Monday, August 31, 2020

Kenosha Photo Bomb

This Kenosha event was another agit-prop theater, as was Blake, Floyd, and most things presented by the media.  Tucker Carlson presented a flat out liar/actor telling a story.

The police haven't been active enough, in their estimation, and they want to incite the masses to do the wet work.

Let's review; 17 yr old white male with a AR15.  Shoots a guy in the head, yet no blood.  Shoots a guy in the arm, close range, the man doesn't drop the gun he is holding.  Two videos, two angles show people in two different places.  Two takes.  The AR15 doesn't have a muzzle flash.

These memes are an example of how humor can be weaponized, instigating the dupes.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Alt Reality

Ron Coleman Has an Epiphany: We Live in Different Moral Universes, and We Are No Longer Even Close to Being One People

I guess I had an epiphany. It is funny how we think we're "based now," but are, really, still stuck in old mindsets.

On the way to my new office I drive past the office of a relative whose law office I once worked in as an intern, many years ago. He was kind and generous.
Though we never grew close, I was always grateful for his early guidance and exposure to law practice. He is pretty successful. We have lived nearby, and stay in touch a bit.

But politics... politics, like sex, changes everything.

He is a committed Clintonite.

And as my public persona has become more and more political in recent years, we have clashed.

I have tried to avoid personal conflict with him, but above all I have been astonished at his intellectual dishonesty about the people and causes he supports.

And what I am often trying to do is justify myself, show him his attacks on my views (say, on Facebook, where they are mostly likely to be found) are based on mistaken premises, etc.

I always liked him. But now I am driving by his office regularly, and I don't stop in.

And I thought about this, and another relationship came to mind - one with a former college professor of mine whom I respect and like a lot. He is a liberal, too, but he is also fighting an important public cultural fight against a particularly ugly LW myth that is about.

We recently renewed our relationship when Mrs. C picked up his book on this topic, and we attended a public lecture of his nearby, and it was really very pleasant.

(This is why you go to the great universities, by the way.)

And we started corresponding.

And I should have known trouble was brewing because at this lecture, involving a topic in American history, there was a Q&A session, and inevitably Trump came up, and inevitably he reassured the audience that Trump was awful and deserved to be removed.

And we chalked this up to, well, the social milieu. He "has to say that." He even has to believe it.

Everyone can have his blind spots, and politics is, well, funny. After all, his generation was raised to believe that Nixon was the antichrist.

Nixon was not the antichrist.

But in the course of our correspondence about the culture war, in which we agreed about just about everything, the politics crept in, inevitably.

And rather than excerpt his comments, presumably meant to be private, let's just say what I hoped was not the case, is the case:

We do not live in the same moral universe.

This cannot be a matter of how we understand or perceive facts. The way people on the left describe facts is a manifestation of an outlook that is a set of choices.

These choices are not defensible any more, if they ever were.

And I was writing in this mode of trying to find common ground - and to his credit, he was, too... except that his "factual" premises (merely political conclusions) were just absurd. They were no more reasonable or measured, in and of themselves, than a Twitter exchange.

Although, again, the tone was, and this is not for nothing.

And I thanked him for this thoughts, and promised I would write back.

I have not written back.

I guess am tired of doing the work with ... these people.

"These people" who I like, as people. Who have been generous to me, who have extended themselves personally, who are humane and generous... but in the hyper-politicized world we all live in, it is I who have to prove to them, constantly, that no, I'm still ok!

I am certainly not going to go out of my way to antagonize "these people." I at least owe them that much.

But I guess I am tired of going out of my way to assuage them, reassure them, be the moderate one, pretend to think their takes could be reasonable.

To pretend.

Why I am pretending to tolerate people who believe I am in league with Literal Nazis and that in supporting Trump I am supporting, as another academic I have known for years said of him on Facebook, "the worst person who ever lived"?

He has tenure, and he wrote this publicly.

You can't go home again.

I don't know if I can ever stop in at that office halfway between my home and my work where I had my summer internship 35 years ago. I like my dad's cousin, because I like most people.

But I do not respect him. He does not respect me.

Is this a proper epiphany, though? Should we be as Marxists and indeed politicize everything and every relationship, even when there are common and human reasons to want to maintain them?

Or is it just rational to avoid inevitable conflict and inevitable retreat?

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Infertility. Yes!


Ammo Grrrll resists TRANSGENDER TYRANNY, a Gateway Drug to Total Tyranny. She writes:

As a short, round woman, I was convinced that whatever life problems I had would definitely not be solved by becoming a short, round man, even with the silly little beard all woman to man transgenders affect. Jeez! Like I need somewhere ELSE to shave.

