Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Invisible Rainbow*

I have found a book that explains many of my frustrations with people the last 25 years or so. It also explains a most confusing personal time in my life. I will tell my story through the lens of The Invisible Rainbow and while the medical professionals were stumped by my predicament, my point should be proved that acute electrical sickness is real and being anywhere around electricity is dangerous to your health.

Follow the science? Mr Firstenberg does a fine job explaining the techno for the high school graduate. It is all measurable. I truly enjoy following the science, but he can explain these concepts better than I. 

The curious should read this book. This book should not be dismissed. Electricity is a danger to you. You are getting ‘zapped’ constantly and at higher frequencies and greater magnitude than you realize.

The author’s historical cited pathway on the introduction of electricity into society parallels the growth in cancer, hypertension, and diabetes. I’ll try to paraphrase his explanation of diabetes/obesity because it rang clear in my head and challenged a personal belief. I happen to like that. I do have a few regular readers and over time may have read a mean spirited rant or two on fat people. I haven’t been fair. I was judging them harshly. I was judging on the basis of how someone could get so fat filling the pie hole with crap and that may be true for some late night snackers. The 60Hz cycle of electricity in your home and most everywhere is conducive to the same wavelength of hibernating bears. This book proves some people are more sensitive to electricity, why wouldn’t cellular function be disturbed, some be ‘allergic’ so to speak. The mitochondria do not break down food and the hibernating bear eats away. 60Hz puts their body to sleep.

Electricity disrupts cellular function: cancer. Brain cancer is not unusual for linemen and high voltage workers. Your heart beats from an electrical discharge, disrupt its’ pattern and you get that gripper, Fred G Sanford moment, and, oh well, died of a heart attack. It happens all the time.

Electricity was introduced into general population in the 1880’s, but was a fascinating essence and studied deeply from as early as 1750. There was a medical practice in fashion using micro voltage and amperage, in a long period of procedure, on the cochlear nerve in the ear causing it grow together curing deafness. Well documented and popular, the ‘electrician’ applied electricity to joints pain relief and other maladies, some with dubious results and eventually was demeaned as a treatment. But the cochlear work was done into the 1920’s.

Marconi, the great innovator of radio, suffered with heart trouble, eventually killing him. Many early scientists and researchers, like Thomas Edison, were obese, diabetic and ill.

With each introduction into the atmosphere – radio in WWI (the Spanish Influenza can be traced back to a US Army Signalman’s corps in Kansas) , Radar in WWII, satellites and HAARP and other military testing, analog to digital in 1996, cell towers, 3G, 4G mass sicknesses followed. And now with 5G the sensitivities of the population will be tested again. Like beached whales people get sick and die. No one lays out the correlation more clearly until this book came along. It lays out the correlation with hard, compelling evidence.


In the spring of 2008 I completely melted down. I was in a state of intense anger and anxiety never experienced before. I was in an agonizing state of mental health and I didn’t know why. This blog was an effort to get out of the hole I was in and earliest posts tell the story. The MD didn’t know, but gave me blood pressure pills (helpful). He referred me to therapist; she was baffled and got out the DMS book right in front of me to look up my symptoms. I was wound tight and in trouble. This hell lasted most of 4 months, after I quit my job.

I was working electrical maintenance at a University north of Chicago. In 2005 I had the brilliant idea to get out of construction and move into the 40 hr slow shuffle of changing light bulbs. I thought it would be a delight to work on a campus. Psychologically, moving from the free movement of the private sector into institutional type thinking caused cognitive dissonance in my brain. They had their ways and no smarty pants new guy with a better idea was to be tolerated. As anyone who works for the State  will attest, management is angry and insane. I had my issues with the place, mostly the people I was stuck working with, but once I settled, for some time it was good job. They gave me the Science building to maintain.

I had my office – get this – in a switchgear room (where the power is distributed though out a section of a building). 70% of the job was changing out fluorescent light ballasts (small transformer-like internal component) from the old type to electronic. I changed a dozen a day around any other duties. I remember outside contractors were putting satellite dishes on the roof and they would call on me to open locked doors any other issues. 3G was the new thing and it would be interesting to find out when they went online. I’m guessing spring of 2008.

In the basement were two giant magnets used for research. In my enthusiasm to show what a great wage slave I could be, I redid the lights in that area. This is a room that demagnetized credit cards. I spent maybe a week on that job. The head researcher, a very weird man, said that hadn’t been done in 15 years. Now I wonder if they knew it was dangerous place to be.

These three years were on top of 25 years in construction. I worked high voltage in the refineries for two years. Transformer rooms were a daily occurrence in high rise construction and all fields (that’s an electrical joke). Then it all poured out of me. I was a mess. I was poisoned.


I was on top of the world. I had a steady job, plenty of money, living downtown in a high rise. I was drinking too much, had too many girlfriends and was living large. Personally, I’m not very proud of my actions during this time in my life. Shattering my nerves through high living on top of my work situation didn’t help.

I hardly slept during these years. I took up lake swimming obsessively in order to collapse from exhaustion. I thought that was sleep. Could the reason for insomnia be the 40 WiFi connections in the building offered to me on my computer?

For three years I was bouncing back and forth from two exceedingly polluted atmospheres of invisible wavelengths playing on my mind and body. 


As I stated, this book lets people off the hook regarding my frustrations with them, esp. in these insane times. I mentioned my awareness of the cause of obesity. No longer will I allow my internal voice say mean things, quite the opposite, they are victims of deranged science. After 20 years of holding a radiating cell phone to the side of their head, frying their hippocampus, the part of the brain that stores long term memory, I can let people go for being so stupid. Women talk five times more than men. I assume they are frying their brains five times faster than men. So, my anger towards unreasonable, bonzo crazy women is explained. Lack of personality in the young is another point that must be forgiven. Youth is toast.

Is there a solution to all this? We can’t get away from electrical induction. The sensitive will always suffer. You are not taking the cell phone away from the chatty. They are donating their brains to science.
Gossip, truly, is killing us all.

I’m asking the reader to be aware in conversation. People tend to complain about their dis-ease. Ask questions like How close do you live to the cell tower, monkey yard (high voltage switching locations) or powerhouse? Do you have an electric range/stove? How many WiFi’s sooth you to sleep at night? Take an accounting of the role of electricity in your own life and move away from the most modern devices as fast as you can. Use the Off button.


Saddest paragraph (pg 386) : " Not just people, but all of nature is being replaced by electrical pulsations, and not just in cities and suburbs. Radio waves are replacing eagles and hawks in the national parks and wilderness areas, fish and whales in the earth's oceans and penguins and auks in Antarctica and Greenland where ice is melting into electric fog."



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The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
5-*from Wesley E. on March 11, 2021
Baking our brains


TRT 9.50

"It's really damn hard to be a human being these days."


TRT 52.00


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