Thursday, February 27, 2025

Social Solutions 009 Jobs


Social Solution 009 Jobs

The radio announces layoffs every day. When The Boss decides you are extra weight on his company balloon, you are tossed overboard. No one 'loses' their job, by and large, your job is violently taken away from you in every instance. Toughen up, Sally. This is the system you hold dear. You are not creating capital more than you are taking home.

I don't like to say it, but Trump is The Boss. He's the Chief Executive. At its core government employment creates NO capital. Every employee is a drain on the working capital taken from the hides of the people. Government doesn't need 'workers'. Its workforce consists of 'agents' in an agency that fines, punishes or imprison those that don't go along with the program. If it comes to manual labor the slave kind is preferred. A skeletal staff of trades people to keep the lights on and maintain the property is needed, but not too many.

Wherever in this Grand Ole USofA, the State is your biggest employer from Mr. Kimble the Federal Agriculture Specialist to the lady at DMV to the county snowplow driver. In a country 'of the people, by the people and for the people' (supposedly) why aren't those jobs being held by everyone? The one-time State representative gets to put his nephew on a lifetime job with benefits and a pension. It isn't merit that gets these assignments. These jobs are sold, these jobs are held by someone beholden to the person that got them the job. In Chicago we used the phrase, "Who’s his Chinaman?" For some, it's Obama.

May I bring up an old idea I think brilliant. The timing couldn't be more perfect. Why not have all government jobs (Fed State and County, Municipal) be filled by individual tax-paying citizens in four-year terms? Apply for the job that fits your skills or learn a trade during that time and then be released into the private sector after your employment ends. As it stands now, the Federal government has a workforce with a sizable number of potentially treasonous employees whose 'lifetime' jobs are being threatened. A fluid workforce will discourage such a situation.

It's a high-falutin concept in some heads already being ripped to shreds as they read this. Or finding a specialty clause or entitlement due to them and the half dozen like them. People can find the work that gets them back on their feet, learn some kind of skill, if only, to learn to show up on time. A ditch digger would have ditch to dig for four years. The contractor's backhoe can take a break. There seems to be plenty of IT work, wouldn't it be good to train others in that magic? Maybe not, wouldn't want them to get too smart.

Four-year contracts. Enlist for work. Plenty of work to go around.




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