Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Investment Advice* II

Sector investing is the idea of placing your money in certain parts of the economy.  I offer these thoughts to the "Buy low, sell high" thinkers out there.

There is no point in investing in ingenuity, hard work or American Can-Do spirit. The money is to be made in investing in the stupidity of the public. They will not let you down. Buying stock in Kentucky Fried Chicken because of its tender high quality meat, tasty flavorings or crunchy batter is crazy. You are going to get a return because stupid people eat crap food. Any fast food establishment is an example, I just picked KFC. 

Now the elites have skimmed the current stock market froth off  like a bartender knife over a just poured stout. Your next pint will be a little shorter on volume and may cost a bit more. No worries, there is a lot of stupid, frightened and sinner stock to find at a good price. 

The Stupid – I’ll assume the ‘antidote’ for the virus will be manufactured by our great pals, the Israelis. Let’s call this shot the “Liberty vaccine”. Oh! How The Stupid will line up around the block, kids in tow, to be relieved of worry of ever catching the disease again. The MD on the TV with the white coat and stethoscope will assure them “it is the right thing to do”. No matter the cure will kill more people than the virus, The Stupid will be putting the virus in their body circumventing their immune systems, and future cancers and ailments won’t be ascribed to the vaccination.  Congress, conveniently, removed tort liability from the product.

I want to invest in that company creating the Liberty vaccine. 

(I have to say I nailed this one.  The stock price of Moderna went up, up, up. EWS, 09.29.21)

The Frightened – While one can be stupid and frightened, this category is for the passive-aggressive, the blustering, the chauvinist and jingoist. I’m talking War Stocks. After the next phony election, it is full steam ahead war machine and my guess the target is Venezuela. Too much oil, too close, and they are in disarray politically. The media beats the war drums and the Frightened send their sons and daughters (mostly sons) to die for “freedom”, “democracy” or some such blather. Sure, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Halliburton are easy vehicles for some return, but in this case I’m looking for the big bucks. I want to invest in the company that offers the most murderous, oppressive and tyrannical product ever made, real cruel and destructive of not only property, but of human spirit as well. And while the poor people of Venezuela will be hit with “democracy bombs” from above, I’m seeking a War Stock that acts domestically, something like para-military corporation, a Blackwater perhaps, that will be running the internment camps. 

You know, the prison guards, my fellow citizens, like TSA only brutal, private and corporate.  That's gotta be good investment.

(Didn't exactly happen..., EWS.  Why hasn't Int. Oil take over Cuba and Venezuela? It seems the AU Police are cyborgs, super soldiers made under ground.  Every on the ground institution, police and nursing, ex., USA is taken over by the military. Some are not human. 09.29.2021)

The Sinner – One the more awe-inspiring aspect of this whole CoVid charade was the closing of the casinos. You’ve got a line of chumps ready to give you all their money and you lock the doors? That’s a bad business plan. So, today and every day, they have been disinfecting and wiping down all the buttons on the slot machines making everything extra bright and shiny for the returning mooks. It will all be compromised one minute after the doors open and the resultant elephant charge of gamblers enter. I want to invest in casinos. 

The same could be said of Cruise lines. As soon as the TV says, “OK, fatties, the buffet is open”, they will be in line up on the swayback gangplank eager to eat and eat and eat. The return may take a little longer than the casinos, but it will happen.  People love to cruise (and eat).

I only wish I was even more cynical as a young man. Idealism was such a waste of energy and time, the returns for that were so disappointing.

RIP, Mr Watts

first published March 29, 2020


Tyrant Variant -JP Sears
TRT 5.42


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