Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Right Questions

'Anthony Quinn Warner' Was a Talented Guy

According to FBI sources, on Dec 25, 2020, Anthony Warner, the lone wolf, nut case munitions expert, blew himself up in an RV parked on the opposite side of the street from, and half a block down from the ATT/NSA concrete reinforced cement data bunker which left the second floor, ground floor, and basement of the ATT building completely blown out, while leaving a huge, gaping hole on the face of the second story of concrete encased ATT/NSA communications bunker structure.

Warner, being a master munitions expert, was able to direct the exploding dynamite filled RV blast to the opposite side of the street, and half a block down to inflict major damage on the ATT communications bunker, while leaving no crater in the street where the RV was parked.

Meanwhile, Warner and the dynamite filled RV were literally vaporized and disappeared, either by the sheer force of the blast, or from shifting the RV transmission into "D" while simultaneously depressing the RV gas pedal.

FBI investigators are currently leaning toward a 'both' scenario.

During the investigation into the background of main suspect Warner, an unnamed FBI spokesman, going through Warner's phone records revealed, that Warner was also responsible for sinking the German battleship 'Bismark', and an American battleship, the 'USS Maine'.

Records show Warner was instrumental in assisting North Vietnam for the attack on a US Navy vessel in the Gulf of Ton Kin, which forced then president Lyndon Johnson to enter the US into the Vietnam conflict, costing thousands of American lives.

It was also discovered that Warner personally trained six hijackers in assembling explosives, out back of the Florida strip club the hijackers frequented, in case piloting a pressurized, lightweight aluminum tube into a building designed to withstand a flying steel tank weighing 8 tons, at a 300 MPH velocity, was not sufficient enough to bring down the World Trade Center Towers, with the attacks of Sept, 11, 2001.

FBI investigators also revealed that Warner was actually a close ally of disgraced Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, and that Warner was working closely with Russia, China, and Iran to undermine the recent ascension of Joe Biden to the position of Chief Garbage Collector in the Ukraine.

FBI investigators now say they have verified their suspicions that Warner was also a racist, white supremacist Trump supporter, who was directly responsible for starting riots and destruction of private property in Detroit, Portland, Chicago, and Minneapolis.

When the FBI spokesperson was questioned by reporters how they arrived at this overwhelming amount of evidence in such a short period of time, reporters were told;

"Come on man, he ain't black"!

We will be following, and reporting further on this important story as more information becomes available, to keep our viewing audience up to date.

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