Thursday, November 10, 2022

I'll Mule For Ya




I'm a man out of time.  I've been 10 yrs ahead or 10 years behind in my thinking my whole life.  My day today is as if I'm a resident in a gigantic insane asylum. Recently, I've been reclaiming my health, paying attention to those ideas that extend my life - yoga, sobriety, diet and supplements - and I am sitting here thinking, coffee in hand, Why?

I am on the correct road.  I am not writing to find an excuse to go back to an unhealthy life style.  The more I withdraw from the digital world and the bar scene , the more I realize striving to be 'most human' has become near impossible when surrounded by hollow voices, real bad music and robot behavior so common in society. No one dances.  No one sings.  Few play music together. I do.  And I'm considered a nut.

We live in the battleship gray, drab Communist World always portrayed in media.  It's a strip mall universe with Wal-Mart, Jrs everywhere.  There are 10 times more anti-heroes presented than actual heroes.  Slavery didn't go away, it just grew to include everyone.  Give them enough circuses and Hot Cross buns, they will police themselves.  It's alright if they hate as long as they fear. The Proles, mind-controlled happy slaves need to be reduced and they are volunteering for their exit from the Realm.  How nice of them to comply for the good of the revolution.  The Central Democratic Committee (CDC) approves.


Today I go to band practice.  It's the highlight of the week.  I continue to send out healing aural acoustic tones and mule-ing for any human voice.  Croaking out a tune or two myself these days.  Feels quite good, a reason to live, quite rebellious that being 'human' thing.



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