Friday, January 15, 2021

Me, Myself, and I

Lana Del Rey Says Narcissism, Not Climate Change, Is World’s Biggest Problem

“The madness of Trump, as bad as it was, it really needed to happen. We really needed a reflection of our world’s greatest problem, which is not climate change, but sociopathy and narcissism. Especially in America,” she said. “It’s going to kill the world. It’s not capitalism, it’s narcissism. I was surprised we didn’t have a live-television psychopath crazy person as a president a long time ago because that’s what we see on TV and that’s what we see on Instagram.”


Computers Voting Instead of People in Our Brave New World

The computer and not the voter becomes the focus for defining the election. A.I. (artificial intelligence) sets the standard for what a comprehensive and valid approach to election engineering and administration is. Substitute your own initials for A.I., and then demote yourself in the process. You are contributing to outcomes, but you are not the engine for producing those outcomes. 

...With this geekification of the voting process, the actual direct impact of the individual vote is diluted. Under the guise of speed in counting and efficiency, there is a sacrifice of simplicity. The voter becomes involved with another virtual dimension of reality, and the result is a loss of authority over the decision to vote and the vote itself. The voter's vote gains legitimacy because it is, in part, ratified as legitimate by the computer.


Emotional Self-Harm: People Pleasing Can Ruin Your Happiness
Self-harm is not just a physical act.

... Over the past few months, I have made a firm decision to stand up for myself, to express to others how I feel, and to be a lot more cautious of whom I allow in my life. I recently was doing some research on emotional self-harm and I came across an article that mentioned self-sabotage and “people-pleasing” as a sign of emotional self-harm. This hit me right where I needed it to because I knew my happiness was becoming compromised due to my own decision to allow people to walk all over me. I was in a cycle of emotional self-harm.

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