Thursday, February 27, 2025

Social Solutions 009 Jobs


Social Solution 009 Jobs

The radio announces layoffs every day. When The Boss decides you are extra weight on his company balloon, you are tossed overboard. No one 'loses' their job, by and large, your job is violently taken away from you in every instance. Toughen up, Sally. This is the system you hold dear. You are not creating capital more than you are taking home.

I don't like to say it, but Trump is The Boss. He's the Chief Executive. At its core government employment creates NO capital. Every employee is a drain on the working capital taken from the hides of the people. Government doesn't need 'workers'. Its workforce consists of 'agents' in an agency that fines, punishes or imprison those that don't go along with the program. If it comes to manual labor the slave kind is preferred. A skeletal staff of trades people to keep the lights on and maintain the property is needed, but not too many.

Wherever in this Grand Ole USofA, the State is your biggest employer from Mr. Kimble the Federal Agriculture Specialist to the lady at DMV to the county snowplow driver. In a country 'of the people, by the people and for the people' (supposedly) why aren't those jobs being held by everyone? The one-time State representative gets to put his nephew on a lifetime job with benefits and a pension. It isn't merit that gets these assignments. These jobs are sold, these jobs are held by someone beholden to the person that got them the job. In Chicago we used the phrase, "Who’s his Chinaman?" For some, it's Obama.

May I bring up an old idea I think brilliant. The timing couldn't be more perfect. Why not have all government jobs (Fed State and County, Municipal) be filled by individual tax-paying citizens in four-year terms? Apply for the job that fits your skills or learn a trade during that time and then be released into the private sector after your employment ends. As it stands now, the Federal government has a workforce with a sizable number of potentially treasonous employees whose 'lifetime' jobs are being threatened. A fluid workforce will discourage such a situation.

It's a high-falutin concept in some heads already being ripped to shreds as they read this. Or finding a specialty clause or entitlement due to them and the half dozen like them. People can find the work that gets them back on their feet, learn some kind of skill, if only, to learn to show up on time. A ditch digger would have ditch to dig for four years. The contractor's backhoe can take a break. There seems to be plenty of IT work, wouldn't it be good to train others in that magic? Maybe not, wouldn't want them to get too smart.

Four-year contracts. Enlist for work. Plenty of work to go around.




Thursday, February 20, 2025

Can You Be His Friend? II

 published February 4, 2009

Leon Berger - "The Grand Tinkerer of the Age of Reason"

This the story of a man making a better mouse trap, or possibly, rat trap would apply even better. A man who saw improvement in an everyday appliance could help liberate society.

The Olde Rusty Razor just wasn't getting the job done well enough in late 18th century France. A dull blade and a worn and frazzled channel after ten years of use could do an uncompleted job, and when the action is chopping off a head, that is not acceptable in Revolution management. The decent thing in class war is a clean cut.

After the Republic was established and the Patent Office opened, drawings were presented for approval for manufacture. Helping gravity do the job more efficiently, the guillotine now called for ball bearing glides, grease fittings, self sharpening blades, and block and tackle lifting design for ease. Leon Berger had a better idea.

As the call goes out to reestablish French Revolutionary justice, let's not forget the man who saw an oppurtunity to speed up the line. Let's give him his due.

Are there more friends of Leon Berger out there?

A Belated Happy Bastille Day from the Friends of Leon Berger!:

Staff at bankrupt car parts maker New Fabris are threatening to blow up the plant if they do not receive compensation from the companies that provided most of the firm's business.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friends of Leon Berger Society
Communique #1: May Day weekend 2010

Persons wishing to see the fulfillment of Mr Bergers' plans have swelled the membership to unprecedented levels. As we attend May Day ceremonies, festivities and events let's all recognize each other with a unifying symbol - a red thread tied around your neck will identify you as a friend and show gratitude to an innovative man. Time does not forget good ideas.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I awoke this morning with a txt proclaiming the End of the World (as we know it) from a stalwart Green Party activist in SW Chicago. His guy for State Rep, Ochsenfeld, a very decent man got 15%. Locally Greenies clocked in at anywhere from 7 - 15%. The top of the ballot for Governor, Rich Whitney - a very credible presentation to be a candidate in the land of Mutt and Jeff politics - got 3.4%. The showing by Rich Whitey (as the ballots prepared by the Chicago Election Commission printed last week) denies him funding (correction: 11072010, ews... creates position for GP to gather exorbitant number of petition signatures) for the next election. The misspelling of his last name blamed on bureaucratic error. I can't get enough of Chicago politics.

