Saturday, January 20, 2024

Wesley says... 086


How could there have been a Michelangelo when my neighbors can't draw a circle that connects?

The Visigoths. Did they show up armed like Game of Thrones, or did they trickle in, as if, on today's Southern border?

When Magellan sailed "around" the world, did that mean he kept the Ice Wall on his left shoulder?

Marconi had 10 heart attacks by the time he was 40. The 11th got him. Thomas Edison died obese and diabetic. I'm just a lineman for the county, and I died of brain cancer, too.

Sam Branson told Brigham Young's Angels of Death to go shove it. The man had brass balls.

After the Titanic hit the 'iceberg', it continued to throttle forward for some time with a rip in it's side. That's one sure way to sink a ship.

Do all the empty high rise buildings in downtown Chicago equal the majesty of the Great Pyramid?

Many elephant deaths are attributable to sinking in the mud or the inability to stand. Now you are going to tell me a dinosaur 20 times its' size roamed the primeval Earth. No makee sensee. Gravity must have been lighter in those magical days.

There are Dark Ages. Why? I asked that in 4th grade and have never received an adequate response to the present day.

What was the significance of W in his  flight suit declaring MISSION: Accomplished?





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