Monday, January 4, 2021

Oregon Muse... 03

Malachi Richter... chose to dose himself with gasoline and light himself on fire. circa 2005, Chicago
The War went on.


So I guess there's going to be a rally in Washington DC on Wednesday, organized by There's also going to be rallies (protests?) in many state capitols on Sunday as well.

My question is, why? What, exactly, is the point of these demonstrations?

If the purpose is to just gather like-minded people together for one last good time rock and roll bash before the awful, awful Harris-Biden administration sets in, OK, I can see that. Just don't delude yourself into thinking that something is going to change because of these rallies. No Democratic lawmaker is going to say "hey, look at all of those pro-Trump protestors out there. We'd better not certify the swing-state electors because maybe they're right about election fraud."

They're not afraid of us.

Because we hold our rallies, listen to the scheduled speakers, clap politely, and march around carrying our protest signs in an orderly fashion, and then go home - after first cleaning up after ourselves.

At these rallies, we don't wear masks to hide our identity, we don't slug it out with the police, we don't assault random passers-by and shout at diners through bullhorns at outdoor restaurants, we don't vandalize and loot small businesses, we don't break windows and we don't cover the place with graffiti. And we don't walk away from 100 tons of trash, which is the amount the city of Seattle had to clean up when they finally got around to busting up the CHAZ sh*thole last summer.

So why would they listen to us?

I am by no means advocating we start doing any of those things. This is an advantage the other other side has over us that we have to live with: politicians and judges are afraid of their protests, but not ours. Because if a judge rules against them, they'll show up at his house late at night and threaten him. Nobody wants to have to face that. And I wonder why many of Trump's election lawsuits got dismissed without so much as looking at the evidence. Is it because of the fear of the consequences if they found in his favor?

My point is, none of these rallies, and I don't care if they get a million people, two million to show up on Jan. 6th, is going to move the needle in the slightest.

So what can we do?

The only things we can do that has the possibility of moving the needle are (a) voting and (b) getting involved in politics at the local or precinct level. As for (a), I've been surprised that every GOP senator and representative is not shouting at the top of his or her lungs about the blatant, broad daylight election fraud that went on. It's depressing that so many seem to be just standing around after the election with their hands in their pockets, saying nothing, and doing nothing. Why is Mitch McConnell falling all over himself congratulating Joe Biden and not announcing that he'll protest the electors? These mewling quim need to be identified and primaried at the first opportunity. With Trump's approval rating in the GOP at or near 90%, you'd think this would be an easy task, but alas, things like that never are.

The problem is, the other side is doing something that has never been done before. Traditionally, the American way of politics is that we talked about stuff, argued about stuff, and came to an agreement or compromise. If that wasn't possible, we held a contest to decide the issue, i.e. an election. Whatever the result (and this is the important part), we all of us agreed to live with whatever the results turned out to be. Not any more. Shortly after Trump took office in 2017, the Democrats decided that they would never accept him as president and so they would do whatever they could do to remove him from office and, failing that, to derail and sabotage his administration. And, obviously, they got a lot of help in this endeavor from disgruntled elements in the GOPe. But, whatever the case, this is a repudiation of an implied contract that has been in place since the founding of this country. This is what normalizing a permanent "resistance" does. So if Donald Trump refuses to retire quietly, if instead he does something like set up a "shadow government in exile," or whatever, with the support of millions of followers, the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. At the very least, watching them flail about trying to enforce the double-standard where "resistance" is not cool any more, is going to be hilarious.


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