Wednesday, November 16, 2022

DingDongDang It!


In a past post concerning the recent election, I was dumfounded on why a Repube would peal off and vote for Evers for Governor.  The case has been made that the abortion loving women and fellow travelers are the culprit.  An news report also stated "abortion and other extremist positions of the Republican Party".

Killing a baby isn't an extreme position? It's a medical procedure? An extremist today is defined as someone pro-life it seems.  Holistic healers or herbal remedies in the medical field are considered beyond-the-Pale.  Peace-niks, anti-war activists, organic farmers,  quiet lives of contemplation are marginalized accused of  'loopy' ideas.  Individuals demanding a better, cleaner, safer workplace are labelled 'troublemakers' by their robotisized co-workers.  A family defying government schools educating their child the way they want is almost illegal. Good MDs with a conscience are run out of the field.  Anti-Bio (against life) tics and the stupefaction of society with powerful drugs is the AMA standard. Stay out of the sun? Huh?  I'm not a pagan, but The Sun is responsible for all life.  Mercury is still in amalgam in your teeth fillings.  Lead joints in your public water line. Here, have some NutraSweet for your coffee. Thanks for being born, do your job and die as quickly as possible.  That is, if you get past the abortion part.

We have more women in this country that want to kill babies than have them and raise them.  Stick a fork in the Good Ole USA.

What's left of this country is sick and getting sicker.  There is not going to be a cavalry charge of men in white hats to turn the tide.  People have come to embrace their own sickness.  Doctor appointments are their life, as long Medicare is going to pay.  In that case, the MD lets you live a little longer in order to gouge the system, but you are going down, regardless. Maybe he'll give you an untested, non-FDA approved genetic altering serum to see how it works.  You seem to want it. The guy in the white coat on TV said you should have it.

Take care of yourself and stay away from modern medicine practices the best you can. Advice for free.


Hunting season starts Saturday.  A recent local radio report stated that the number of emergency EMT responses to heart attack rises during these nine days of gun hunting. One reason, they stated, was this is the only time many men do anything strenuous all year. 



A New Dawn


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