Monday, August 24, 2020

Liberty or Death

Dr. Ron Paul

Politicians and bureaucrats cannot eliminate a virus any more than they can eliminate terrorism. What they can do is use terrorism, a virus, and other real, exaggerated, or manufactured crises to expand their power at the expense of our liberty.

Politicians will never resist the temptation to use crises as excuses to gain more power. Therefore, it is up to those of us who know the truth to spread the message of liberty and grow the liberty movement, A strong liberty movement is the only thing that can force the politicians to stop stealing our liberty while promising phantom security from terrorists and viruses.

Fear Theater

Marching to the beat of the mainstream media’s drum, Joe Biden and Democratic presidential running mate, Kamala Harris, have called on the nation’s governors to order everyone in the United States to wear a mask while outdoors for the next three months “at a minimum.” It’s bad enough that such an order would violate basic liberty, but there is no good evidence that the wearing of such masks does the first thing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

... Hardly any more useful in preventing the dreaded virus spread is the constant scrubbing down of surfaces and the washing of hands. That’s because it is through those fine aerosol particles in the air that the virus typically spreads, not from contaminated surfaces. Even such a dependably mainstream liberal publication as The Atlantic has called this new cleanliness obsession nothing but “hygiene theater.”

... But for the terrorism fear theater to have any effect, one has to engage in air travel or visit a major tourist site in Washington, DC. They don’t begin to compare to the coronavirus fear theater. People either cajoled or coerced into wearing masks are almost everywhere. So effective is it in conveying the fear message, the big wonder is that our manipulators were so slow in recognizing the possibilities. Recall that initially the Center for Disease Control played it straight and simply passed on what medical science had determined, that is, that the masks don’t do any good in preventing the spread of a virus. Then, just as we were getting past the worst of it, the value of the masks for public control rather than for public health came to the realization of someone in a very high position. As a prop for fear theater, it is better than anything that anyone has yet to come up with. Since Pennsylvania Avenue remains blocked off and the airport pat-downs continue into the foreseeable future, I fear that these hideous lower face coverings will be with us for a very long time as we continually move the goalposts for what constitutes victory over the illness. 



Lockdown Witch Doctors Are Priming You for a New Serfdom
We were already on the road to neo-feudalism, now that has greatly accelerated

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