If it was so easy...

As Paris burns, ... reporting from the front lines... holding the barricades
- friend of Leon Berger 11032010



Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Stop Lying

NPR - observations from a daily listener


1) Every correspondent is a woman.

2) Every 'expert' is a Jew.

3) International music stars are uninteresting.

3) Civil rights actions happened not 65 years ago, but yesterday.

4) When the bullshit becomes too apparent, the comforting, grandfather voice explains all.

5) Trump always catches them by surprise.

6) North Carolina doesn't exist. Chicago's murder rate is unmentioned. Some rebels in Congo died.

7) They lie and software voices are common. Actors are employed for emotionally drenched interviews.

8) Israeli government pronouncements are reported as fact.

9) 'Kinda like', 'really, really big', and 'supposedta' are used often in reporting.

10) Every report ends with "We'll never know". Spreading fear is their reason to exist. 




Friday, February 14, 2025

Poly Ticks

1) Every President has his own way of destroying this country.

2) Mama Bear-ism isn't over-caring, it's controlling. Stop it.

3) How is Pelosi Family Financials’ stock portfolio rated for return? Doing, OK?

4) Isn't DOGE reclaiming/repossessing the assets of the Federal Reserve? Aren't they acting like angry landlords or goomba debt collectors? What the Fed loaned, that are going to take back.

5) VP Vance, all gangbuster for AI, is sponsored by TechBoss Peter Thiel. Mr. Thiel advocates drinking human blood, esp. childrens', for health benefits. Donald Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn, the creepiest creep on the planet. I can imagine Don, Roy, Cardinal Spellman and an altar boy all jerking each other off in the steam bath. Lem Billings, a forgotten man, loyal and true blue. Obama doesn't have a birth certificate because he was grown in a laboratory. Frank Marshall Davis was the sperm donor.  Doesn't Bill Clinton look like Winthrop Rockefeller?

6) I thought the talking head wanna-a-be Rush guy was a bit underqualified to head the Dept of Defense, but Mrs. Wrestling to run the Dept of Education is the low bar. Or the cycle is well under way, fantasy and reality merged, the scripted fake drama IS education currently. Whatever war is more image than substance. A man with half his brain eaten by parasitic worms is going to head the Dept of Health. The rollercoaster to doom has begun.

7) Federal prosecutors 'nabbed' 83-year-old Mike Madigan this week. He was Chicago Dem Party kingpin running his family, ward healers, patronage army, grifters, grafters, gangsters and banksters from the Southside. His daughter was Illinois Attorney General for a few years, steering away any sniffing around Dad. Finally got him. For steering legal work to his personal law firm. How lame. Let him retire to his beach house in Beverly Shores. Him and Richie can forget together. Laugh at Burke sitting in the joint.

8) I feel sorry for Kamala or Kamala Harris. She was used like a Kleenex. The question remains; was she in on it or did she really think she was Hot Shit? Was she that oblivious? I could buy that argument.

9) I am a registered marijuana smoker with the State of Michigan. If you would have told me 52 years ago under the high school bleachers smoking my first 'reefer' this would be the circumstance in my life, I would have laughed in your face. You can freely buy bottle rockets to burn up your neighbor's pastureland, but I have to scan my ID to buy pot. Unnecessary to scan your ID to vote. Well, after ingesting several acres of un-State cannabis, I'd still rather buy black market.

10) What happened to those drones in New Jersey? Millions of witnesses, dozens of them doing aerial maneuvers, unexplained lights in the sky? A military test? What kind of test? Strange times, indeed.

****************JOKE OF THE DAY*****************

I've been using Ivermectin. It seems to be working except I've developed a love of oats and whinny when I orgasm.



Thursday, February 13, 2025


Transcript of international phone call intercepted by the NSA (Northwoods Security Agency):

TRUMP: Hi, Vlad

PUTIN: Hi, Don

T: How 'bout that Zelensky? What a mensch!

P: ... and he spells his name funny!

T: He's doing a terrific, terrific job killing his population.

P: They are like sitting ducks! My army's getting good target practice! ... and we are steadily acquiring the weapons and ammunition you and Lunchbucket sent him! I couldn't ask for anything more!

