Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Lycurgus Comment

I had already started down the lonely road of conspiracy research in middle school. Instead of being catatonically fixated on the t.v. screen on the morning of 9/11 I was observing the responses from the people around me. It wouldn’t be hyperbole to say that the vast majority of people were zombified. 
These historical events aren’t “events” in so much as they are rituals conducted to fixate attention. And the nature of the violence means that you aren’t just un-patriotic, but actually inhuman if you dispassionately critique the situation. 
Consult the three wise-men, Who, What, and Why. Of those three, Why? is most august of all. That question has governed my existence since childhood. Why am I here? Why are things the way they are? 
Pajama people are How? based thinkers. How high should I jump? How should I act? The question of Why only enters their mind on their deathbed – if at all. They un-critically accept the parameters of existence given to them by others. They aren’t given to strain against the yoke of tyranny, they screamed for it, lest they be confronted with the terror of uncertainty and self determination.

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