Thursday, December 17, 2020

Wesley says... 035

1) There are people in  Chicago whose biggest influence of their life is Diann Burns.

2) An Unseen God and an unseen virus conspire to promote FEAR!

(remind you of anyone?)

3) "Do you want an untested vaccine that will change your DNA?" "Sure.  Is everyone else taking it?"

4) Bullshit tastes like filet magnon these days.

5) My mind has been so open, my brains fell out a long time ago.

6) Most people outsource their thinking.

7) If this population couldn't stop the Iraq war, they sure as hell ain't going to stop the upcoming slaughter.

8) When the mental institutions were emptied a whole new wave of politicians was born. (SSC comments)

9) I don't want to be around stupid, scared people. I live in the woods.

10) Thanks for wearing The Mask.  It tells me you are sick. Now get away from me.



...What we are seeing in Minnesota, and elsewhere around the country, is not a sane approach to public policy, but rather the manifestation of a proto-fascist urge to exercise total control over everyone’s life. In this regard, Tim Walz is certainly among the worst, but he is not alone. The sad reality is that millions of Americans have happily dispensed with just about every known freedom–you can’t leave your house without government permission!–in hopes of avoiding a respiratory virus that is dangerous to the elderly whose health is already severely compromised, but not noticed by most under the age of 70 who contract it. Home of the brave, indeed.


At least THIS church leader gets it and is speaking out

TRT 49 sec


Spineless Christians*

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