Saturday, February 1, 2025

Rude Questions


1) A low altitude mid-air crash would spread debris over a wide area.  No scrap metal, parts, fuel starting wild fires hit the ground, perhaps?  Every nut and bolt went to the bottom of the Potomac River?

2) When does the luggage start floating to the top?  Was there an oil slick?

3)  Have you heard a single eyewitness account of this 'tragedy'?  I haven't.

4) The people laid off at CNN were replaced by bio-robot/android simulacrums journalistically only able to interview people crying. 

5) What is a Blackhawk helicopter doing there, anyway?

6) The Fake News meme is down the DJT memory hole, forgotten, as he appears to pronounce "There are no survivors."  Good practice for the soon-to-be Coroner of the World.

7) There isn't a need to shut down Reagan Airport, except for reasons not our business.

8) Blame the air traffic controllers, they are scabs without souls.

9) Every 'alternative' news propaganda outlet plays "Where's the tranny?"

10) One expert official spokesman stated that two aircraft cannot be in the same place at the same time. 




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