Sunday, September 5, 2021

Wesley says...054

(WEF gave us our General Strike, Now what?)

1) “The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” – Utah Phillips, May 4, 2019

2)The Dalai Lama and the Pope say 'get the jab'. Two of the most un-trustworthy men on the planet. Leeches on the body politic. And OJ Simpson says get the kill shot, also.

3) In women's lives, the Man has been replaced by the SmartPhone. It has womens'  tiresome company to be around. It also vibrates.

4) A young woman wants to cover up her smile. What could be more selfish?

5) "We can't put the toothpaste back in the tube." - H.R. Halderman, Nixon White House

6) “A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.”– G.I. Gurdjieff

7) I have to live through my heart because my intellect is failing me.

8) New York is underwater, Philadelphia is getting meaner every day, Chicago is a kill zone, Minneapolis is run by Somali gangs, Seattle police force quits, Portland ?, San Francisco paying people not to shoot each other, Los Angeles as creepy as ever, Border, what Border?, New Orleans without electricity, Miami is underwater. Full circle.

9) Richard Trumka exhorts the AFL-CIO membership to get the Kill Shot. Next day Richard Trumka keels over with a heart attack.  How Convenient.

(For the last time... the size of Trumka's dick)

10) Every step you take.  Every breath you take.



Insanity Supreme

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