Monday, June 15, 2020

Wesley says... 017

They are everywhere

1) Healthy people who don't even try to feed, clothe or house themselves with work don't get my respect.

2) It's amazing to me how these phony revolutionaries believe everything the government tells them.

3) Slavery ended because the slaves weren't working.  The present wage slaves aren't working and this society is ending.

4) Great things are accomplished with great sacrifice.

5) One creates opportunity.  If it is handed to you, it has strings.

6) Not a single arrest for all the rioting and looting? Isn't anyone else suspicious?

7) Many of these black loud-mouthed professional athletes were given State scholarships to State schools.  Have you heard of one that repaid his back tuition?  Don't graduate.  Then they go to a "draft", a modern day slave auction.  They land a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract and carry the burden of slavery for their oppressed Brothers and Sisters with their Twitter feed.

8) Corporate funded riots sounds like insurance fraud.

9) The government doesn't have any money.  Good leaders do not borrow money.

10) 1999 WTO Seattle was to mark the death of Bolshevik trade unionism and the rise of Mao based street fighting in Communist tactics.

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