... Whether a fad, an attempt to gain a financial Diversity Advantage, or a profound confusion affecting a minuscule percentage of the population, transgenders got scant attention until suddenly, they leapt to the very top of the Oppression Food Chain. How so? This is me yelling: IT’S COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY “OPPRESSION”! In fact, a woman who becomes a man has now surrendered her Official Oppressed Person card to become a member of the icky “toxic male” oppressing class! Boo! Hiss!

... Fellas, do you want to wear women’s clothes? Mazel tov and have at it. You are welcome to the high heels, bras with uncomfortable underwires, whatever. Oh, you’re gonna LOVE one-size-fits-none pantyhose. And women have been wearing pants for decades. So what’s up, seriously, with the mutilation, amputation and drugs? Especially for children.

... Isn’t it fascinating with all the “settled science” denying that there is even such a thing as two biological sexes that when a transgendered person is MISTAKEN for the other sex that all hell breaks loose? Why? What’s the big deal if there’s no such thing as gender?

Friday, August 28, 2020

The Good Smirk

“Today, most of the good people are afraid to be good. They strive to be broadminded and tolerant! It is fashionable to be tolerant — but mostly tolerant of evil — and this new code has reached the proportions of demanding intolerance of good.” -Edith Starr Miller

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wesley says... 024

1)  If you can smell your own fart, your mask isn’t doing you much good

2) Men who call their wife “the Boss” don’t get my friendship.

3) BLM? 3% of the populations are responsible of 40% of abortions.


4) The Presidential election is too contrived to be taken seriously.

5) Remember when Ralph would say to Alice, “You’re a BLA…BBERMOUTH.” I think I’ll find a use for that today.


6) Politics is at the county level. No more.

7) The F6 chord got me a chick.

8) Has any NBA/NFL/MLB player ever looked up in the stands?

9) Melania is a man.

10) Remember where you squirreled those nuts?

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Operation Trump

Operation Trump - Successful As Planned
 TRT: 35.28

This is the best explanation of the game being run against the people of this country.

From the comments: DanielPatrick 6 hours ago

I have believed from the beginning of Trump’s running for Pres that the way his presidency ends is with the rise of the reactionary right martial law police state which will actually be the New World Order. Trump is taking us right into the End of America and all the crazy blind Christians are going to be cheering him on to their demise. Almost all the Christians I know are all behind Trump, not that it makes any difference since the machines are all rigged anyhow, but they do need audience participation for the thesis anthesis thing to do it’s magic on the masses, which I’m afraid that this time it’s gonna be mayhem --the church bells were all broken, Bye Bye Miss American Pie...

Russ Winter on Dino Ryan podcast:

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Mind Your Own Business

Hank Williams dedicates this song to all the Facebook Bitches out there. Johnny Cash agrees.

 Mind Your Own Business

If the wife and I are fussin, Brother, that's our right

Cause me and that sweet woman got a license to fight

Why don't you mind your own business?

Mind your own business

Cause if you mind your own business then you won't be minding mine

Oh the woman on our party lines the nosiest thing

She picks up the receiver when she knows it's my ring

Why don't you mind your own business?

Mind your own business

Cause if you mind your business then you won't be minding mine

I got a little gal that wears her hair up high

The boys all whistle when she walks by

Why don't you mind your own business?

Mind your own business

Cause if you mind your own business then you won't be minding mine

If I want to honky tonk around til two or three

Now, Brother, that's my headache don't you worry 'bout me

Why don't you mind your won business?

Mind your own business

Cause if you mind your business then you won't be minding mine

Minding other people's business seems to be high toned

I got all that I can do just to mind my own

Why don't you mind your own business?

Mind your own business

If you mind your own business you'll stay busy all the time


Let's Eat the Bitch*

Monday, August 24, 2020

Liberty or Death

Dr. Ron Paul

Politicians and bureaucrats cannot eliminate a virus any more than they can eliminate terrorism. What they can do is use terrorism, a virus, and other real, exaggerated, or manufactured crises to expand their power at the expense of our liberty.

Politicians will never resist the temptation to use crises as excuses to gain more power. Therefore, it is up to those of us who know the truth to spread the message of liberty and grow the liberty movement, A strong liberty movement is the only thing that can force the politicians to stop stealing our liberty while promising phantom security from terrorists and viruses.

