Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Playing Around* 7


It seems to me the entire population is embracing and submitting to Death.  In different elevated states of misery, the obese, the neurotic and depressed, the sick in so many ways, resent life.  They complain about existence as a bonding ritual. 'It's Too Hot, It's Too Cold'... constantly.  They were jewelry of crystal skulls. Do you know more contented people or closet alcoholic/television addicts?   Everyone seems to want to deny this existence together, acting like lousy house guests, gadgets and chemicals to take the mind somewhere else.  Anywhere but here.

I was in line at a music store waiting my turn.  There were 7 people in the space - all looking at their cell phones.  Creativity is dead in America. Everyone, but me and the counter guy TCB, was there as a consumer.  When I asked anything about playing acoustic music, Celtic or song circles, people playing music together, you know what I got - what I get Everywhere - about Everything  -"I dunno".  In a sizable city population of Green Bay, WI there is no music being played, as far as I can tell.  Still searching. I assumed I was in Music Central.

People have left my Realm.  They have walked into their cell phones and rudely, intend to be in my presence but succeed to ignore me. In a music store with 8 other people, no one could, would or want to talk about any phase of music, but begrudgingly. I had one guy laughing telling him about playing for people and how unnerving it is to have them just blank stare at me.  His response? "I'm one of those people", and told me he plays guitar for his wife and child, that's it.  I find that weird, to not share with the world music you create.  With a song circle you could gain confidence, I told him. I received The Stare.

People are different.  They have changed.  All seem to have lost any personality, all fearfully, miserably internalizing.  I have been observing and chronically. No one sings, no one dance, no one puts seltzer down their pants.  A dark enchantment has settled over the land. 

The general population is not in my fishbowl. It has been a 4 year long episode of Twilight Zone. There's a slow train coming around the bend.





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