published February 4, 2009
Article of the Day:
Leon Berger - "The Grand Tinkerer of the Age of Reason"
This the story of a man making a better mouse trap, or possibly, rat trap would apply even better. A man who saw improvement in an everyday appliance could help liberate society.
The Olde Rusty Razor just wasn't getting the job done well enough in late 18th century France. A dull blade and a worn and frazzled channel after ten years of use could do an uncompleted job, and when the action is chopping off a head, that is not acceptable in Revolution management. The decent thing in class war is a clean cut.
After the Republic was established and the Patent Office opened, drawings were presented for approval for manufacture. Helping gravity do the job more efficiently, the guillotine now called for ball bearing glides, grease fittings, self sharpening blades, and block and tackle lifting design for ease. Leon Berger had a better idea.
As the call goes out to reestablish French Revolutionary justice, let's not forget the man who saw an oppurtunity to speed up the line. Let's give him his due.
Are there more friends of Leon Berger out there?
A Belated Happy Bastille Day from the Friends of Leon Berger!:
Staff at bankrupt car parts maker New Fabris are threatening to blow up the plant if they do not receive compensation from the companies that provided most of the firm's business.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friends of Leon Berger Society
Communique #1: May Day weekend 2010
Persons wishing to see the fulfillment of Mr Bergers' plans have swelled the membership to unprecedented levels. As we attend May Day ceremonies, festivities and events let's all recognize each other with a unifying symbol - a red thread tied around your neck will identify you as a friend and show gratitude to an innovative man. Time does not forget good ideas.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I awoke this morning with a txt proclaiming the End of the World (as we know it) from a stalwart Green Party activist in SW Chicago. His guy for State Rep, Ochsenfeld, a very decent man got 15%. Locally Greenies clocked in at anywhere from 7 - 15%. The top of the ballot for Governor, Rich Whitney - a very credible presentation to be a candidate in the land of Mutt and Jeff politics - got 3.4%. The showing by Rich Whitey (as the ballots prepared by the Chicago Election Commission printed last week) denies him funding (correction: 11072010, ews... creates position for GP to gather exorbitant number of petition signatures) for the next election. The misspelling of his last name blamed on bureaucratic error. I can't get enough of Chicago politics.
If it was so easy...
As Paris burns, ... reporting from the front lines... holding the barricades
- friend of Leon Berger 11032010
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