Fear Theater

Marching to the beat of the mainstream media’s drum, Joe Biden and Democratic presidential running mate, Kamala Harris, have called on the nation’s governors to order everyone in the United States to wear a mask while outdoors for the next three months “at a minimum.” It’s bad enough that such an order would violate basic liberty, but there is no good evidence that the wearing of such masks does the first thing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

... Hardly any more useful in preventing the dreaded virus spread is the constant scrubbing down of surfaces and the washing of hands. That’s because it is through those fine aerosol particles in the air that the virus typically spreads, not from contaminated surfaces. Even such a dependably mainstream liberal publication as The Atlantic has called this new cleanliness obsession nothing but “hygiene theater.”

... But for the terrorism fear theater to have any effect, one has to engage in air travel or visit a major tourist site in Washington, DC. They don’t begin to compare to the coronavirus fear theater. People either cajoled or coerced into wearing masks are almost everywhere. So effective is it in conveying the fear message, the big wonder is that our manipulators were so slow in recognizing the possibilities. Recall that initially the Center for Disease Control played it straight and simply passed on what medical science had determined, that is, that the masks don’t do any good in preventing the spread of a virus. Then, just as we were getting past the worst of it, the value of the masks for public control rather than for public health came to the realization of someone in a very high position. As a prop for fear theater, it is better than anything that anyone has yet to come up with. Since Pennsylvania Avenue remains blocked off and the airport pat-downs continue into the foreseeable future, I fear that these hideous lower face coverings will be with us for a very long time as we continually move the goalposts for what constitutes victory over the illness. 



Lockdown Witch Doctors Are Priming You for a New Serfdom
We were already on the road to neo-feudalism, now that has greatly accelerated

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bff Reports... 08: Sick and Tired*

 Black-footed Ferret Reports: Sick and Tired

Dispatch 8 from DumbFuck Nation, United States of Absurdia

It was getting dark quick and I had to find a safe place to stop for the night.  The Davy Crockett National Forest seemed to be the place to find a lonely back road and park but I better find it soon because not much can be done in the pitch black night.  I passed a sign pointing to a Sorell Family Cemetery and took a chance and turned in.

The road/trail was shared by a logging truck or two, but into the woods about a quarter mile was an old family plot with a wrought iron gate and fence, maybe 50 graves.  I pulled into the side yard and waited for the last logger to roll through as the sun went down. I set up my little camp, tried to play my guitar, choked down two warm Budweisers (doctors’ orders, medication upkeep) and felt awful.  My plan was thwarted by a huge invisible wall on the EAST side of Texas.

I was sick.  My balloon ankles told me my blood pressure was outrageous.  Lost, friendless, terribly lonely for my wife, I laid in the van, doors open, staring at the ceiling. A wonderful little thunderstorm was approaching and I was looking forward to the rain. California doesn’t have thunderstorms. Rain there is mostly just extreme fog that doesn’t quit for 4 months. A gentle shower fell and I felt mentally washed as the intensity grew, very pleasant.

Sometime or another, I decided the escape wasn’t going to happen.  I’m going to have to concede this plan wasn’t going to work.  I was going to head back home. I texted her with the decision and went to sleep.

Dispatch 9 of the Black-footed ferret Reports in DumbFuck Nation coming soon…



Friday, August 21, 2020

Andrea - Call Me!

August 20, 2020
Obama's DNC speech was vicious, dishonest, and mostly about Obama

... Obama continued, saying Trump has

"shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves."

Without irony, Obama was describing himself. He was a famously lazy president, compared to the Trump dynamo, he massively enriched those close to him (especially Biden), and he used the presidency as a chance to rock with rappers and take exotic trips.


August 21, 2020
Biden’s speech managed to be simultaneously vapid and disgraceful

The obvious question, of course, is that if Biden has the secret to making all those wonders take place, why didn’t he tell Obama during their time together? And even before that, why didn’t he share those ideas with the Senate? He mostly seems to have spent his time there creating a law that locked up black fathers, attacking a black Supreme Court candidate, and fighting desegregation.

And to make all the above wonders happen, Biden says that he’ll end Trump’s tax cuts. That should be popular.