You did a helluva job killing the middle class last term... and you had them volunteer to die! I gotta hand it to you, Don. Didn't waste a bullet and leaving the survivors brain dead was pure genius. When does mopping up the lower classes start?

T: I'm afraid it may be a bit messier this time. They are always fucked up and so fucking lazy. Our labs can't produce enough fentanyl. They just want to lay around, smoke weed and stick things in their ass.

P: We just use vodka. And then we use the corpses as fuel at the power plant. Burns like Sterno.

T: Good Idea. I'm assembling my kill team. They think it's the Deportation Police! It will be up and running smoothly by the end of the year. People are not hard to fool, Vlad.

P: Himmler got bad press. Efficiency plus. That group would have killed themselves after they were done.

T: As they should. I'm dealing with a larger population and they have guns. I don't think they know how to use them, though. If we tell them, half of the people will give their guns to us. If it gets too hard we'll just roast them. Call it a 'wildfire'. They always buy that bullshit. Tell the rest we are going to Mars. An evergreen, never gets old.

P: Starvation has been our go-to for centuries. Much cleaner, explained away by the weather. Can't control the weather, huh, Don?

T: Crackin me up, pal. Elon and I go high tech over here, don't have time for that. Either way, we'll get the job done.

P: No doubt you will.

T: ... but how 'bout that gay Jewish Supreme Leader actor?

P: Which one?




Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Pumpkin Head



I have no past. It's today and a soon-to-be pine box nap. Every person I knew is a distant memory. Every action I have done, good and bad, is forgotten. Every person I meet today wants to talk about their nostalgia. I have nothing to say.

I express myself to a collective "W-W-what?". I quack like a duck without echo. Endlessly explaining myself, the conversation dies. If there is a cell phone in hand, I might as well be out of the room. As a human being, I am frivolous to all.

What I do have to offer is a curiosity in a world of the un-curious. The best I can do is "cute", the one application of dismissal that serves as a compliment. Not attached to anyone or anything has a certain freedom, only it's incredibly lonely. Occasionally I connect with someone, occasionally. No one is interested. I can't solve their problem or immediately do something for them, they move on. Women are just plain frightened of the sight of me. Daddy issues reign supreme in this society.

I am smoke. Their words disturb me but go right through me. I walk through a crowd and only leave a scent. No one can touch me. My words dissipate before reaching another's ear.

My past is smoke, unretrievable.



Friday, February 7, 2025

Truth Be Told

Feb. 6 - Trump Emerges as "Man of God"
Trump urges Americans to 'bring God back into our lives' in National Prayer Breakfast speech

JD said (February 7, 2025):

"Trump's God condones ethnic cleansing and shooting women and children in the head.
Trump's God is Satan."

An Unfortunate Reality Fact:

Just like most so-called "christians" and other religious affiliations, and regardless of whether Trump is really a Christian or not, Trumps god is government.

Fact: The state has infiltrated/subverted/ perverted practically all religions, (including Christianity, Judaism and Islam ) , so, as a general rule the vast majority of "christians" also worship the "god" of the state.

As Larken Rose has accurately observed:

"You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul."
"The Most Dangerous Superstition":

Reality Fact:

All states are wholly criminal entities, from the top down to the lowest janitorial position.

To whit:

"Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be "reformed "or "improved", simply because of their innate criminal nature.”

There can be no hope for humanity until a significant number come to comprehend the total, unalterable criminality of their god, government, and choose to reject both it and it's wholly criminal members.



Saturday, February 1, 2025

Rude Questions


1) A low altitude mid-air crash would spread debris over a wide area.  No scrap metal, parts, fuel starting wild fires hit the ground, perhaps?  Every nut and bolt went to the bottom of the Potomac River?

2) When does the luggage start floating to the top?  Was there an oil slick?

3)  Have you heard a single eyewitness account of this 'tragedy'?  I haven't.

4) The people laid off at CNN were replaced by bio-robot/android simulacrums journalistically only able to interview people crying. 

5) What is a Blackhawk helicopter doing there, anyway?

6) The Fake News meme is down the DJT memory hole, forgotten, as he appears to pronounce "There are no survivors."  Good practice for the soon-to-be Coroner of the World.

7) There isn't a need to shut down Reagan Airport, except for reasons not our business.

8) Blame the air traffic controllers, they are scabs without souls.

9) Every 'alternative' news propaganda outlet plays "Where's the tranny?"

10) One expert official spokesman stated that two aircraft cannot be in the same place at the same time. 


