diseased people. But the test doesn’t really measure that. The test is ridiculous, but ridiculous in our favor. It builds the picture of a global pandemic. An excuse to lock down the planet and wreck economies and lives…”

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