August 21, 2020
Chicago’s mayor makes it clear some animals are more equal than others

One has to give Lightfoot points for her honesty: She’s not shy about letting her citizens know that she matters more than they do. At a certain point, you can’t even blame her for this. After all, Chicago citizens, like urban residents over large parts of America, keep promoting open hypocrites like Lightfoot to positions of power. If the voters don’t care that they’re turning themselves into second-class animals, why should the politicians be shy about showing off their first-class-animal status?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Let's Eat the Bitch*


Cancel Culture has been around for a long time.  It’s called “being a bitch”.  The BITCH application goes for more than majority Men in the accusation, if I hazarded a guess, the same ratio as boys raised in single mothers’ environment.  In my present age group many long time married men talk just like their wives.  Same patter, same breathless gossip, same inane statements or he becomes part of the Mean Girls at the High School lunch room table crowd.  He may even watch Ellen.  There a plenty of them.

Now I go in the grocery store without a mask, of course.  I can sense the stare.  An old woman, short, masked up to the eyeballs, hasn’t had a drop of estrogen in her system for years intently sending by telepathy angry thoughts in my direction.  Too chicken shit to approach me and try to talk to me, it wouldn’t matter anyway.  I don’t talk to people in masks.  I don’t respect their self-loathing and being ashamed to show their beautiful God-given smile.  I’m showing my mug everywhere I go.   I’m glad to be alive, grateful to the Creator.  So be it.

Everyone talks “bitch”.  No one respects labor done, nor do they want to work.  They want to sit their fat asses in front of Facebook – being Bitch Central.  If you have an account, however self-justified, you are a Facebook Bitch.  Don’t want to miss anything, I just want to laugh someone’s’ misfortune, or call someone a name.  Just so interested in everyone else’s life, you don’t have one of your own. Shallow, no personality, in capable of having a discussion on anything like that affects them directly in daily life, the television tells them that part.  No solutions offered, the life stories come off like a litany of complaints – and it don’t quit. Chase the shiny thing, bitch.

I was in Sacramento for the Women’s March against Trump soon after the election (how’s that working out, girls?), the one with all the Pink Pussy devil horn hats.  It was a very angry event. Many women wore t-shirts or signs promoting Proud to be a Bitch, Bitch Goddess, and Don’t Mess with Me I’m A Bitch themes.   Sprinkle into the stage managed crowd throw in the man-hating Lesbian Avenging Warriors and shall I approach the subject of black women Bitchiness? There is a reason black men don’t stick around, does anyone but them realize living with a bitch is impossible?

As the wolf pack crosses the snowy plain, winter winds blow, nothing to prey upon, the internal signal within turns the wolves into a ferocious attack, all dive in and eat the Old Bitch, an unproductive member, a useless over eater, a drain of resources from the whole. 

Let’s Eat the Bitch.


Much thanks to the Henry Makow Twitter feed.


This project  (MGTOW, ews) was pretty easy to compose, because unlike serial killers, it is based on a growing truth. The projects of the past 50 years—all under the Project Chaos umbrella—have succeeded in making both men and women into assholes. I think we can all admit that. A growing segment of the population is intolerable, especially among the youth. That could be reversed, but the governors don't want to reverse it. They want to accelerate it. They don't want anyone polite, well mannered, thoughtful, educated, or stable. They want everyone needy, dopey, thoughtless, fat, lazy, and selfish. So now when the times comes for creating division, it is very easy for them. People have become so unappealing, no one can stand to be around them except their dogs—and even their dogs would prefer to be somewhere else. 

... This is why conversation has died out. It has been targeted on purpose. Yes, people still yap, but for the most part they are just repeating ideas that have been placed in their heads by the media. They are parroting movies or TV shows or government websites. If they argue, they parrot the arguments they have been fed. I dine out (cheaply) almost everyday, and I often listen to the conversations at tables around me. There is very little of it. Most people just sit there, semi-catatonic. The people that do talk have nothing to say. I can't remember the last time I eavesdropped on a serious conversation, or heard anyone say anything worth hearing. I catch people eavesdropping on my conversations all the time, which tells me they are desperate for content. They aren't happy with the way things are, and would welcome something else. 


Disney To Release New Version Of 'Beauty And The Beast' Where Belle Shames And Nags The Beast Until He Transforms Into Effeminate Beta Male

Wednesday, August 19, 2020










Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Bullshit Everywhere



Following the news on a daily basis, it is hard to escape the conclusion that governments at all levels, along with more or less the entire journalism industry, are intentionally trying to convey an inflated impression of the impact of the Wuhan virus. Further, there is a growing body of empirical evidence, both nationally and internationally, that strongly suggests the cataclysmic shutdowns that have been imposed by governments both here and abroad have been more or less useless. Our governments have made mistakes that have resulted in the devastation of many millions of lives, and our reporters and editors want to keep that fact quiet. This isn’t surprising, of course: we all know what side they are on.


Per CDC Data the COVID-19 Death Rate Peaked in the US in April – There’s More Pneumonia Deaths Than COVID-19 Deaths in 2020

  • Eighty-five percent of reporting jurisdictions report a steep decline in Wuhan virus cases, despite almost 70 million tests.  This number of tests is greater than those administered in all of Europe combined.
  • Nationwide, cases declined by 6%.
  • Test positivity is 6.5%, which is a 71% reduction from April and a 15% reduction from mid-July.
  • Hospitalizations have been halved since April.
  • Nursing home and long-term care facilities have 1% of the U.S. population but account for almost 50% of fatalities.
  • Retail spending is at an all-time high, with auto production alone surging 28%.
  • The stock market is peaking again, and the NASDAQ is at an all-time high.
  • China is struggling and has been buying massive amounts of corn, soybeans, and cattle from America.
  • The administration continues to cut regulations.
  • Small business optimism is higher than at any month in the Obama administration.
  • Industrial production is increasing at the fastest rate ever recorded.
You really can’t believe almost anything reported in the MSM these days.  They want Americans to believe that COVID-19 is getting worse all the time.
It is not.
The only economies which are not growing now in the greatest recovery ever are those in inner Democrat led cities and states.  The rest of the US is in an economic rebound never seen before in history.


NBC is pushing my Parallel
by Miles Mathis

... What Collins' article tells us is that those like Lively filming their confrontations are mostly other moles from Intelligence, creating division. They want people hating one another and infighting, because if we are screaming at one another we forget to ally against the real enemy. Just as they want blacks and whites fighting eachother now, and men against women, and old against young, they want to divide us down mask/anti-mask lines as well. This keeps our eyes off the Governors who are running this great con. It keeps our eyes off the trillions just stolen from the worldwide treasuries by the usual suspects. It keeps our eyes off the trashing of the Constitution, as state governors illegally bypass legislatures and rule by executive orders. And it keeps us from looking too closely at the riots, and from realizing they too are fake—more manufactured events from the CIA's theater department.

... Collins and Lively have also been hired to promote a new vocabulary, whereby researching mainstream events or questioning mainstream storylines is retagged as “doomscrolling”. The mainstream doesn't want you questioning anything, so they have to surround the idea with fear and dread. You are supposed to believe that if you go down any of the rabbit holes, you will end up depressed and suicidal. The last thing they want you doing is discovering a lie, and then following that lie to its logical end, and actually learning something. Instead, they want you to discover a lie, and then immediately shut down from fear. That has been their main wall all along, you know. They have been massaging that fear pill down your throat from birth. You are supposed to learn at an early age that you depend on them for everything, even the lies. Everything around you is propped up on these lies, so if you start tugging on them, everything will collapse and you will be left in a screaming wilderness of nihilism and chaos.

... Notice how Collins is trying (though failing) to create fear on both sides. If you are pro-mask, he is hoping you will read his article and find confirmation that those not wearing masks are fringe nutjobs, just hours away from the booby hatch. And if you are anti-mask, you will fear that if you continue down the current path, you will end up either insane or in jail, locked up as a dangerous dissident. These articles like those of Collins are meant to convince you can't win: you are not only outnumbered by mask-wearing sheep, but you are pitting yourself against the masters of the universe—who not only own the press, but also own the courts, the police, and the military. Best to shut up and get along. But again, I tell you it is all a bluff. Almost no one likes wearing masks, so you are not a minority. You can ally with the mask-wearers in a second, and when the revolution starts, you will. They will throw their masks in the gutter happily. And once they figure out this was all one more con, they will. Yes, this is moving too slow for those like you and me, and you may think the masses will never catch on, but I honestly believe they will. The lies have gotten too big to maintain, and the facade is crumbling all around us even as we speak. Way too slowly for my taste, but crumbling even so. But once the tide turns, you will be shocked at the speed it progresses. The anger of the common people will be unimaginable. No amount of drugging will be able to stop it.


Monday, August 17, 2020

Bff Reports... 007: The Wall*

Black-footed Ferret Reports: The Wall  
Dispatch 7 from DumbFuck Nation, United States of Absurdia 

 Somehow I convinced myself I needed rest. It was just a Rest Area on the insufferable West Texas high desert, but I laid out for a good 6 hours sleep. I took the time to clean up and organize, took off at sunrise looking for a cup of coffee. And drove and drove… I found gas for $1.07 a gallon, but it was the pis poor 84 octane. Super I could get for $1.30. I listened to my tunes, steered with my knees, and took care of business. I used to think I’d like to visit San Antonio, but not today. I want to get to a shower and a friendly flop with an old, but sometimes difficult, friend. 

Driving on … I called Tom before I got to Houston. I’d be there soon. Please find a parking garage to put my van, then I can take my instrument and personals and you drive us home. Tom was having no part of that. I wasn’t ready to park my van overnight on the streets of New Orleans. OK, we’ll work it out. 

 A road side sign stated, “All Louisiana residents coming into Texas must pull over and register with the State Police and follow quarantine rules for 14 days”. Now my mind is racing thinking as soon as I get to New Orleans, they are going to quarantine the State and I’ll be stuck in a situation, I know from past experience, won’t be good for a friendship. 

I wasn’t ready for Houston. The sprawl, the traffic patterns, the intense energy of big city living. I’ve been in the desert for a week. I hung onto the wheel in the right lane, trying to stay the course and roads, new roads, and road construction all came and went. I was freaking, but maintaining. What a clever idea… I’ll go down to Galveston, always wanted to see her, and sneak through the Bayou roads into Louisiana. Pretty sure no one has thought of that one. 

Outside Rosenberg, TX, road signs were calling for a check point, as gated communities everywhere were nosy exponential. Not ready to get arrested for suspicion and my van confiscated, I turned around. I called Tom, it just wasn’t going to work out, but I sure did appreciate the friendship he extended. I will do my best for him in the future. 

Following the North Star for freedom, Arkansas was my next best hope. I found my backbone and dived into Houston traffic, came out the other side, heading into the Davy Crockett National Forest, where I know I could find a park for the night… 

Dispatch 8 of the Black-footed ferret Reports in DumbFuck Nation coming soon…


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Not So Odd




The Chicago police arrested 43 people who participated in the looting spree along the city’s Mag Mile earlier this week. Who were these looters?

According to the Chicago Tribune, they were “an odd mix of peer-pressured college students, out-of-work parents, and convicted felons.” It would be interesting to know how much time the convicted felons had served, and for what crimes. Their looting could be another product of America’s under-incarceration problem.

Ostensibly, the looting was a response to a police shooting in the Englewood neighborhood. Yet, according to the Tribune, none of arrested looters was from Englewood.

In fact, no one who made a statement in court upon being arraigned even mentioned the incident. Not only was the police shooting a pretext for the looting, it was so far from the looters’ consciousness that they forgot to mention it.

The prevailing motive of this “odd mix” wasn’t “police brutality,” it was the desire to snatch free stuff and, at least some cases, to smash things. In other words, envy and resentment, not “social justice.” 


America is becoming a nation of tattletales

One of the disturbing aspects of our five-month-long descent into Wuhan virus madness is that Americans are becoming a nation of tattletales. Too many people are responding with alacrity when their local government tells them to report their fellow citizens for violating executive orders of dubious practical or legal merit. We tend to think of tattletales in a negative light. In the schoolyard, being a tattletale is a social crime. Children instinctively feel that the tattler isn’t telling information to preserve the other children’s wellbeing. The tattling is, instead, one of the ways unlikable children ingratiate themselves with the adults in charge. At a more extreme level, totalitarian states deliberately create a climate of fear in which neighbors and even family members spy on each other to protect themselves. It is one of the vilest ways in which despots maintain power.

from Comments: 
1702 comments2827 votes0 followers

The 2 dollar dictators are relying on two pronounced human weaknesses or flaws that exist in a great many people. The first flaw is that many people lack any real sense of meaning in their lives. I know this is perverse, but way too many people gain a sense of personal importance by snitching on their fellow human beings. This helps to temporarily alleviate their lack of true self-esteem which is gained by genuine personal accomplishment. The snitch feels he or she is accomplishing something by tattling on a fellow human being. The second flaw in a great many of today's Americans is their lack of understanding of the concept and philosophy of structured liberty. They see nothing wrong with government mandating that healthy people must stay at home, or wear masks in public. Washington. Jefferson, and Madison all realized there are places government must not go, if men are to live in liberty. They would be aghast at both what is being done at the state and local government levels in regards to this pandemic, AND to the ACCEPTANCE of the state and local governments' dictatorial actions by a large segment of the citizenry.


McCormick Place hospital’s cost to taxpayers? $1.7 million per patient. How the deal happened.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s aides defend her push for little-used coronavirus hospital built by Walsh Construction as important ‘insurance policy’ at a time of ‘immense emergency.’